Revolution 2×22
& President Davis: What’s going on, Ed?
Truman: Plan “B”.
& President Davis: With the Lord’s help, Texas will push California into the pacific, where those granola-eating heathens will drown. Until then, God bless Willoughby, all of Texas, and may God bless the United States of America.
& Miles: We’re doing this for Marion. And for Jason. And for everyone else these sons of bitches have taken.
Monroe: You know who makes speeches like that?.. People who are about to die.
Miles: Good point.
& Rachel: I know what you’re thinking.
Miles: No, you don’t know what I’m thinking. Don’t worry. Bass will be there with the President.
Rachel: Okay, you know what I’m thinking.
Rachel: How can you be so sure?
Miles: I’m trying something new... prayer.
& Miles: Y’all want me to have faith, hope, right? Little sunshine coming out my ass? I’ve known him longer than anybody. I’m choosing to have faith in him right now.
Rachel: Wanna know what I’m thinking now?
Miles: Not really.
& Monroe: Mr. President, you know, I gotta say, I admire you too. This, uh, God bless America routine, that... genius. I am a fan.
& Rachel: What I need to say from the bottom of my heart... is screw you.
& President Davis: Did you really think that you could Shanghai the President of the United States?
Rachel: President? Please. You are a lying car salesman. And sooner or later, people will figure out the truth.
President Davis: The truth? Americans don’t want the truth. Americans wanna feel safe. And they’ll hand over control to anyone who will give them that, and that is why I can... rape Texas and destroy California, and everyone will just smile and say thanks. I’m an insult to the real America. Lady, I am America.
& Joe: Sorry about the, uh, you know... Had to make it look authentic.
Miles: Yeah, you’re a real Meryl Streep.
& Miles: Well, have a nice trip, sweetheart. Enjoy all the torture.
& Aaron: ... And it all starts with this... This grinning man.
Rachel: What grinning man? What does that mean?
On the IMDb
Σ Officially cancelled. Will fans say their opinion pretty loud to resurrect the show?
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