12 мая 2015 г.

A Most Violent Year

& Abel: Whatever it is, always take the fancy option.
    Secretar: Can I get you a coffee or tea?
    Abel: I would like a tea, please.
    Secretar: We have some homemade lemonade or a soda.
    Abel: I would love a lemonade. Thank you. Why? Because... We’re never gonna be the cheapest option, so we have to be the best. And they want... no. They need to feel that you want the best, too. That’s why our trucks are the newest or the cleanest, and our drivers are approachable.

& Abel: Now, after you’ve done the math, nd you’ve shown them how much they can save over the long haul through proper maintenance, you need to get them to sign. But the problem is, by hiring you, they need to fire someone else. And that’s never easy. So... After you show them the number, you look up at them, and stare. Stare longer than you should. ... So when you look them in the eye, you have to believe that we are better. But you will never do anything as hard as staring someone straight in the eye and telling the truth.

& Abel: This is not a joke. You will only keep this job if you close, and that’s not funny to you. I’m only interested in this company growing, and when it isn’t, it’s not very funny to me at all.

& Abel: When it feels scary to jump, Ian, that is exactly when you jump. Otherwise, you end up staying in the same place your whole life, and that, I can’t do.

& Julian: I feel... Vulnerable.
    Abel: Good... Because you are vulnerable. We all are.

& Abel: To be successful... and great... You must keep going back. ... So this is what we do. We keep going back. And the times will get better. We’ll get safer. We will. So go. You’re strong just by going.

& Julian: You don’t get scared?
    Abel: I’ve always been a lot more afraid for failure than of anything else.

& Abel: You’re looking backwards. Look forwards, that’s the only thing you can control.

& Abel: You should know that I have always taken the path that is most right. The result... Is never in question for me. Just what path do you take to get there. And there is always one that is most right.

+ quotes on the IMDb

Σ Oscar Isaac’s nowadays’ Godfather.

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