31 мая 2021 г.


Resident Alien 1×3

Harry Vanderspeigle: How was I supposed to know when I threw him on top of the ice he would disappear into the lake? I am an alien. I don't know every little detail about how Earth works.

Harry Vanderspeigle: Sleep, another example of humans being weak and inefficient. Their bodies must shut down for eight hours every single day, or they don't work properly... Please be 6:00AM. Please be 6:00AM.

Harry Vanderspeigle: If I can't sleep, I can at least learn to be a better doctor...Circumcision. What is that, eye surgery? Click... They are a savage people!

Harry Vanderspeigle: This is bad. I just felt my rear iris pucker and my testicles tighten. My taint remains unchanged.

Harry Vanderspeigle: Well, you don't have anything to worry about. I'm not an alien. Unfortunately. I hear they're pretty cool...

Sheriff Mike Thompson: Okay. As you all know, we recently lost one of our own, Sam Hodges, who was murdered. Now, finding this here foot in there? This is a good thing, 'cause it means that we don't have a murderer in our town.
Deputy Liv Baker: We... we don't?
Sheriff Mike Thompson: We got ourselves a serial killer, y'all.
D'Arcy: How the hell is that a good thing?
Sheriff Mike Thompson: Serial killers don't run away and hide. They lie in wait to strike again, so they're easier to catch. Hell, if I was a serial killer, I'd be in this room right now looking for my next victim... All right. Whoa, whoa, whoa, don't worry!

Harry Vanderspeigle: I can help. I am a pathologist. You don't need to send the whole foot to Denver.
Sheriff Mike Thompson: Well, then pathologize the damn thing and get me a DNA sample.

Sheriff Mike Thompson: We got some Ted Bundy shit going on around here, and I need to put a stop to it before he strikes again.
Harry Vanderspeigle: Or she. The killer could be a woman. That's sexist. You're sexist.
Sheriff Mike Thompson: Let me tell you something. When I say he, I mean he or she. You know, between you and me, what is this PC bullshit anyway now where you gotta say "he/she" for "he" when "he" already mean "he/she," you know what I mean?
Harry Vanderspeigle: I just think it'll be more respectful if you think of the killer as a woman.

Asta Twelvetrees: When you said "have some fun," I thought you meant dinner or maybe a movie.
D'Arcy: Come on, we got a live show here. The finale, fingers crossed, is a bloated, dead corpse.

D'Arcy: Harry? Are you home?
Harry Vanderspeigle: Yes, I'm home just standing here doing nothing.
Asta Twelvetrees: Oh, cool. Looks like a fun night.

D'Arcy: He's got all the vitamins. A, B, C... oh, my God.
Asta Twelvetrees: Huh?
D'Arcy: They're stored in alphabetical order. He's a maniac. I'm so turned on.

Asta Twelvetrees: Who even are you, Harry Vanderspeigle?
Harry Vanderspeigle: Just a... guy.

Harry Vanderspeigle: Everybody has secrets. Fear is such a great motivator. It makes people lock those secrets away. But for every one person locking away their secrets, there are two more people seeking to uncover the truth. Scary, right?

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Le Bureau des Légendes #4.7

Malotru: I'm an immigrant. I like it.
César: You've become Russian.
Malotru: "When in Rome...
César: ...do as the Romans do."

César: I'm left-handed with a deformed thumb, I wear contacts and am flat-footed. I speak English, Italian and Hebrew. I get hay fever. I code in Python... You must know that.
Malotru: Keep talking.
César: Both my parents are alive. I'm straight and don't smoke. I can only drink one beer, and I take Atarax to sleep. I never sit first. It's an OCD thing. Sometimes, I breathe loudly so I know I'm breathing. I massage my carotid artery when my heart races because I'm afraid of heart attacks. I have vertigo and claustrophobia. I don't read novels, so don't bother with quotes. Same for movies, because I don't see any. But I'm unbeatable at Watchmen and a whiz at Wow.
Malotru: And you have Asperger's.
César: Did you tell them?
Malotru: Sorry, I had to. You know what it is?
César: I'll research online.
César: I was told to tell you this is a NF mission.
Malotru: NF?
César: Yeah.
Malotru: You know what that means?
César: No Fail mission.
Malotru: Agents can be sacrificed on this mission.
César: Who?
Malotru: Anyone. But not you.

Moustapha: I worked at the Tadmor jail. On the register. You understand?
Jonas: You managed the inmate register.
Moustapha: No, in Syria, it means something else. When a political prisoner arrives, the first thing they do is change his name. You have to make him remember his new name. And force the other prisoners to call him by the new name. If anyone disobeys... he's tortured. He is tortured until he forgets his old name. After a few months, if he's still alive, he transfers to a new jail and gets a new name again. Like that, he doesn't exist anymore.

Moustapha: What were French prisons called during the Dark Ages?
Jonas: "Oubliettes".
Moustapha: Oubliettes... That's a nice word. Here too, we have "oubliettes".

Moustapha: It's sheep's brain. Eat. It's very good.
Jonas: Thank you.
Moustapha: Why do you make a face? You eat frogs in France, don't you?

Malotru: When they asked if you were here to spy on them, I was afraid it might be true. You're not here to spy on them?
César: No.
Malotru: And the lie detector confirmed it.
César: ... It would have been the same if I had lied. A word can either be a variable or a constant. If it's a variable, it has no link to reality. I replied "no", as if it were a variable. Not a constant.

On the IMDb

Ли Чайлд — Джек Ричер: Цена её жизни

<< Этаж смерти (Джек Ричер — 1)

Джек Ричер — 2

цитаты,Ли Чайлд,Джек Ричер,Цена её жизни,DIE TRYING,ex-military,hostage,FBI,agent,traitor,megalomaniac,murder,escape
  “ ...Натан Рубин погиб из-за собственной храбрости.

&  Ричер просто сидел в полумраке и использовал жаркое время безделья на размышления и планы, как его обучили делать. Сохраняя спокойствие и хладнокровие, оставаясь в готовности, не сжигая энергию на бесполезную суету. Оценивая и осмысливая.

&  Техник взял пульт дистанционного управления со смесью уверенности и неуверенности, которую демонстрируют технические специалисты во всем мире. Они свободно обращаются с самым сложным оборудованием, но каждый конкретный аппарат обладает своими причудами.

&  Ричер зашевелился. На самом деле у него не было никакого желания двигаться. Ему было неудобно, но он был доволен тем, что имел. В особенности ему было приятно ощущать прикосновение волос Холли к плечу. В жизни всегда так. Во всем можно найти светлые стороны.

&  – Я не доверяю никому и подозреваю всех. Осторожности никогда не может быть слишком много.

&  Игра очевидная, и одержать победу вней невозможно. Поэтому Ричер промолчал. К этой тактике ему уже приходилось прибегать тысячу раз: если сомневаешься, просто держи рот на замке.

&  Спорить еще не значит одерживать верх.

&  Достаточно искушенный в политических играх, он понимал, что, если противника нельзя одолеть, надо переходить на его сторону. Заставить себя думать так, как думает он.

&  Если рядовой получил приказ, чего он боится больше всего на свете? Получить нагоняй от офицера за то, что не смог выполнить этот приказ, вот чего.
     Так что рядовой или выполняет приказ, или скрывает то, что не смог его выполнить. Ни один рядовой за всю историю еще не приходил к своему командиру со словами: «Сэр, я не смог этого сделать».

&  Рэй так и не появился. Ричер прождал восемь минут. Долгий опыт научил его: если человек не вышел через шесть минут, он не выйдет вообще. Людям свойственно мыслить пятиминутными интервалами. Это связано с тем, как размечен циферблат часов. Человек говорит себе: подожду пять минут. Затем из осторожности добавляет еще одну минуту, считая, что это очень умно. Ричер прождал пять минут, затем одну дополнительную, потом еще две для большей надежности. Но Рэй так и не появился. Значит, он вообще не покинет дом.

  ... Ему там понравилось. Он пришел к выводу, что Висконсин в июле – очень неплохое местечко. И задержался там до пятницы.”

>> Ловушка (Джек Ричер — 3) (будет (בהנ"ו))

30 мая 2021 г.

