29 мая 2023 г.

A New Weather Girl and a Stay-at-Home Coddler

Young Sheldon 6×19

Mandy: I want a career.
Georgie: Well, I-I happen to think motherhood is a career.
Mandy: Hmm. What about fatherhood? You have a job.
Georgie: That's different.
Mandy: Why?
Georgie: Because. There's lots of reasons.

Mandy: So you just get to have a job and a life, and I have to stay home with the baby?
Georgie: Or I have to have a job and you get to stay home with the baby. It's all about perspective.

Sheldon: Yes, is this the Columbia summer science honors program?... My name is Sheldon Cooper, perhaps you've heard of me... Well, now you have.

Mary: Shelly, how bad could it be? You started college when you were 11.
Sheldon: Well, it was impressive when I was little and cute. But now that I'm old and cute, it's just not the same thing.

Mandy: I can't find anything to wear for my interview.
Connie: Well, let's see... Hmm. That's pretty cute.
Mandy: "Can't find" was code for "can't fit into."

George: Someday [Sheldon's] kids are gonna tell him he's ruinin' their lives.
Mary: You think?
George: If he has 'em, they're gonna say it. So probably not.
Adult Sheldon: Joke's on him. I did have kids. And joke's on me. They say it all the time.

Pres. Hagemeyer: Sheldon... I haven't had my coffee yet.
Sheldon: I thought you might say that.
Pres. Hagemeyer: Thank you.
Sheldon: I'm not a coffee drinker. I hope you like seven sugars.

Georgie: All right, no one else is touchin' my baby's head... for free.

Dr. Sturgis: Trying to solve unified field theory?

Sheldon: Yes. Who needs a summer program if you can solve what Albert Einstein couldn't. Let's see Caltech say no to this.

Adult Sheldon: Mandy was proving that new mothers could do anything anyone else could do. In fact, they could do more, like make their own milk, right there, on camera...

Sheldon: Heidelberg, Germany?
Dr. Linkletter: A summer program 5,000 miles away. Only a fool would say no to that.
Sheldon: Well, that would certainly help my grad school applications.
Dr. Sturgis: Yes, and they're doing exciting work on superstrings.
Sheldon: Fantastisch. That's German for "fantastic."
Dr. Linkletter: Ich helfe dir beim packen. That's German for "I'll help you pack."

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