22 мая 2023 г.

Casual Friday

The Office 5×24

Michael Scott: Well, I guess the first order of business is to welcome back me and Pam and Ryan.

Michael Scott: When I needed salespeople for my new paper company, everyone here turned their back on me. Am I going to ask them to beg for forgiveness? No. Am I going to ask for a big, crying apology? No. Am I going to ask them to slit their wrists for me? No. I just want a tiny, microscopic version of that.

Angela Martin: The man is wearing sandals! I don't need to see Oscar's toes at work. Gross! I mean, he looks like he just got off the boat.
Toby Flenderson: Can't you just not look at his feet?
Angela Martin: Excuse me? Oh! You're so educated, aren't you, Toby? So trained to deal with a hysterical woman! I don't want to look at his feet! Do your job!

Creed Bratton: It's crazy, what's going on out there today, huh?
Jim Halpert: I know. Yeah, it's kinda...
Creed Bratton: Sometimes it's best just to stay out of it.
Jim Halpert: That's true. That's right, yeah.
Creed Bratton: Want to play a game?

Meredith Palmer: What? What's wrong with my outfit?
Toby Flenderson: You might consider pulling it down a touch. It's riding up a little high.
Meredith Palmer: Bunch of prudes. You know, Oscar's allowed to wear sandals, but I'm not allowed to wear open-toed shoes? Is that how it goes?
Toby Flenderson: Meredith, your boob is out.
Meredith Palmer: Fine.
Oscar Martinez: Damn it, Meredith, where are your panties?
Meredith Palmer: It's casual day! Happy?

Jim Halpert: I'm just hiding out until all this stuff blows over. With Creed. Playing chess. At work. He's winning.

Michael Scott: No matter how I look at this, I am in the wrong. And I have looked at this thing like 100 different ways, from my point of view, from their point of view, 98 others, and bottom line, I am in the wrong. I'm the bad guy.

Michael Scott: So, from the bottom of my heart to the top of my heart, I am sorry.
Dwight Schrute: Are you giving us our clients back?
Michael Scott: If we could just focus and go down the line, and everyone would say, "Apology accepted," I think we would all feel better, and then we can break out my gift to you, complimentary white chocolate bark.
Stanley Hudson: Nobody likes that stuff, except for you.
Michael Scott: They wouldn't make it unless people liked it.

Creed Bratton: So, hey, I want to set you up with my daughter.
Jim Halpert: Oh, I'm engaged to Pam.
Creed Bratton: I thought you were gay.
Jim Halpert: Then why would you want to set me up with your daughter?
Creed Bratton: I don't know.

Michael Scott: I have a very difficult decision to make. It's like last week I was at the video store. Do I rent Devil Wears Prada again or do I finally get around to seeing Sophie's Choice? It is what you would call a classic difficult decision.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

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