Stowaway (2021)

David Kim: Okay, five hours down, two years a go.

Michael Adams: I'm sorry. I've gotta ask. What is this?
David Kim: What are we listening to? Like you don't listen to jazz at all?
Michael Adams: No, I mean not really.
David Kim: Actually my wife is the one that got me into jazz, but now I love it... Yeah, research can get a little bit monotonous at times. Especially psychology, but these guys, they keep me on my toes. Sanders, Coltrane, Bird...
Michael Adams: They're like basketball players or--
David Kim: Yeah, the basketball players. No, they're not basketball players. These guys are the jazz legends of the 60s.
Michael Adams: Right, I knew that.
David Kim: There, you hear how it's unpredictable? But it still has rules. That generally playing together, but once in a while, a player or two will drift off into their own little groove. There, you hear...
Michael Adams: No, I don't. It sounds like a hot mess.
David Kim: Well that's what I like about it, it's not obvious. And sometimes, it can be a little bit unpleasant, but it's pure expression, and it usually finds a balance.
Michael Adams: Nice, I can dig that.

Zoe Levenson: I will never get used to how little materials is between us and space...
Michael Adams: That I know. When they started adding a third passenger, to make up for the weight, they made the functional module almost half the size and removed a protective layer of shielding.
Zoe Levenson: Hey, that's not helpful.
Michael Adams: Just facts.

Zoe Levenson: So how much time does he have left?

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Resident Alien 1×2

Harry Vanderspeigle: All beings of the universe are different. For instance, my people are brilliant. Humans, on the other hand, are so dumb that they think the leading cause of death is heart disease. It's not. It's almond milk. Even the Grey aliens won't touch the stuff.

Harry Vanderspeigle: Despite their differences, there is one truth that connects all beings. Life doesn't ever go as planned.

Max: The alien from my bedroom, he's in there. He's the new doctor!

Deputy Liv Baker: Hey, I know the sheriff can seem kind of mean sometimes, but he's just a teddy bear... With severe control and anger issues.

Asta Twelvetrees: I don't know anything about you. Where are you from?
Harry Vanderspeigle: ... I'm hungry.

Harry Vanderspeigle: This human form is confusing to me. I am often struck with a sharp emptiness inside me. I eat food, but the emptiness doesn't go away.

Harry Vanderspeigle: Pathetic humans letting their emotions dictate their behavior. ... I can read the emotions on their faces. Sadness masking as anger. Weakness masking as superiority. This one's like a pet rabbit that you yell at so much its hair starts to fall out.

Harry Vanderspeigle: This is easy. I've got this. It's all just math. If I can land a spacecraft on an asteroid travelling 50,000 miles an hour, I can roll a ball on some wood.

Gerard: I liked Sam, but he was always, "Don't eat this. Don't eat that. Your diet's gonna kill you."
Asta Twelvetrees: Well, what you eat is important.
Harry Vanderspeigle: I don't agree with that.
Gerard: Oh, no?
Harry Vanderspeigle: No. There are ten things on here that are going to kill him sooner than eating bad food does.
Asta Twelvetrees: Harry.
Gerard: No, I want to hear. Sam never mentioned that. Tell me when. Look, I just turned 80. You can give it to me straight. How long do you think I have?
Harry Vanderspeigle: Do you like Christmas?
Gerard: Yes, very much.
Harry Vanderspeigle: Celebrate it before June.
Gerard: Oh, okay. Oh. But between now and Christmas?
Harry Vanderspeigle: You can eat anything you want.

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+ Soundtrack

29 мая 2021 г.

Coffee, Black

Ozark 1×9

Jacob Snell: All you did was tell him about our operation. A fact which, quite frankly, makes us question your intelligence. You gave us distribution, but you stole our anonymity. So you wanna know what we did? We stole yours.

Wendy Byrde: Jesus fucking Christ. It just never ends.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Don't know what you want me to say. I'm worried about the $8 million today. I haven't gone on to worry about the fact that the prize for saving our fucking lives is just to do it all over again, only ten times bigger.
Wendy Byrde: We're done?
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: For now.

Martin 'Marty' Byrde: How'd that Sam thing go?
Wendy Byrde: We own a funeral home now.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Of course we do.

Wendy Byrde: Oh, my God.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: How much?
Garcia: Fifty mil.

Martin 'Marty' Byrde: It's not wrapped.
Garcia: So wrap it.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Fifty million?
Garcia: You're a smart man, Marty. You'll figure it out.

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Le Bureau des Légendes #4.6

Jean-Paul: What are they talking about?
Jonas: "I'll take the bearded guy. But what about the hippo? He can't run. He'll get us into trouble. He'll sprain his ankle. We don't have time for that."

Sisteron: Listen carefully. Your legend, all the stories you'll tell... It's like you actually you lived them. There's no other version. You understand?
César: No.
Sisteron: They're not stories. They're the truth. If you meet someone in Moscow, he'll ask questions. Your answers aren't fabricated. You really lived them.

Sisteron: Never let your guard down. Never, not with anyone. Not even your boss.

Sisteron: He's not ready.
Marie-Jeanne: Explain.
Sisteron: Two things still escape him. How vital it is to "live" his legend, to have it stuck to his skin... And he hasn't grasped what it means to be embedded. He falls into traps like an amateur. He needs practice.
Marie-Jeanne: It doesn't come naturally to anyone.

On the IMDb

28 мая 2021 г.


The Handmaid's Tale 4×4

June: It's milk. Shit.

Rita: It's a miracle. I didn't think the Commander could...
Serena: Well, Gilead's clean water and clean air and God's grace. It's what we always wanted. What we always prayed for.

Nurse: Your body was made to keep that baby, not get rid of it. All women regret doing this, Janine. You think you'll be fine. But no one's fine after killing their baby.

Rita: Did you know in Gilead I was officially considered property of the Waterford family?.. Hmm. Registered and everything. Like my old Nissan Altima.

On the IMDb
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In Dreams

Fear the Walking Dead 6×12

Grace: I thought it was going to be different. But it was just a dream. It was just a dream.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

27 мая 2021 г.

The Philadelphia Story (1940)

Dinah Lord: This stinks.
Margaret Lord: Don't say "stinks," darling. If absolutely necessary, "smells." But only if absolutely necessary.

Margaret Lord: Tracy sets exceptionally high standards for herself, that's all. And other people aren't always quite apt to live up to them.

Macaulay Connor: I don't think you're being fair to me, Mr. Kidd.
Sidney Kidd: No?
Macaulay Connor: No. You're treating me like you treat all your other writers.
Sidney Kidd: You really hate me, don't you, Connor?
Macaulay Connor: No. I don't like you very much though.
Sidney Kidd: You hate me, I trust, Miss Imbrie?
Elizabeth Imbrie: No, I... I can't afford to hate anybody. I'm only a photographer.

Sidney Kidd: Your assignment will be Spy's most sensational achievement... Tracy Lord. Big game hunting in Africa, fox hunting in Pennsylvania... Married on impulse and divorced in a rage. And always unapproachable by the press. "The Unapproachable Miss Lord..." "The Philadelphia Story."

Macaulay Connor: The south parlor? Miss Imbrie, the south parlor... The queen will have bread and honey at the usual time.

Elizabeth Imbrie: Seems a little cold for the south parlor.
Macaulay Connor: I'd rather expected to find pickaninnies and banjos.

Elizabeth Imbrie: What's this room? I forgot my compass.
Macaulay Connor: Well, this would be south-southwest parlor-by-living-room.

Elizabeth Imbrie: Knickknacks, gimcracks, signed photographs... Wouldn't you know you'd have to be as rich as the Lords to live in a dump like this?
Macaulay Connor: I wouldn't live in it if they paid me.
Elizabeth Imbrie: They won't.

Macaulay Connor: Look. How do you like this? "Living room. Sitting room. Terrace. Pool. Stables."
Elizabeth Imbrie: That's probably so they can talk to the horses without having them in the house.

