14 мая 2021 г.

Ruling Days

Ozark 1×5

Jonah Byrde: My parents don't really like guns.
Buddy Dieker: Why the hell did they move here if they don't like guns? You know, a kid can't pass middle school health class here until he had his hunter's safety badge.
Jonah Byrde: It was for work.
Buddy Dieker: What kinda work?
Jonah Byrde: My dad brings businesses back to life.
Buddy Dieker: Well, wasn't the swamp thing on the dock in business with your dad? If so, looks like a mighty dangerous place to be.

Buddy Dieker: Well, I've been here nearly 30-odd years. And in that time, every son of a bitch I've seen move here was running from something unsavory.
Jonah Byrde: ... What were you running from? You moved here, right? What did you do?

Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Things are a little, uh, complicated at the house right now.
Rachel: Well... if anyone knows complicated, it's me.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Hmm. Well, my wife's talking to her dead lover's son...

Sheriff John Nix: I'm gonna give you the simplest, most neighborly advice I can give. Whatever it is you're up to... stop.

Martin 'Marty' Byrde: It'd have to be massive.
Wendy Byrde: Yeah! Well, obviously.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Think lots of people. Lots of cash. And no IRS.
Wendy Byrde: Okay. So... so... so what is that?
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: I don't know. You tell me.
Wendy Byrde: I'm... Well, there's gotta be some business the IRS is afraid to touch...

Grace Young: What made you stop attending?
Wendy Byrde: I... I don't know. Uh, I mean, I don't believe that... people actually need a reason to do the things they do. I mean, sometimes people just act. And then they come up with an explanation later when they're looking back.

Charlotte Byrde: Science fiction's not really my thing.
Wyatt Langmore: Says everyone who's never read real sci-fi. It's about humans, right? So in this, it's like we're the Martians. We're the aliens. We go to Mars... take the place over, wipe out all the Martians and, like, try to make it our own. But then we realize... it can never really be ours, like... even the people that were born there, never known any other place, they'll still always be aliens. And the best part is, like, all these people move to Mars, try to escape their problems on Earth, and they get there and... it's like life on Mars isn't any different. Like, they just bring all their old problems with them.

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