24 мая 2021 г.

Thunder Force (2021)

Lydia Berman: Do you wanna hang out after school?
Emily Stanton: Sure.
Lydia Berman: What do you like to do?
Emily Stanton: Read.
Lydia Berman: ..... Oh. You weren't kidding. Okay.

Frank: Maybe Emily will say no, but you don't know unless you ask... You know, it's like trying to skip a rock in a lake. You know the lake's gonna eat it. It took you half an hour to find the right flat rock, but you gotta throw it. Otherwise, you're not gonna know if it's gonna skip. But sure enough, you throw the rock, zing, it goes right into the water. Okay, let's go underwater. There's a big salmon swimming by. The rock flies in, beans the salmon in the head. Dead as a doornail. Floats to the top.
Lydia Berman: Jesus.
Frank: That's not the worst of it.
Lydia Berman: Is there more?
Frank: The salmon's a female. Loaded with little eggs. Just like the Titanic, they're all dead.
Lydia Berman: In this, am I the rock, or who's the... In this situation?
Frank: You could be the rock, you could be the fish, you could be the thrower of the stone. You could be the lake.
Lydia Berman: Okay.
Frank: Food for thought. Or not.

Lydia Berman: Whoa. This looks like the jail cell on Battlestar Galactica.

Lydia Berman: I'm sorry. This bird is just so good. It's so good...
Emily Stanton: Oh my god, I've created a raw chicken monster.
Lydia Berman: Mwah! It's delicious. My compliments to whoever didn't cook it.
Emily Stanton: Can't unsee that.

Lydia Berman: Here we go. Crater Joe. Uh, Flapjack Crackers. Thunder Force... Mango flops! Did I just do it? Yeah.
Emily Stanton: Mango Flops?
Lydia Berman: What? No. Thunder Force.
Emily Stanton: That sounds kind of dude-ish.
Lydia Berman: Everything sounds stupid the first time you hear it.

Lydia Berman: Can I say something?
Emily Stanton: Absolutely not.
Lydia Berman: This car makes me ovulate. I wanna have shiny, purple Lamborghini babies.
Emily Stanton: I knew I didn't wanna hear it.

The Crab: What's our next move?
The King: Well, as I like to say, when life gives you lemons, make… lemon-flavored napalm.

The Crab: What are you doin'?
Lydia Berman: I'm just butterin' your knuckle...

Tracy: Can you read me?
Lydia Berman: Hammer down.
Tracy: What does that mean?
Lydia Berman: It's lingo for "Yep."

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Σ pita4og: «главная проблема - сценарий: прямой как палка и без интриги. Шутки неудачные, местами даже противные. Актрисы няши, я их люблю, но положения это не спасает.»

Σ nostradamvs: «Глупая, но местами довольно-таки смешная комедия о том, как две толстые тётки средних лет обрели суперспособности и стали супергероями. Если вы фанат Мелиссы Маккарти, фильм для вас. Если нет, посмотрите что-нибудь другое.»

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