Macaulay Connor: Now, about this girl... Tracy Samantha Lord.
C.K. Dexter Haven: What about her?
Macaulay Connor: Well, what's her leading characteristic?
C.K. Dexter Haven: She has a horror of men who wear their hats in the house.
Elizabeth Imbrie: Leading characteristics to be filled in later...
Macaulay Connor: I can fill them in right now. The young, rich, rapacious American female. No other country where she exists.
Elizabeth Imbrie: And would I change places with Tracy Samantha Lord for all her wealth and beauty? Oh boy just ask me.

Tracy Lord: English history. It's always fascinated me. Cromwell, Robin Hood, Jack the Ripper.

Librarian: What does thee wish?
Macaulay Connor: I'm looking for some local bi... What did you say?
Librarian: What does thee wish?
Macaulay Connor: Um, local biography or history.
Librarian: If thee wilt consult with my colleague in there.
Macaulay Connor: Mm-hmm. Dost thou have a washroom?.. Thank thee.

C.K. Dexter Haven: It's astonishing what money can do for people. Don't you agree, Mr. Connor?
Macaulay Connor: Not too much, you know. Just more than enough.

Seth Lord: You have a good mind, a pretty face, a disciplined body that does what you tell it. You have everything it takes to make a lovely woman except the one essential... an understanding heart. And without that, you might just as well be made of bronze.

Macaulay Connor: You know, champagne's funny stuff. I'm used to whiskey. Whiskey's a slap on the back and champagne's a heavy mist before my eyes.

Tracy Lord: Did you enjoy the party?
Macaulay Connor: Sure, sure. The prettiest sight in this fine, pretty world is the privileged class enjoying its privileges.

Tracy Lord: Snob.
Macaulay Connor: Say, what do you mean, "snob"?
Tracy Lord: You're the worst kind there is... an intellectual snob. You've made up your mind awfully young, it seems to me.
Macaulay Connor: Well, 30's about time to make up your mind.
Tracy Lord: And I'm nothing of the sort, not Mr. Connor. The time to make up your mind about people... is never.

Tracy Lord: Oh, I don't know. I don't know anything anymore.
C.K. Dexter Haven: Oh, that sounds very hopeful, Red. That sounds just fine.

+++ Quotes on the IMDb

Le Bureau des Légendes #4.5

Gaingouin: I don't usually quote Putin, but I will now. "Whoever leads in artificial intelligence will rule the world."

Jonas: Why the hell didn't I stay at the office?

La mule: What's Moscow like?
Marina: Who's asking? My friend or my taxi driver?
La mule: Your friend driving a taxi.
Marina: Don't get upset.
La mule: I'm not.

César: Why aren't you going?
Sylvain: Everything I can do, they can do too. But you...
César: I know lots of things they don't.
Sylvain: You'd blow them away.
César: Yeah.
Sylvain: Watch out, being me isn't always fun.

On the IMDb

26 мая 2021 г.

The Music and the Mirror

This Is Us 5×14

Kate: Okay, well, time to call the plumber, I guess.
Toby: Uh, excuse me. I can migrate a Windows server to Ubuntu in a weekend. I think I can fix a leaky pipe.
Kate: Okay, I-I don't know what you just said, but I do know that you're not a plumber. Just call someone.

Toby: I mean, I could call my father-in-law, Miguel. He made his bones in construction. But, in my experience, that would send up the... Pearson Bat-Signal, and I don't really have the bandwidth today to sit around talking about my feelings, then crying about my feelings, then talking about crying about my feelings.
Marc: Okay.
Toby: Desperate times call for... desperation.
Marc: Okay.

Mr. Damon: You, uh, keep your eye on this. People only look for leaks where the water's coming out, but, uh... it's the pressure that'll get you.

Kate: You always believed that I would find myself again. How?
Rebecca: Because real joy is... never gone forever. I knew you just needed some time to find it again.
Kate: I mean, I'm sorry that it took 40 years for me to find it. And I'm sorry that it... took me 40 years to give that to you.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack


Ozark 1×8

Martin 'Marty' Byrde: I'm talking about decisions. ... I'm just saying that any decision made, big or small, has an impact around the world.

Del Rio: Louis? A man who only talks business is a failure in all aspects of life. Just golf.

Del Rio: The best smack talk? No talk at all.

Bruce Liddell: I'm serious, there's nothing you could do. Like my dad always said, "Everything happens for a reason."
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Your dad sounds like he was full of shit. With all due respect.
Bruce Liddell: Yeah, well, perhaps.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: You really believe that? You really think that there's some... some preordained chart, floating around up in the ether, with our fate all figured out?
Bruce Liddell: I don't know about a preordained chart...
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: That's a bunch of crap. Things happen because human beings make decisions, they commit acts... and that makes things happen. And it creates a snowball effect with the... you know, their world around them, causes other people to make decisions. Cycle continues, snowball keeps rolling. And even when that's not the case, when life's events are not connected to other people's decisions and actions, it's not some bullshit fucking test sent down from the universe to check your resolve, you know.
Bruce Liddell: Okay.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: I mean, what would the reason be for some healthy five-year-old to get a brain tumor? Or why would a tsunami wipe out a village? You tell those families everything happens for a reason. No, sometimes people make decisions, shit happens, and we gotta act accordingly. Or you can... crawl in a hole and die, you know?

Bruce Liddell: Do you know who you are? You're the guy who makes everyone late to the party 'cause you have to pick up your ear medication.

Del Rio: You know how it works. You think your life is going one way, and... then you look over here and it's different. Like that, in the blink of an eye, it changes. Grab what you can while you can.

Del Rio: I need someone who's not just brilliant, but who also has integrity. Because integrity, my friend... is the shield to greed and vanity.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Well, you want somebody with integrity to do a job where they have to discard their ethics.
Del Rio: Are you talking about societal ethics or your own?
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Well, probably both. You know... people live in a social contract, right?
Del Rio: Okay. So then what job would you take? Big Tobacco?
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: No.
Del Rio: JP Morgan?... What's the difference?
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: The latter plays in a market that already exists.
Del Rio: So you're saying... that because you're not necessarily the manufacturer, you can see a way around the clash of ethics?
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: I would contend that this is a little bit more of a complex issue.
Del Rio: Okay, fair enough. So let's say there wasn't a social contract. What are your ethics? The one thing that trumps all the others?
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: To protect and provide for my family.
Del Rio: Exactly. You will be able to provide. More than you can possibly dream. Because you are the best I've ever seen, Marty. And we will protect you.

Wendy Byrde: Cons?
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Jail.
Wendy Byrde: Mm. Leaving your family, pissing off a cartel.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Those things would never happen. And I wouldn't be a mule. I wouldn't be a dealer. I'd be just pushing my mouse around my desk.

Wendy Byrde: We can't... We can't do this. Can we?
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Why can't we do it?
Wendy Byrde: You really gonna do this?
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Are we gonna do this?
Wendy Byrde: Well... I'm good with it if you are.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Same here.
Wendy Byrde: Then I guess we're really gonna do this.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Yeah?
Wendy Byrde: Hmm? We're gonna do it?
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Mm. Hmm?
Wendy Byrde: Mm. I guess so. Yeah.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Okay.

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+ Soundtrack

Джеффри Линдсей — Дремлющий демон Декстера (3/3)

&  И я сделал выбор, свойственный человеку. Смешно, если подумать: я — и выбор, свойственный человеку. Гарри мог бы гордиться. Чисто по-человечески я решил ничего не делать. Поживем — увидим.

&  Кодекс Гарри: осторожность, безопасность, подготовленность. Темные Скауты.

&  Еще один явный пример дезинтеграции общества, что так беспокоило Гарри. Так вот: если вы не можете вовремя принести мне газету, неужели вы ждете, что я воздержусь от того, чтобы убивать людей?

&  Ведь во сне все мы сумасшедшие, не так ли? Что такое, в конце концов, сон, если не процесс, посредством которого мы сваливаем свое безумие в темную яму подсознания, а потом выходим с другой стороны, готовые позавтракать овсянкой, а не детьми соседа?

&  Мне на самом деле нечего ответить. Все эти дела с правдой никогда не обходятся без неловкостей и неприятностей.

&  Что любой из нас может сделать? Все мы так беспомощны, и в объятиях наших тихих внутренних голосов, что мы на самом деле можем сделать?

