7 мая 2021 г.

Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)

Bernie: No, don't eat that! It's incredibly unhealthy. It's just all the GMOs.
Dr. Lind: Well, I, uh, might have an idea. But it's crazy.
Walter Simmons: I love crazy ideas. They made me rich.

Maia Simmons: Did the monkey just talk?

Madison Russell: He's not a weirdo. He's a covert investigator. And he's the only one looking for the truth about Godzilla and Apex.

Bernie: Before we go any farther, I got one question. Tap or no tap?
Madison Russell: No tap.
Josh: Excuse me, what is "tap"?
Madison Russell: Water.
Bernie: They put fluoride in it. Learned it from the Nazis. Theory is it makes you docile, easy to manipulate.
Josh: Oh, I drink tap water.
Bernie: Yeah, I kind of figured that.
Bernie: That's robot Godzilla.
Josh: Oh, no. That's... That's Mechagodzilla.

Bernie: If this wasn't contributing to world destruction, this would be a great DJ booth.

Bernie: It's unfair. I really wanted to hear the rest of that speech.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Σ pita4og: «Мне все понравилось!!»
Σ morphologist: «Godzilla vs. Kong: A morphologist chooses the real winner»
Σ nostradamvs: «1/10»

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