25 июн. 2014 г.

Derek 2×5

& Anthony: Where’s the whiskey?
    Derek: Hannah CONSIFICATED it, because you can’t have it, cos you gotta be cruel to be kind.
    Anthony: There were people on the Titanic who pushed away their pudding.
    Derek: .... I don’t know what that means. But you can’t have your whiskey.

& Anthony: People always want to live a long life. Live a fun life. Yeah... If you don’t smoke and drink you live another ten years. But they’re the worst ten years.

& Kev: Yeah, I drink. So what? Deal with it. I’m a drinker. It’s what I do. Beats my reality. I don’t push drink onto anyone, so don’t push your sobriety onto me, please.

& Kev: Yeah, I like doing my art. Yeah. It gives me pleasure, and it doesn’t cause any harm, does it? It’s nice to express what’s going on in my head. Add a bit of beauty to the world, hopefully... Robocock. Or Exsperminator. Or Hard-on-D2.

& Derek: Geoff said pets aren’t allowed in heaven cos they’ve got no souls. If that’s true, I don’t want to go. I’ll go where the pets are.

& Derek: I don’t find anyone surprising, cos I always thinks, everyone’s surprising. Do you know what I mean?

& Derek: You can’t ever... You can’t ever think you know someone cos they’ve got summat else. You don’t know when it’s going to happen.

Idlewild — In Remote Part/Scottish Fiction

On the IMDb

Σ Heartbreaking ep.

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