  ... Восхитительной, толстой, музыкальной и красной луной.”

25 мая 2021 г.

The Crossing

The Handmaid's Tale 4×3

Aunt Lydia: Hello, dear...

Aunt Lydia: Ofjoseph is in good hands. I am here as her advocate. Think of me as her guardian angel.
Nick: Be strong with the Lord... and in the strength of His might.

Aunt Lydia: You wicked, wicked girl...

Aunt Lydia: Tell him, dear. While God's merciful light still shines upon you.
June: There is no light here. God has forsaken this place.

Lieutenant: Praise be. Gentlemen... Bless us, O Lord, for this holy service we are grateful to perform in Your name. In our search for justice, may You guide this sinner to righteousness and repentance. Amen.

Rachel Tapping: My grandmother used to bury a green persimmon in the backyard for luck. For what it's worth.

Luke: Did she choose this?
Moira: Who, June? No, she didn't choose this.
Luke: Because she chose to stay in Gilead, right, and she knew she'd probably get caught.
Moira: Maybe... Die trying to do something good.
Luke: It's just... It's just she knew she'd probably never see me again. Right? She knew she'd probably never see either of us again. And, um, that's the choice that she made and, uh, you know, I gotta respect it. I gotta respect her. I can't ask God for something that she didn't want.

Commander Lawrence: Well, she isn't stupid, but she is stubborn, which I guess is a form of stupidity. Perhaps it's the most virulent form.

Commander Lawrence: You can't save her. You understand that, right? She is never coming back to you. Why would she?
Nick: I know. I just, you know... I want her to stay alive.
Commander Lawrence: Yeah, well... It's always nice to want things.

June: No, the Gilead... they'd never hurt a child. That's all they care about.
Commander Lawrence: Gilead doesn't care about children. Gilead cares about power. Faithfulness, old-time values, homemade bread... That's... Just the means to the end. It's distraction and window-dressing. I thought you would've figured that out by now.
June: I thought you were gonna clean up your mess.
Commander Lawrence: I can't do it from the end of a rope. This is where we are.

Aunt Lydia: My sweet girl. Hmm? So much change to adjust to. But try to remember that all of this is your doing. Everything that has happened to you, to Hannah, to Janine and the others, to those poor Marthas, all of it, you're responsible. Your fault. Your choice. Your choice.

Aunt Lydia: All right, let's get you cleaned up. This is the start of a new adventure...

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+ Soundtracks

Le Bureau des Légendes #4.4

Mag: What do you want to know?
Marie-Jeanne: I'm being made to doubt myself.
Mag: Who could possibly manage such a miracle?
Marie-Jeanne: I'm stubborn, but not dogmatic.
Mag: I was joking.

Mag: It's JJA. That's his method. He's a genius. He'll convince you you're harming the cause you've always defended. You know his father was a Communist leader? In the 1970s. When they blamed themselves of having bourgeois thoughts. Unbelievable...

Marie-Jeanne: What did he convince you of?
Mag: The real question is, are you still capable of making sound decisions. I realized I wasn't calm or rational when it came to Malotru. I felt guilty about him. Guilty of what he went through, and what he did to us. As a result, I made some poor decisions. It was time for me to go.

Marie-Jeanne: You are a French officer in the hands of a foreign service. Not a friendly country. You've told them you'll sell yourself. You're really a fake defector and your mission is to recruit a cyber officer within this foreign service. How would you go about it?
Jonas: Have I already sold them a lot?
Marie-Jeanne: I hope not.
Jonas: So, they're on their guard. Am I a cyber expert?.. So, I'm not in contact with cyber officers. First, I have to reel one in. I'm not particularly interesting because I know nothing. I don't know who to lure, nor what bait to use. Am I in contact with my service?
Marie-Jeanne: No, you're not. That would be too easy.
Jonas: It's impossible. Without external help, I'd never succeed.

On the IMDb

Джеффри Линдсей — Дремлющий демон Декстера (2/3)

&  — Есть много людей, которые заслуживают этого, Декс… Несколькими скупыми словами он придал форму всей моей жизни, всему во мне существующему, тому, что я есть и кто я есть. Чудный, всевидящий и всезнающий человек. Гарри. Мой папа.

&  Она ведь коп, а большинство копов не умеют притворяться. Слишком много времени на работе, когда надо выглядеть человечно. Поэтому их лица каменеют.

&  Я выполняю свою работу не для того, чтобы ловить плохих парней. Зачем мне это? Нет, я выполняю свою работу, чтобы превращать хаос в порядок.

&  — Но ты… Вот где твое начало. Большинству людей не дано видеть так глубоко, как тебе.
     — Я не настолько глубокая личность, Рита.
     — То есть на самом деле все имеет два лица: одно, когда мы притворяемся, и другое — когда на самом деле? А тебе уже все известно, и для тебя это просто игра.

&  Ну и конечно, чтобы стать репортером, не надо сдавать тест на IQ. Но даже при таких условиях я всегда надеюсь хоть на какой-нибудь проблеск. И всегда разочаровываюсь. Может быть, ребенком я видел слишком много черно-белых фильмов. Я все еще считаю, что циничный, испитый репортер из крупной городской ежедневной газеты должен задавать неудобные вопросы и вынуждать следствие на тщательное повторное изучение улик.      К сожалению, жизнь не всегда имитирует искусство.

24 мая 2021 г.

Thunder Force (2021)

Lydia Berman: Do you wanna hang out after school?
Emily Stanton: Sure.
Lydia Berman: What do you like to do?
Emily Stanton: Read.
Lydia Berman: ..... Oh. You weren't kidding. Okay.

Frank: Maybe Emily will say no, but you don't know unless you ask... You know, it's like trying to skip a rock in a lake. You know the lake's gonna eat it. It took you half an hour to find the right flat rock, but you gotta throw it. Otherwise, you're not gonna know if it's gonna skip. But sure enough, you throw the rock, zing, it goes right into the water. Okay, let's go underwater. There's a big salmon swimming by. The rock flies in, beans the salmon in the head. Dead as a doornail. Floats to the top.
Lydia Berman: Jesus.
Frank: That's not the worst of it.
Lydia Berman: Is there more?
Frank: The salmon's a female. Loaded with little eggs. Just like the Titanic, they're all dead.
Lydia Berman: In this, am I the rock, or who's the... In this situation?
Frank: You could be the rock, you could be the fish, you could be the thrower of the stone. You could be the lake.
Lydia Berman: Okay.
Frank: Food for thought. Or not.

Lydia Berman: Whoa. This looks like the jail cell on Battlestar Galactica.

Lydia Berman: I'm sorry. This bird is just so good. It's so good...
Emily Stanton: Oh my god, I've created a raw chicken monster.
Lydia Berman: Mwah! It's delicious. My compliments to whoever didn't cook it.
Emily Stanton: Can't unsee that.

Lydia Berman: Here we go. Crater Joe. Uh, Flapjack Crackers. Thunder Force... Mango flops! Did I just do it? Yeah.
Emily Stanton: Mango Flops?
Lydia Berman: What? No. Thunder Force.
Emily Stanton: That sounds kind of dude-ish.
Lydia Berman: Everything sounds stupid the first time you hear it.

Lydia Berman: Can I say something?
Emily Stanton: Absolutely not.
Lydia Berman: This car makes me ovulate. I wanna have shiny, purple Lamborghini babies.
Emily Stanton: I knew I didn't wanna hear it.

The Crab: What's our next move?
The King: Well, as I like to say, when life gives you lemons, make… lemon-flavored napalm.

The Crab: What are you doin'?
Lydia Berman: I'm just butterin' your knuckle...

Tracy: Can you read me?
Lydia Berman: Hammer down.
Tracy: What does that mean?
Lydia Berman: It's lingo for "Yep."

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+ Soundtracks

Σ pita4og: «главная проблема - сценарий: прямой как палка и без интриги. Шутки неудачные, местами даже противные. Актрисы няши, я их люблю, но положения это не спасает.»

Σ nostradamvs: «Глупая, но местами довольно-таки смешная комедия о том, как две толстые тётки средних лет обрели суперспособности и стали супергероями. Если вы фанат Мелиссы Маккарти, фильм для вас. Если нет, посмотрите что-нибудь другое.»

