31 мая 2012 г.

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

& Oskar Schell: There are more people alive now than have died in all of human history. But the number of dead people is increasing. One day, there isn’t going to be any room to bury anyone anymore. So, what about skyscrapers for dead people that were built down? They could be underneath the skyscrapers for living people that are built up. You could bury people 100 floors down... and a whole dead world could be underneath the living one.

& Oskar: Can’t you even tell me if I’m on the right track? But if you don’t tell me, how can I ever be right?
    Thomas Schell: Well, another way of looking at it is... how can you ever be wrong?

& Oskar: Was there really a Sixth Borough?
    Thomas: Well, as with anything, if you want to believe, you can find reasons to.

& Oskar: If the sun were to explode... you wouldn’t even know about it for eight minutes... because that’s how long it takes for light to travel to us. For eight minutes, the world would still be bright... and it would still feel warm.

& Oskar: Then how do I find the lock that it fits?
    Walt the Locksmith: ... You never know what a key’s gonna fit. There are a million different possibilities. That’s what I love about keys. They all open something. Just one.

& Stan the Doorman: Why aren’t you in school?
    Oskar: They said I know too much already.

& Oskar: I didn’t know what was waiting for me. Although my stomach hurt and my eyes were watering... I made up my mind that nothing, nothing was going to stop me. Not even me.

& Oskar: Only humans can cry tears, did you know that?
    Abby Black: Even the elephant in the picture is crying.
    Oskar: It looks like it, but it was probably manipulated in Photoshop.

& Oskar: I don’t take the train. It’s not safe. It’s an obvious target. All public transportation is. You can get blown to pieces by people who don’t even know you.

& Oskar: “Think about nothing.” That’s an oxymoron, like, “now, then.” An oxymoron is when two words contradict each other. My father and I used to have oxymoron wars... Deafening silence. Original copies. Found missing! “Student teacher”? Liquid gas. Clearly confused. Living dead! “Almost exactly.” Genuine imitation. Accidentally on purpose. Jumbo shrimp.

& Oskar: You know, it’s medically impossible to stop talking... unless your vocal cords are taken out or cut... or diseased with carcinoma of the larynx or something. It said, “Otherwise, it is a hysterical reaction... to a singularly traumatic event... in which the person makes a psychological decision not to speak... because speaking would re-create the event.” Just thought you should know.

& Oskar: So many of them had lost something or somebody, Mom...
    Linda Schell: Just like us.

+ quotes on the Imdb.

__ The Cinema.

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