24 мая 2023 г.

Rick: A Mort Well Lived

Rick and Morty 6x2

Roy: You guys keep thinking I'm a religious leader. This isn't a religion. This is actual truth. I'm a scientist in real life, but this isn't real life, this is a video game. Y-Y-You at least understand that much, right?

Roy: Everyone here, everyone in this world [is my grandson] but me. You're all my grandson, your name is Morty, you're stuck in a video game, and I'm here to get you out.

Roy: Jesus! Yes! Every single one of you is one five-billionth of Morty. All of you, collectively, are Morty.

Rick Sanchez: It's a small group of alien terrorists. Just do a "Die Hard."
Summer Sanchez: What does that mean?
Rick Sanchez: Sneak around, use air vents. You've never seen "Die Hard"?
Summer Sanchez: I'm 17. No, I've never seen fucking "Die Hard"!
Rick Sanchez: Well, neither did the guy in "Die Hard," so you're nailing it! Good luck!
Chans: Check the hostages. Make sure nobody else here is doing a "Die Hard."

Roy: Look. I feel like every time I explain this, I lose followers, but this isn't a religion. And while I do have a message from a world beyond this one, and I do need the entire world to hear my message, what I do not need is any more songs about it. Not in this genre. I'm an old-school hip-hop man, and no, that's not an invitation for you to try it because I'm just gonna say it, we're missing the mark on diversity.

Roy: There isn't even a God in the real world, you fragmented putz. There's extra no God in here.

Summer Sanchez: I got your walkie talkie. Bitch.
Chans: Are you doing a "Die Hard"?
Summer Sanchez: Maybe. Are... you? Also?
Chans: More or less. And my associate, Frank?
Summer Sanchez: Uh, your associate Frank is definitely not doing a "Die Hard." You might even say he's doing a Die Easy. Because I killed him and it wasn't difficult.

Chans: Tell me. What do you know about "Die Hard"?
Summer Sanchez: What do you care? You writing a book about "Die Hard"?
Chans: As a matter of fact, I've written several. Every sentient civilization across the galaxy eventually develops the same myth...

Chans: She threw her walkie talkie away! She hates "Die Hard"! Which makes her the ultimate McClane. Forget everything you know about "Die Hard" and just go shoot that bitch!

The President: Thank you for meeting with me, Mr. Roy. Half the country hangs on your every word. Heck, most of the world. You're, like, uh, kind of a pope, I reckon.
Roy: I... I'm not a pope because it's not a religion. We're literally in a video game.

The President: So you want every single person on a spaceship. But you got a bunch of holdouts. Maybe people that prefer their leaders a little more elected.
Roy: Right. Your voters. People that like being told what to do, but don't like admitting it.
The President: Yeah, not sure I'd put it that way.
Roy: I'm sure you'd put it a stupid way.

Marta: Y-you're fine leaving 8% of me to die?
Roy: It's not your finest 8%, Morty. And 8% of anything is expendable. 8% of pizza is crust. 8% of the Snyder Cut was Batman dreaming.

Marta: Rick, I'll get every single part of me to get on every ship and go with you.
Roy: Good.
Marta: But you have to tell us you love us.
Roy: ....
Finland PM: I mean, at this point even if he said it, what... what... what's with the pause?

Chans: Why aren't you shooting higher?
Winslow: I don't wanna shoot the glass. Because...
Chans: You don't have to not do things that were done in "Die Hard." You can shoot the glass. Shoot the glass! Throw grenades! Do everything! Just kill her!

Chans: Why are you here, Miss Die Hard?

Marta: I won't lie to you. You're dying, Dad. And we're... not leaving the video game. We're... We're gonna live our lives out here.
Marta's Dad: What? Why the fuck?!
Marta: Why? It's more real here.
Marta's Dad: The hell it is! My liver hurts! I'm old here! I wanna be a teenage boy! I want to jump around and do homework and jerk off all over the place.
Marta: But, Dad, that's... We would've been one tiny part of that. In here, we get to be who we really are.
Marta's Dad: Yeah. Great. Dead. I get to be a dead father.

Chans: I must say I admire you, Ms. Die Hard. You were a genuine McClane... a most worthy Yankee doodle ruffian. But now it's all come to an end... And the quarterback, as they say, is toast.

Chans: I don't suppose you have a gun taped to your back.
Summer Sanchez: What the hell does that mean?
Chans: It's how "Die Hard" ends. Doesn't matter now.
Summer Sanchez: "Die Hard" tapes a gun to his back? That's the end of your perfect movie that you've patterned your whole criminal life after?

Summer Sanchez: Yiiiiiiiiiii... ippppppeeeeeeeee...
Chans: Oh.
Summer Sanchez: ...dippee doo, baby!

Rick Sanchez: Classic "Tower Man." Almost too on the nose. Right, Morty?
Morty Sanchez: Sure. I mean, whatever you say, Rick. Y-You know best! I trust you implicitly.
Summer Sanchez: Is he all right?
Rick Sanchez: Oh, yeah, he's fine. Got him all out, every last piece...

Warehouse Worker 1: Hey, is anybody that wants this later gonna be able to...
Warehouse Worker 2: Huh? Oh, yeah, everything's cataloged and tracked. People got the wrong idea from the size of the space, but it's all supported digitally.
Warehouse Worker 1: So I can put it anywhere. Here's fine?
Warehouse Worker 2: That's as fine as anywhere else!

+ Quotes on the IMDb

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