A Black Hole

Young Sheldon 4×17

Connie: So how's everything going with your supercollider?
Dr. Sturgis: Well, up until Wednesday at 6:43, wonderful.
Connie: What happened at 6:43?
Dr. Sturgis: That's when they fired me.
Connie: What? Why did they fire you?
Dr. Sturgis: Eh, probably because of what happened at 6:14.

President Hagemeyer: Sheldon, Dr. Sturgis quit right before the semester started. He left me in the lurch.
Sheldon: And this is your chance to be the bigger person.
President Hagemeyer: I don't want to be the bigger person. I'll be the small, petty person. That's way more fun.
Sheldon: Please? It would make me really happy if he came back. And you said yourself my happiness is important to the university...
President Hagemeyer: Are you trying to manipulate me?
Sheldon: Hey, being small and petty is fun.

Mary: At least he didn't seem unstable when I talked to him.
Connie: The man has a doctorate in science, and he's filling people's grocery bags...
Mary: He actually did a really nice job. He put the heavy things on the bottom. He kept the cold things together.

Mary: ... He is also coming over for dinner, so behave yourself.
Missy: I can behave at school or I can behave at home. I can't do both.

Dr. Sturgis: The truth is, if I could live in an alternate universe, I'd live in one where we never broke up. Hope it's okay to say that.
Connie: It is. Because I wish it, too.

Meemaw: Wait, what's an "event horizon"?
Sheldon: It just means the edge.
Meemaw: Why not say "the edge"?
Georgie: The guitar player for U2 is called the Edge.
George: What does that have to do with anything?
Georgie: I'm participating in the conversation. You're just sitting there like a lump.
Missy: "Lump."

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Джеффри Линдсей — Дремлющий демон Декстера

Декстер — 1

цитаты,Дремлющий демон Декстера,Джеффри Линдсей,Darkly Dreaming Dexter,Miami,maniac,serial killer,forensic,cop,brother,
  “Луна. Сияющая луна. Полная, толстая, красная луна; ночь светла, как день, лунный свет льется на землю, неся радость, радость, радость. ...

&  — Кто вы такой?
     — Начало. И конец. Познакомься со своей смертью.

&  Чистоплотность требует времени, но стоит его. ... Стоит просто для того, чтобы делать все правильно и аккуратно.

&  Дети. За это его стоило убить дважды.
     Что бы ни сделало меня тем, кто я есть, оно опустошило меня, лишило чувств. Не считаю это таким уж крутым делом. Уверен, что подавляющее большинство ежедневных человеческих контактов притворные. Я притворен просто всегда. Я классно притворяюсь, полное отсутствие чувств.
     Но я люблю детишек. У меня их никогда не будет — ... Но дети, дети — это особое.

&  Такое бывает: некомпетентности чаще воздается, чем наоборот.

&  Каждый способен добиться расположения, если только не брезговать лукавством, если все время говорить тупые, банальные, вызывающие тошноту слова, те, которые обычно человеку не дает произносить совесть. К счастью, у меня совести нет.

23 мая 2021 г.

Nest Box

Ozark 1×7

Jonah Byrde: Can I kill starlings?
Wendy Byrde: What?!
Jonah Byrde: If I get a hunting license this semester?
Wendy Byrde: Honey, I don't want you shooting anything.
Jonah Byrde: You're supposed to kill starlings. They're invaders. They steal nests and peck unhatched eggs. ... If you kill one female, you've stopped the production of 11 birds.

Wendy Byrde: It looks like a zombie mermaid pissing in the ocean.

Ms. Mott: This pledge is a particularly important commitment, because drugs are the most destructive force affecting America today. You can sign your papers now. Signing this is essential in early adolescence, since we're developing and cementing our personal moral code while peer pressure is at its peak... Oh, Jonah, you haven't signed?
Jonah Byrde: Can I think about it?
Ms. Mott: What could you possibly have to think about?
Jonah Byrde: Well, it... It's complicated. I mean, the economics of it all.
Ms. Mott: Um, I need the paper, Jonah. Signed.
Jonah Byrde: You wouldn't want me to sign something I don't completely believe in, would you?..
Ms. Mott: Quiet! Uh, you don't think it's important to say no to drugs and alcohol?
Jonah Byrde: Well, it's just not that simple.
Ms. Mott: How is it not that simple? Drugs are addictive. They cause crime and death.
Jonah Byrde: And they also prop up the US economy...
Ms. Mott: I said quiet! What are you talking about?
Jonah Byrde: Are you familiar with gross domestic product? It's the total of all the money spent...
Ms. Mott: I know what gross domestic product is.
Jonah Byrde: I mean, I'd definitely sign something that says, "It'd be great if people didn't get addicted to drugs." But... people are addicted to drugs. And in order to get the drugs, they have to buy them, right? And that drug dealer has to feed his family. They're innocent. They can't starve, can they?
Ms. Mott: Jonah, how about we just...
Jonah Byrde: They need a house and clothes. And the family needs a car. There's even this theory that says drug money was the only thing that prevented the collapse of the global economy in 2008. You know, when real estate went bust. Because drug money was the only cash available to prop up big banks. Not to mention the 350 million narco-dollars that paid for bridges and roads and health care... probably even education. Maybe even part of this school.

Martin 'Marty' Byrde: It all comes down to safety and trust. 'Cause we're constantly getting sold to or advertised to or... or promised to. Um, I think half the reason that we cave sometimes is 'cause we have no idea what the other person's saying, right? Take your car to a mechanic, you pray to God what he's telling you is the truth. It's crazy.
Eugenia Dermody: So what are you sellin' me?

Martin 'Marty' Byrde: You know, I'm... I'm not begging for your business. I would... I would love to have it. However, if you would feel more comfortable with your current manager, I'd recommend that you do that. 'Cause, as... as I was saying, I think that the most important thing, when it comes to your money, is feeling safe.

Charlotte Byrde: Well, where are your friends? What do you tell them?
Wendy Byrde: I tell them what I believe to be true. That this is a family sabbatical. Return to simplicity.

Wendy Byrde: We are way past any point of assimilation here. We took her life away. Everything she thought was safe is a lie.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: We'll look deeper for what's here.
Wendy Byrde: I know what's here. Trust me. It's the shit you run away from. It's pickups and warm beer and low expectations. It's grown men with bourbon on their breath, who lean in a little too close and say, "My, how you've grown."

Wendy Byrde: You shut me out the minute we decided to launder the stupid fucking money.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Well, maybe I was trying to protect you.
Wendy Byrde: I didn't want protection! I wanted you. I wanted you, you idiot... Why do you even want me here?
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Necessity. Not desire.

Wendy Byrde: All right, Marty. Why don't you just tell me the fuckin' truth? Just tell me the truth.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: .... Oh, you broke my heart, Wendy.

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+ Soundtrack

Le Bureau des Légendes #4.3

Prison Guard: Tell Rodion there are special instructions for this prisoner.
Zakhar: What are they?
Prison Guard: Don't kill him.

Rodion: Why are you here?
Malotru: Opposition.
Rodion: We're all here for "opposition"... As far as I'm concerned, until proven otherwise, you're a pedophile.

Jean-Paul: Relax.
Jonas: I'm totally relaxed.
Jean-Paul: A real Buddha.
Jonas: Buddha with a tie.

Jonas: He wears his watch on the right.
Jean-Paul: Maybe it's the Iraqi way.
Jonas: You know how you cross your fingers, so your promise won't count? It's called "taqiya". Denial. Same thing. A watch on the right means you turn your back to the left. To the West. To the infidels... You can say Allah doesn't exist and deny your faith. It doesn't count. Allah won't blame you.

On the IMDb

22 мая 2021 г.


The Handmaid's Tale 4×2

Brianna: I don't want to fight.
June: None of us wanted to. At first.

Rita: Well, Luke asked me, so I couldn't say no.
Moira: Sure you could. "Free" means you're free to say no.

June: Mayday should do something.
Daisy: You really think that Mayday would liberate this place? I fucking gave up on that a long time ago.
June: Hey, it isn't an army. We are Mayday. They're people just like us.

