1 мая 2023 г.

Deep Learning

South Park 26×4

Bebe Stevens: Clyde just sent me another text... I texted him if he thought about me all the time, and he texted back, "It certainly seems like all the time. It's hard to get someone like you out of my mind."

Bebe Stevens: Yesterday, I texted him, "How do you know you're in love with me?" And he said, "I know I'm in love with you because spending time with you makes me feel like I'm home and I can't imagine life without you." ... OMG, Clyde. Do you really care about me that much?...
Red McArthur: Does Stan ever talk to you like that, Wendy?
Wendy Testaburger: No. Every time I send Stan a text, he just responds with a thumbs up emoji.
Bebe Stevens: Yeah, well, Clyde is just really into me. Oh, he's texting back!... "Yes, I do care about you that much. You mean a lot to me and I care deeply about you."

Stan Marsh: ...And Wendy said that she wishes I would reply to her texts the way that Clyde responds to Bebe's. So, like... how do you do it?
Clyde Donovan: ChatGPT, dude.
Stan Marsh: ChatGPT?
Clyde Donovan: Yeah, dude, there's a bunch of apps and programs you can subscribe to that use OpenAI to do all your writing for you. People use em to write poems, write job applications, but what they're really good for is dealing with chicks.

Clyde Donovan: There's tons of ChatGPT apps for you phone. So, then I can take whatever latest dumb thing Bebe texted me, I copy it, then I open the GPT app, Click "respond to," paste her text here, hit "write." It just thinks for a second... "You would look great with any length of hair! Trying a new look could be fun." Copy that into messages and send it off. It's super easy and convenient and it saves me a ton of time because she texts me so goddamn much-- Jesus Christ! "I probably won't do it, but thanks for being supportive." Cut. Paste. Write. Cut. Messages. Paste. Send. There.

Eric Cartman This can't be open source, you guys! If everyone starts using ChatGPT, then we lose our unfair advantage.

Eric Cartman So we're all in it together. But you guys need to be careful what you use it for. Because once you bring girls into things, they're gonna ruin it. Just like slavery.

Mr. Garrison: Ugh, God, I can't take it, Rick!... Oh, it's just grading these stupid papers all the time! I have to read em' all and comment on each one of them. Jesus Christ. Something's changed, and now a few of the kids are writing these really long, detailed essays. I don't know what's going on. I guess I've taught them really well, maybe a bit too well.
Rick: Uh, yeah... Have you ever heard of ChatGPT?
Mr. Garrison: ChatGP-Whoza what the [BLEEP] is that?

Mr. Garrison: Wait a minute... There's an app that anyone can use that does all the thinking and writing for you?... Well, this is gonna be amazing! I can use it to grade all my papers, and no one will ever know! I'll just type the title of the essay in, and it'll generate a comment, and I don't even have to read the stupid things!

Wendy Testaburger: ... you're right. We can't dwell on those things. You're right about a lot of stuff. There was just that one thing I don't understand. About the boating accident in Switzerland?
Stan Marsh: The boating accident in Switzerland... was tough.
Wendy Testaburger: I thought you said it was great.
Stan Marsh: It was great. And very tough.
Wendy Testaburger: But how did it cause the thing with your cousin?

Wendy Testaburger: Thank you so much, Stan. Thank you for being the only real thing in my life.

Mr. Mackey: M'kay, kids, I need to discuss a very serious matter. There is a rumor going around that someone at this school is using open AI technology to do their work.
Mr. Garrison: Well, that's crazy! Who would do that?

Mr. Mackey: Now, I know that everyone at this school is honest, hard-working, m'kay, wouldn't... Wouldn't even want to use this "ChatGBD."
Butters Stotch: ChatGPT!
Mr. Mackey: Oh, m'kay, but the school board has decided to call in a company that can detect AI in schoolwork and make sure nobody here is cheating.

Mr. Mackey: M'kay, I'm just a little confused. You think we shouldn't have the kids' schoolwork analyzed for using AI writing apps?
Mr. Garrison: Look, it's just... It's really unfair to the kids. I mean, what are we saying? That we don't trust them? I mean, geez!
Mr. Mackey: But don't you think if kids aren't writing their own papers, we should know?
Mr. Garrison: Oh, what are people afraid of? That AI is gonna replace real writers? That Hollywood is gonna become just a bland recycling of old ideas? It already is! AI might help it!

Anti-ChatGPT Technician: It only takes one student. And then it spreads like a cancer. Come, Shadowbane! Let us find this ChatGPT-using cheater!

Mr. Garrison: I don't wanna punish anyone, Stan. I completely understand.
Stan Marsh: You do?
Mr. Garrison: Sure, I think most the world does. I mean, why does it matter who uses AI apps? It's just like having a good writer's assistant.
Stan Marsh: Yeah, like a good writer's assistant.
Mr. Garrison: Yeah! I mean, you're still the one taking the time to, like, push the buttons and stuff.

Mr. Garrison: Hold on. People can use it to respond to other people's texts?!

Stan Marsh: I don't know what to do. I'm not creative enough to think of a way out of this... Wait. That's it!

Stan Marsh: Look, everyone, we can't blame people who are using ChatGPT. It's not their fault. ... It's the giant tech companies who took open AI, packaged it, monetized it, and pushed it out to all of us as fast as they could in order to get ahead. Open AI is so powerful that it has to be something that everyone can use, control, and contribute to. Or else AI will be controlled by corporations who just want an unfair advantage like Cartman does.
Eric Cartman Hey! Screw you, you dumb Jew!

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