29 мая 2023 г.

Boys of Summer

The Wire 4×1

School Receptionist: You tell them, I ain't even gonna try to pronounce it.
Roland 'Prez' Pryzbylewski: Roland Pryzbylewksi. Everyone just calls me "Prez". ... New in math. I won't have my certificate until next year but they said I'd be getting classes because of staff shortages?
Assistant Principal Marcia Donnelly: Jesus. Lambs to the slaughter here.

Former Mayor 'Young Tony': You know what I think, Tommy? No matter what, you got your name out there and it'll help you down the road if you ever want to step up to the legislature. But as one paisan to another, the day of the white mayor is over.

Theresa D'Agostino: One man's shithead's another man's vice president.

Councilman Thomas 'Tommy' Carcetti: You think they'll vote for the white guy?
Norman Wilson: Black folk been voting white for a long time. You come correct, we listen. It's y'all that'll never vote black.

Councilman Thomas 'Tommy' Carcetti: I don't have your vote, Norman? You're my deputy campaign manager and I don't have your vote.
Norman Wilson: Last white man I could vote for was Bobby Kennedy and you ain't no Bobby K.
Councilman Thomas 'Tommy' Carcetti: I thought you just said...
Norman Wilson: I was speaking in general about the kindly nature of black folks. In particular, I ain't all that kindly.

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