June: I think these women deserve to be free.
Alma: Is that it? Or do you just want to kill a bunch of Commanders?
June: Both.

June: I can't not do this, Alma.
Alma: So, you're just gonna Rambo in there and shoot the place up? Get yourself killed or caught? June: Yeah, that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

Esther: He's not a good man. Maybe there are no good men in Gilead.
June: I think there are good men everywhere. Even here. It's just complicated, you know? Gilead makes it really hard to be good.

Serena: You know, I thought that once you were out of Gilead, once you were out of that uniform, that you would come back to yourself.
Waterford: I am as you made me. As you made us.
Serena: As I have made us? Fred, you never once stood up for me. Not once! Not once you got a taste of power! I thought that was my fault! I thought that I deserved everything that you did to me!
Waterford: You know, I... I think I gave you too much freedom...

Moira: The kid's fucked up. He misses Gilead.
Emily: Like you said, better that they're here than there.
Moira: Eventually. I mean, right now it sucks for a lot of them. The ones that got ripped from the only families they remember.
Emily: I guess June didn't think that part through.
Moira: 'Cause that's what she does. Takes the big swing, and fuck the consequences!

Daisy: I don't think I can do this.
June: I do. We're the ones we've been waiting for. It's what my mom used to say.

Nick: I'm trying to keep you alive.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

The One with All the Kissing

Friends 5×2

Monica: What took so long?
Chandler: I got caught up at work. But I'm quitting tomorrow.

Rachel: What the hell was that?
Monica: Probably some European goodbye thing he picked up in London...
Rachel: That's not European.
Phoebe: It felt French...

Rachel: What's that?
Ross: It came in the mail today. It's 72 long-stemmed, red roses. One for each day I've known and loved Emily... cut up into mulch.

Rachel: Hold on a sec there, Mr. Kissy. I wanted to talk to you about... this whole new European thing you've got going on. And I need to say it makes me very uncomfortable... and I just, you know, just stop it!
Chandler: Just bringing some culture to the group...
Rachel: That's fine. Just don't bring it in my mouth.
Monica: It makes me want to puke.

Phoebe: Ooh, Atlantic City! Oh, that's a great plan! Whose plan was that?
Joey: Mine!
Ross: Wait. It was my plan.
Joey: No... I said we needed a new plan.
Ross: And I came up with Atlantic City.
Joey: Which is the new plan.

Rachel: Oh, God. Things won't be weird between us, right? Was that stupid? Me telling you that?
Ross: No, no. I'm glad you did. If nothing else... it's always great when someone tells you they love you.
Rachel: That's what I said!

Joey: Uh, Pheebs, you're leaking.

Chandler: I had to kiss Phoebe and Rachel every time I left the room. It's too bad they didn't see us having sex...
Monica: Do you know anything about women?
Chandler: No.
Monica: ... It's all right.
Chandler: Okay.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

21 мая 2021 г.

The Dry (2020)

Aaron Falk: Mate, nice place.
Scott Whitlam: Oh, yeah. Suburbia in the country. Worst of both worlds.

Gerry Hadler: Oh, it's all gonna be big machines from now on anyway. Remote-controlled. GPS. Farms with no people. Imagine that. No need for towns. No need for any of us.

Jamie: You think you're gonna get the truth in a town like this?
Aaron Falk: I'm sorry?
Jamie: When you've been lying about something for... for so long... it becomes second nature.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Le Bureau des Légendes #4.2

La mule: It's 7 am. You're either dumb or from DSec.
Liz Bernstein: What a choice.

Marie-Jeanne: Debailly won't surrender to the Russians.
César: Does he have a choice?
Marie-Jeanne: He'd rather die.
Ponte: Maybe the idea of a quiet life in a dacha appeals to him, in exchange for collaborating with the FSB.
César: The FSB rarely buys dachas. Pressure is much cheaper.
Marie-Jeanne: I doubt it'll work on Malotru. He was jailed by Isis.
César: I think the FSB may be worse than Isis.

Liz Bernstein: Working in security... means protecting people. I must uncover people's weaknesses, to see if someone could exploit them. I'd rather find their qualities, but I'm not in HR. I work for the DSec.
Sisteron: What's my weakness?
Liz Bernstein: It's also a quality. You empathize with people.

Karlov: I'm being pressured to arrest this Frenchman. I say he's on a mission. Right here, under our noses! The fox wants to come into the henhouse. And they want me to hold open the door.
Stepan: Are we the henhouse?

On the IMDb

20 мая 2021 г.


The Handmaid's Tale 4×1

Mark Tuello: We're still receiving details, but we believe that there was a Handmaid involved... Yours. June Osborn.

Waterford: Offred. They're gonna find her. And they're gonna kill her.
Serena: May God show her mercy.

Commander Putnam: Aunt Lydia, you've spent two weeks being interviewed by the Eyes.
Aunt Lydia: Nineteen days... The interview, Commander. It was a bit more than two weeks.

Aunt Lydia: [Handmaids...] More misled than sinful, in this case... They were led astray by a gifted and amoral liar. A Delilah. When she is hanging on the wall, justice will be done.
Commander Putnam: Ofjoseph...
Aunt Lydia: She has eluded your soldiers for 19 days. She's out there planning who knows what kind of atrocities to visit upon our righteous nation. Pray, gentlemen. Find her. And bring her to me. And a frail woman will sleep better at night... I leave you to your work.

June: Pain makes your world very small.

June: Gilead is out there. Gilead isn't afraid. It does not hurt or sleep. It keeps coming, it keeps searching for us. And they will keep coming forever and ever and ever.

June: God, it's not fair. Someone your age should never need to be this brave.
Mrs. Esther Keyes: I'm the mistress of this house!
June: Yes, you are. Ma'am.
Mrs. Esther Keyes: And if you weren't going to fight, then why did you come here? You should have just let them catch you.

Nick: Blessed day, Commander.
Commander Lawrence: Not from where I sit.

Commander Lawrence: Was there a trial?
Nick: Yes, sir.
Commander Lawrence: How did I do?
Nick: I'm here to thank you for your service to Gilead.
Commander Lawrence: That good, huh?

June: You know what I think? I think God... is just. And I think that He is gonna make those men pay. Uh-huh. For what they did to you.

June: Alma. We are not free.
Alma: Maybe this is as free as we're gonna get. Maybe we should make the best of it.

Nick: Some men need to be led.
Commander Lawrence: The Tao of June Osborn...

June: Girls. This man betrayed his own country, the United States. He's a traitor. And this man... raped a child. Repeatedly. The punishment for these crimes... is death.

June: You were right. We're Mayday. We don't hide. We fight. And in this place, we all fight.

June: Good girl. Make me proud.
Esther: I will.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

The Holding

Fear the Walking Dead 6×11

Teddy: Death. Destruction. Decay. What is happening to the world isn't new. The world's been breaking down since its inception. The sun spending its nuclear fuel. The planet spinning farther and farther off its axis. The continents drifting apart. Ice sheets receding and melting. Forests withering and burning. Everything's winding down, including us. Death is inevitable. It simply is. But from this death... comes new life. Our decaying bodies feed the soil, and the soil, in turn, feeds the plants. And the plants, in turn, feed us and all the creatures that sustain us. It's the way it's always been. It's the way it always will be.
     People look around the world up there and see death everywhere they gaze. But that's not what's really there. If they looked hard enough, if they truly looked with open eyes, they would see life. But it's not their fault they don't know how to open their eyes. It's not their fault... They're seeing the way they always have. Even after it all. Even though now is the "after."
     We know the truth. They don't. We can see. They can't. So, it's incumbent upon us to help them be unafraid of what's to come.
     Do you know the truth? Can you see? Can you help them be unafraid?

Riley: Welcome to The Holding. I think you're gonna like it here.

Teddy: If you cannot see, I will guide you. When you cannot walk, I will carry you.

Teddy: I have found you, and I will help you see the truth.

Riley: You know, I'm more interested in what you have to say. There's one question in particular that, uh, I'd like to ask.
Alicia: What is it?
Riley: Can you see?

Riley: You're a skeptic. We like skeptics.
Luciana: Why's that?
Riley: Because when we win you over, it means that you're a true believer.

