Westworld 1×2
& Peter Abernathy: Wake up, Dolores. Do you remember?
& Angela: You must be William. Welcome to Westworld.
& Angela: Any history of mental illness, depression, panic attacks?
William: Just a little fear of clowns... I’m joking.
& William: I thought that you couldn’t get hurt here...
Angela: Only the right amount.
& Angela: You start in the center of the park. It’s simple, safe. The further out you venture, the more intense the experience gets. How far you want to go is entirely up to you.
& Angela: No orientation, no guidebook. Figuring out how it works is half the fun. All you do is make choices... starting here.
& William: Are you real?
Angela: Well, if you can’t tell, does it matter?
& William: What do most people do?
Angela: You don’t have to worry about what most people would do.
William: I understand.
Angela: Do you really understand, William?
& Peter Abernathy: Remember.
& Dolores: These violent delights have violent ends.
& Logan: I know that you think you have a handle on what this is gonna be. Guns and tits and all that. Mindless shit that I usually enjoy. You have no idea...
& Logan: By the end, you’re gonna be begging me to stay because this place is the answer to that question that you’ve been asking yourself.
William: What question?
Logan: Who you really are. And I can’t fucking wait to meet that guy. Bottoms up, cowboy.
& Man in Black: It’s the maze, the deepest level of this game. You’re gonna help me find the entrance.
& Maeve: «This is the new world. And in this world, you can be whoever the fuck you want.»
& Bernard Lowe: You taught me how to make them, but not how hard it is to turn them off.
Dr. Ford: You can’t play God without being acquainted with the devil.
& Bernard Lowe: ...It’s the simplest solution.
Dr. Ford: Ah, Mr. Occam’s razor. The problem, Bernard, is that what you and I do is so complicated. We practice witchcraft. We speak the right words. Then we create life itself... out of chaos... William of Occam was a 13th century monk. He can’t help us now, Bernard. He would have us burned at the stake.
& Bernard Lowe: Step into analysis, please. How many interactions have you participated in since we last talked?.
Dolores: 138 encounters including this one.
Bernard Lowe: And has anyone altered or updated your core heuristics in that time?
& Logan: See, this is your problem, my friend. You’re always worried about making a mess. You are the same way at work. You are talented, driven... and inoffensive.
& Clementine: I understand. Real love is always worth waiting for.
& Little Boy: It’s boring. Daddy said we could do as we please.
Dr. Ford: Ah, my father used to say that only boring people get bored.
Little Boy: Mine, too.
Dr. Ford: I used to think it’s only boring people who don’t feel boredom, so cannot conceive of it in others.
& Man in Black: That’s what I love about this place... all the secrets, all the little things I never noticed even after all these years. You know why this beats the real world, Lawrence? Real world is just chaos. It’s an accident. But in here, every detail adds up to something.
& Man in Black: The maze. How do I find the entrance?
& Man in Black: What’d I tell you, Lawrence? Always another level.
& Lawrence’s Daughter: Follow the blood arroyo to the place where the snake lays its eggs.
& Dr. Ford: Everything in this world is magic, except to the magician.
& Theresa: ...ironically, your creations never shut up. They’re always talking to each other, even when there are no guests around.
Bernard Lowe: They’re always trying to error correct. Make themselves more human. When they talk to each other, it’s a way of practicing.
& Behavior Tech: Do they dream?
Elsie King: What?
Behavior Tech: In her story, she said she dreamed. Do we make them dream?
Elsie King: Fuck would be the point of that?! Dreams are mainly memories. Can you imagine how fucked we’d be if these poor assholes ever remembered what the guests do to them?
& Elsie King: All right, gorgeous, you’re back to the races. You’re gonna wake in three, two, one.
& Dr. Ford: The only thing wrong with the seven deadly sins is that there aren’t more of them. It’s not about giving the guests what you think they want. No, that’s simple. The titillation, horror, elation... They’re parlor tricks.
The guests don’t return for the obvious things we do, the garish things. They come back because of the subtleties, the details. They come back because they discover something they imagine no on had ever noticed before... something they’ve fallen in love with.
They’re not looking for a story that tells them who they are. They already know who they are. They’re here because they want a glimpse of who they could be.
& Dr. Ford: The only thing your story tells me, Mr. Sizemore, is who you are.
Lee Sizemore: Well, isn’t there anything you like about it?
Dr. Ford: ... What size are those boots?
& Bernard Lowe: The board, sir... You promised them a new storyline.
Dr. Ford: They shall have one. Something I’ve been working on for some time... Something quite original.
+ quotes on the IMDb
+ soundtracks
Σ Mind blowing.
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