22 сент. 2014 г.


Modern Family 2×3

& Haley: Dad, can you just please tell Mom... that I can take a two-hour break and go to a party?
    Phil: No, ma’am. I’m not stepping into that one. We’re not playing good cop/Mom.

& Mitchell: I... I can’t believe you ever dated him.
    Cameron: One date. It was the ’90s. We’d just lost Princess Di. I was at sea.

& Phil: ’For months, Claire has been after me and dogging me... «Anchor the cabinet to the wall. What if we have an earthquake? We’ve got kids in the house.» Blah, blah, blah. So... It finally reached the point... where I hand no choice but to just roll up my sleeves and tell her I did it.’

+ quotes on the IMDb

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