10 сент. 2014 г.


Tyrant 1×9

& Jamal: If you can’t get away to Cuba... bring Cuba to you.

& Molly: You know what freaks me out more than anything?.. How good you are at this. How easily this comes to you. The lying.

& Tucker: What shit has hit what fan?

& Jamal: I am relying on you, brother. You are the only one I can trust.

& Molly: Shut your mouth. I mean it, Jenna. We’re not in America, so just keep your mouth shut and get me your passport.

& Leila: We have to protect him, Bassam. You and I... we have to protect him from his enemies and from himself.

& Barry: Imagine that. Imagine living without any constant source of water. That’s the amazing thing about the Bedouin. Even in the desert, they choose land over water.

& Barry: Mass murder is not what I signed up for.
    Tucker: It’s not surgery, Barry, it’s a coup. Shit happens.

& Leila: Thank you, Bassam, as always.

& Gen. Tariq: Ask yourself, whose interest is served by this false charge? Who is the real traitor?

& Jamal: Are these the hands of a child?

& Gen. Tariq: I know your soul, Bassam. Killer! I know who you are!

& Molly: I’m asking you... I’m begging you to come home with us. Just let whatever happens here happen without you, okay?

On the IMDb

Σ How they don’t afraid to speak freely in the palace? So naive. So Don’t understand.

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