Teddy: Who am I if not your shepherd? Who are you if not my sheep?

Teddy: ...but I will shear the matted fur from your brow and help you to see. And if you still won't open your eyes, I will open them for you. I will make you see.

Teddy: I will take your hand and lead you through the fire, through the desert, through the dark tunnel of destruction...

Luciana: When people are desperate, they start believing in things... They start doing things they never thought they would.

Derek: It takes a little while to get used to not knowing if it's day or night, but, uh, the food makes up for it?

Derek: We have to start over. And we can't do that till everyone and everything up there is gone.

Alicia: So, you're the... King of the Crazies.

On the IMDb

Алекс Тарн — Шабатон (3/3)

&  — Благодарю Тебя, Царь живой и явный, за то, что милосердно возвратил мне душу мою. Велика вера Твоя…

&  — Теория, все дело в теории… Видите ли, камрад Игаль, анархия предполагает естественную свободу человека. Человека, освобожденного от тяжкого ига духовных и материальных правителей. Поэтому анархисты не занимаются строительством нового удушающего общества. Штирнер, а за ним Ницше решительно отрицали, что смысл существования лежит вне нас, в каких-то воображаемых идеальных сущностях — в Боге, в универсальном законе, в абстрактной справедливости. Почему бы не отбросить, наконец, все эти алчущие человеческую плоть идеалы? Почему бы не строить свое дело на себе самом?
     — Не знаю. Как-то не думал об этом.
     — Ну вот, а Андре Клещев думал. И получалось, что евреи представляют прямо противоположную точку зрения. Евреи, камрад Игаль, вечно ищут источник смысла вне собственной души. Им вечно подавай или единого непознаваемого Бога, или всеобщий закон, или светлое будущее. И если бы они еще только сами себя обманывали… Так ведь нет — им непременно надобно все человечество объегорить. Поэтому Андре ненавидел евреев смертной ненавистью. Умберто пишет, что он готов был умереть в обмен на их полное истребление.

&  Мужчины ведь, в сущности, простые коняги. Главное — вовремя взять их под уздцы и, тихонько поглаживая, вести куда надо, заботясь лишь о том, чтобы узду не перехватила чья-то чужая рука.

  ... Доктор Островски закрыл глаза и задремал, предварительно вызвав в памяти щемящую картину голой Нины Брандт, открывающей дверь кабинки гостиничного душа.”

19 мая 2021 г.

The One After Ross Says Rachel

Friends 5×1

The Registrar: Now Ross, repeat after me. I, Ross.
Ross: I, Ross.
The Registrar: Take thee, Emily.
Ross: Take thee, Rachel. Emily. Heh. Emily.
The Registrar: Uh, shall I go on?

Rachel: He said "Rachel," right? Do you think I should go up there?

The Registrar: I think we'd better start again. Ross, repeat after me. I, Ross...

Judy Geller: This is worse than when he married the lesbian.

Joey: Hey, no matter what happens with Ross and Emily... we still get cake, right?

Phoebe: Hello, this is Ross Geller's personal physician, Dr. Phalange... I discovered that Ross forgot to take his brain medicine. Um, now, without it, uh, in the brain of Ross... uh, women's names are interchangeable. Through no fault of his own.
Andrea Waltham: Oh, my God. Phoebe.
Phoebe: No, not Phoebe. Dr. Phalange. Oh, no. You have it too.

Chandler: Ugh. I'm just kind of worried about what it might do to our friendship.
Monica: I know.
Chandler: Ugh. How could we have let this happen?
Monica: Seven times.

Rachel: Monica, what should I do?
Monica: Just do the right thing.
Rachel: What?
Monica: Tow the line. Thread the needle. Think outside the box.

Chandler: Hey, listen, why don't we go change in my room?
Monica: My clothes are... Oh.

Monica: You really think this is okay?
Chandler: Well, Ross and Emily aren't gonna use it.
Monica: Oh, it's so beautiful. Oh... You know, I don't feel right about this.
Chandler: Oh, Monica... This is the honeymoon suite. The room expects sex. The room would be disappointed if it didn't get sex. All the other honeymoon suites would think it was a loser.

Chandler: They look pretty soundproof, don't you think?
Monica: We can't do that. That's insane. I mean, A, he could wake up. And B, you know... let's go for it.

Joey: Hey, can I ask you something?
Chandler: Uh, no.

Ross: I just... I don't understand. I mean, how could she do this? What, am I like a complete idiot... for thinking she'd actually show up?
Rachel: No. You're not an idiot, Ross. You're a guy very much in love.
Ross: Same difference.

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Le Bureau des Légendes #4.1

Gaingouin: The real question is, if we catch him, what do we do with him? It's a legitimate question.
Mag: It's a question for our managing director.
Gaingouin: He won't answer me.
Mag: If he doesn't answer, you've got your answer.

Marie-Jeanne: Malotru isn't trying very hard to hide. Russia's a haven for him. It's very tricky for us to intervene. If we alert the authorities, who knows if they'll hand him over. Moscow... is where I'd go. It's huge. It's a beehive. I'd be invisible. All communication methods are possible. We basically have no chance of finding him. And he knows it. If we find him, he thinks we won't dare do anything... He ought to know me better.

Marie-Jeanne: Who's your real target?
JJA: If it were up to me, I'd fire everyone. But, I'll try to distinguish between those who were charmed, those who were sloppy... and those who were accomplices.And those who should leave us. Right away.

Sylvain: Let's say you want to rob a bank. You look carefully for an entrance. All flaws are human error. The world's best hacker still needs someone to click on the link. Or provide his login.

Marie-Jeanne: Making progress?
Sisteron: I dreamt a pointer's pointer was chasing me.
Marie-Jeanne: What's that?
Sisteron: A variable representing the address of another variable. That represents an address.
Marie-Jeanne: You've come that far?
Sisteron: I'm making progress.

Mag: Do you know what JJA stands for?
Marie-Jeanne: No.
Mag: It's a nickname we gave him. JJA: James Jesus Angleton. He ran the CIA's Soviet counterespionage unit in the fifties. He was obsessed with double agents. Fake KGB defectors. He was a genius. But his job made him go crazy. He ended up totally paranoid, dangerous and insane... Beware of him, Marie-Jeanne.

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+ Soundtrack

Алекс Тарн — Шабатон (2/3)

&  Это ведь только женщины — существа без недостатков, а вот с несовершенством мужчин приходится мириться, увы, сплошь и рядом…

&  Как и большинство людей, построивших жизнь и карьеру на цинизме, она не любила циников — ведь, как ни крути, конкуренцию ей составляли именно они, а не увешанные тяжкой броней принципов интеллигенты, которые каменеют от удивления, получив внезапный плевок в лицо или запрещенный правилами удар в пах.

&  Приятно иметь дело со сверстником: этот простейший вид равенства всегда порождает дополнительное доверие.

&  Настоящий переворот в жизни Нины Брандт случился после армии, когда психоаналитик, к которому она пришла по рекомендации подруги, посоветовал ей немедленно перестать винить себя.
     — Но я и не виню, — смущенно отвечала Нина. — В чем винить-то?
     — Пока еще не в чем, но в будущем причина непременно найдется, — успокоил специалист. — Так вот, на этот случай запомни раз и навсегда: виновата не ты. Виноват кибуц с его тоталитарной уравниловкой. Виновата семья, которая мало тебя любила. Виновата мать, которая редко тебя обнимала. Виновата школа, которая втискивала тебя в общий шаблон. Виновата армия, которая заставила тебя ходить строем. Ты собираешься замуж?
     — Пока нет…
     — Виноват муж, которого пока нет. Виноваты дети, которые будут сосать из тебя все соки… И так далее. Забудь о своей вине, ты никому ничего не должна, кроме себя самой. Ищи себя и найди то, что тебе нравится. Найди то, о чем сможешь сказать: «Вот это — Я! Все прочее — не Я, а это — Я!» Понятно?

&  — Бразильцы играют лучше. Но разве мы болеем за тех, кто лучше? Мы болеем за тех, кто ближе.

18 мая 2021 г.

Book of Ruth

Ozark 1×6

Jacob Snell: Welcome to our home, Martin Byrde. In 1929... power company stole our land, flooded us out. Snells fled up the mountains, and started all over again. Trouble is, ain't much grows up here. Doesn't matter how much you turn the soil. It's the water. So the crop had to change. Do you know what'll grow almost anywhere the sun shine, Martin?... Let me tell you. Poppies. Sandy soil and drought, they don't care. But then, you came along...

Martin 'Marty' Byrde: I mean, what the fuck kind of place is this? You know? Those people? They're gonna cut a human out of another human?!

Cade Langmore: You're the smartest person this side of the Mississippi. Anything you don't know yet, you'll figure.
Ruth Langmore: It's just, I don't... I...
Cade Langmore: It's just what? Just you never done it before? Huh. First times can be fun, you know. There's a... tingle that happens right before you do it. Do you ever watch those nature shows? The cheetahs and the gazelles and... It's natural selection, Ruth. A moron's a different species than you and me. We got a right to take 'em out. This guy... he's a downright numbskull for leaving that shit under his bed to begin with. You agree?

Cade Langmore: A lot of accidents happen on the lake. Look for opportunity. Find the scenario you can control... and you do what nature intended.

Wyatt Langmore: You know, they always leave, Charlotte. That's the difference between us and them. And you... guess you're one of us now.

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A Second Prodigy and the Hottest Tips for Pouty Lips

Young Sheldon 4×16

Sheldon: But you don't need another child prodigy. You've already got me.
President Hagemeyer: And you have been... so great. Just imagine what it'd be like having two of you.
Sheldon: Well, why would you want two of me? I mean, I've heard even one of me is a lot to handle.
President Hagemeyer: Well, you're not afraid of a little competition, are you?...

Sheldon: I should warn you, Paige can be very difficult.
President Hagemeyer: Well, luckily I've had some practice with that lately.
Sheldon: And how do you handle it?
President Hagemeyer: Usually I, uh, play to their egos. You know, make them feel like the smartest person in the room.
Sheldon: And they fall for that?
President Hagemeyer: Well... not everyone's as smart as you, Sheldon.

Mary: Look at me and tell me what you see.
George: What? Did you get a haircut? Looks great.
Mary: No, I didn't get a haircut.
George: 'Cause you don't need one. Looking good, babe.
Mary: Lord. Just tell me what you see when you look at me.
George: I don't know what's going on, but this feels like a trap.
Mary: I went to the salon to get a haircut.
George: Knew it, looking foxy.
Mary: But I didn't get one because I don't know what I want.
George: Oh.

Sheldon: I'm afraid we have a bigger problem.
Paige: What are you talking about?
Sheldon: I'm a scientist, and I have to follow the data wherever it leads, whether I like it or not.
Paige: Get to the point.
Sheldon: It seems I have a crush on you.
Paige: What?!
Sheldon: I'm as surprised as you are. But I have all the symptoms according to both Dr. Sturgis and the editors of Sassy magazine.

Sheldon: What are you doing?
Paige: We have a crush on each other.
Sheldon: So?
Paige: Well, now we have to kiss.
Sheldon: We do?
Paige: I mean, it's where the data has led us.
Sheldon: I suppose.
Paige: Okay. Now close your eyes and pucker up. This might tickle...

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Алекс Тарн — Шабатон

  “Нужная кнопка не работала — Игаль выяснил это уже после того, как створки лифта закрылись, и вошедшие вместе с ним стали поочередно тыкать указательным пальцем в панель управления, словно обвиняя ее в чем-то недопустимом. ...
&  В принципе, можно было махнуть в какой-нибудь из престижных университетов в Англии или за океаном, ... но сын как раз ушел в армию, в боевую пехоту, и Игалю с женой не хотелось оставлять парня одного на попечение бабушки, которая и сама, честно говоря, нуждалась в некотором присмотре. Кто будет встречать солдата в дни отпусков, кормить домашним обедом, стирать форму, пропахшую родным потом и армейским бытом? Кто будет ревностно отслеживать выпуски новостей, ловить слухи и перезваниваться с мамами сыновних сослуживцев? Кто будет бодрствовать по ночам, охраняя мальчика родительской молитвой?

&  Ничто так не способствует разгулу воображения, как запрет думать о чем-то.

&  — Мне иногда кажется, что свобода — химическое вещество, гормон типа адреналина или тестостерона. Ее выплеск просвечивает суть человека лучше любого рентгена, и эта суть далеко не всегда привлекательна. Посмотри, сколько здесь ревности, эгоизма, тщеславия, низменной жадности. Посмотри, как они толкают друг друга локтями, как ходят по головам своих же друзей и союзников…

&  — Беды, как волчья стая: сбегаются на запах страха. Стоит тебе провонять этой гадостью, и всё — пиши пропало, набросятся скопом, да и сожрут с потрохами.

&  Дело именно в этом — в спокойствии материала души, в чувстве равновесия, в сознании внутренней прочности и сопротивляемости на излом. Потому что сомнение — та же трещина, а неопределенность — тот же скрытый дефект.

&  Пузырь со сливками — всего лишь пузырь, даже когда имеются в виду сливки общества.

&  — Прекрасная страна! Жаль, что католиков там не особенно привечают.
     — У нас очень сильная и очень злая память, — с вызовом отвечал доктор Островски...
     — И вас можно понять, — подхватил историк. — Только поэтому вы еще существуете как народ, в отличие от иберов, аланов, вандалов, визиготов и многих других, от кого и следа не осталось.

17 мая 2021 г.

Le Bureau des Légendes #3.10

Sisteron: Why?
Céline: Are you cleared to know?... So why did you ask?

Céline: The Turks will hit Jarabulus, with the Syrian rebels. We can't piss off the Turks, so we're dropping the Kurds, for now.
Sisteron: What does that mean?
Céline: We're disengaging. Leaving the hotspots... And asking our Turkish friends to show restraint.
Sisteron: Restraint in what way?
Céline: Not to massacre the Kurds.
Sisteron: The Kurds have been prepping to take Jarabulus for ages. We've helped them.
Céline: That's what "dropping the Kurds" means.

Marie-Jeanne: Save your breath. Celine already begged me to get her out.
Sisteron: Why can't we?
Marie-Jeanne: We need her there, to keep us informed.
Sisteron: We could lose her. They'll be bombed.
Marie-Jeanne: She's a soldier in a warzone. She's aware of the risk.
Sisteron: She's a precious asset we should protect. Our mission isn't to save our sources when things change. It isn't?
Marie-Jeanne: No. Our mission is to gather intel.

Marie-Jeanne: Guillaume Debailly is a smart man. He knows this must stay in the family. Or he'd be in Moscow with Snowden. He knows we won't launch an official manhunt.
Chehlaoui: So, we forget him? He won't try to harm us?
Marie-Jeanne: I'm positive he won't. He won't harm us. He won't talk. We certainly could forget about him. He'd disappear into the fog. We'd never hear of him again. Neither one of us.
Chehlaoui: Is that what you're suggesting?
Marie-Jeanne: No. I don't intend to forget him.

Malotru: Why can't I talk to you?
Le père Malotru: That's not what fathers are for.

Marie-Jeanne: Here's our code specialist! Our expert on train lingo.
Simon: Can I help you?
Marie-Jeanne: I hope so. I doubt it. But it's worth a try.

On the IMDb

Handle with Care

Fear the Walking Dead 6×10

Daniel: Beach ball. Elephant. Grape. Should I go on?

Daniel: You asked how I felt when the day began. I felt... hopeful.

Daniel: Some lies are worth the cost.

Morgan: We should try and work together... share information... pool resources... put our differences aside. Can we face this thing that threatens all of us?... Only one rule, and it's the same one I made the last time we were gathered here together. Anybody breaks it... anybody... You will not be welcome here again.

Daniel: We had all lied to each other at some point. And now, when we needed it the most, we couldn't trust each other.

Daniel: Morgan was right... If we do things in here the same way we do things out there... nothing's gonna change. Nothing will be different.

Daniel: You know, you spend your whole life giving people a reason not to trust you... and then one day, you cannot even trust yourself.

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