9 янв. 2021 г.

Tenet (2020)

Protagonist: Hey! We live in a twilight world... We live in a twilight world.
Well-Dressed Man: And there are no friends at dusk.

Fay: Welcome to the afterlife.

Fay: We all believe we'd run into the burning building. But until we feel that heat, we can never know. You do.

Fay: Your duty transcends national interests. This is about survival.
Protagonist: Whose?
Fay: Everyone's.

Fay: There's a cold war, cold as ice. To even know its true nature is to lose. This is knowledge divided. All I have for you is a gesture in combination with a word. "Tenet." Use it carefully. It'll open the right doors, but some of the wrong ones, too.

Barbara: With a high-vis vest and a clipboard, you can get almost anywhere. Almost.
Protagonist: An obscure tenet.

Protagonist: I thought I was here to find out what we do.
Barbara: You're not here for "what," you're here for "how." "What" is your department and not my business.

Barbara: As I understand it, we're trying to prevent World War III.
Protagonist: Nuclear holocaust?
Barbara: No... Something worse.

Protagonist: How?
Barbara: One of these bullets is like us, traveling forwards through time. The other one's going backwards. Can you tell which is which?

Barbara: It's inverted. Its entropy runs backwards. So, to our eyes, its movement is reversed. We think it's a type of inverse radiation triggered by nuclear fission.

Barbara: Try it... You have to have dropped it.
Protagonist: How can it move before I touch it?
Barbara: From your point of view, you caught it. But from the bullet's point of view, you dropped it.
Protagonist: But cause comes before effect.
Barbara: No, that's just the way we see time.
Protagonist: Well, what about free will?
Barbara: That bullet wouldn't have moved if you hadn't put your hand there. Either way we run the tape, you made it happen.

Barbara: Don't try to understand it. Feel it.

Protagonist: Why does it feel so strange?
Barbara: You're not shooting the bullet, you're catching it.

Protagonist: What do you think we're seeing?
Barbara: The detritus of a coming war.

Neil: Vodka tonic. And a Diet Coke... What? You never drink on the job.
Protagonist: You're well-informed.
Neil: Well, pays to be in our profession.
Protagonist: Well, I prefer soda water.
Neil: No, you don't.

Protagonist: I'm not the man they send to negotiate. Or the man they send to make deals. But I am the man people talk to.

Priya: To say anything about a client would violate the tenets he lives by.
Protagonist: If tenets are important to you, then you can tell me. Everything.

Protagonist: He can communicate with the future?
Priya: We all do, don't we? E-mails, credit cards, texts. Anything that goes into the record speaks directly to the future. The question is... can the future speak back?

Sir Michael Crosby: Look, no offense, but in this world, when someone is claiming to be a billionaire... Brooks Brothers won't cut it.
Protagonist: I'm assuming I'm on a budget.
Sir Michael Crosby: Save the world, then we'll balance the books. Can I recommend a tailor?
Protagonist: I'll manage. You British don't have a monopoly on snobbery, you know.
Sir Michael Crosby: Well, not a monopoly. More of a controlling interest.

Protagonist: Could you box that up for me?

Neil: The hell happened here?
Protagonist: It hasn't happened yet.

Protagonist: There's a cold war.
Neil: Nuclear?
Protagonist: Temporal.

Neil: Time travel?
Protagonist: No. Technology that can invert an object's entropy.
Neil: You mean reverse chronology. Like Feynman and Wheeler's notion that a positron is an electron moving backwards in time?
Protagonist: Sure, that's exactly what I meant.
Neil: I have a master's in physics.
Protagonist: Well, try and keep up.

Protagonist: Mr. Sator...
Sator: Don't bother. Just tell me if you've slept with my wife yet.
Protagonist: Uh... No. Not yet.
Sator: How would you like to die?
Protagonist: Old.

Sator: It's very gratifying to watch a man you don't like try to pull his own balls out of his throat before he chokes.

Sator: I've always had instincts about the future. That's how I built this life you no longer value.

Protagonist: Sailing or diving?

Sator: One man's probability of death... is another man's possibility for a life.

Sator: Look at me! And understand, you don't negotiate with a tiger. You admire a tiger until he turns on you and you feel its true fucking nature!

Ives: They're running a temporal pincer movement... The pincer movement. But not in space, in time. Half his team moves forward through the event. He monitors them, and then attacks at the end moving backwards, knowing everything.

Protagonist: Lying is standard operating procedure.

Ives: This is a proving window. As you approach the turnstile, if you don't see yourself in the proving window, do not enter the machine.
Protagonist: Why not?
Ives: If you don't see yourself reverse-exit a machine, then you ain't getting out.
Protagonist: Is that gonna work?
Ives: Yeah. See for yourself.

Neil: That's unknowable. If you're there to make a change, you're not here to observe its effect.
Protagonist: What do you believe?
Neil: What's happened's happened.

Ives: This is cowboy shit. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into if you go through that door.
Protagonist: Well, I'm going, so any tips would be welcome.
Ives: Wheeler, brief him.
Wheeler: You'll need your own air. Regular air won't pass through the membranes of inverted lungs. Number one rule: don't come into contact with your forward self. It's the whole point of these barriers and protective suits.

Wheeler: If your particles come into contact...
Protagonist: What?
Wheeler: Annihilation.
Protagonist: That would be bad, right?
Wheeler: When you exit the air lock, take a moment to orient yourself. Things will feel strange.
     When you run, the wind will be at your back.
     You encounter fire, ice will form on your clothes as the transfer of heat is reversed.
     Gravity will feel normal but appear reversed for the world around you.
     You may experience distortions in your vision and hearing.
Protagonist: This is normal. Can I drive a car?
Ives: Cowboy shit.
Wheeler: I can't vouch for the handling. Friction and wind resistance are reversed. You are inverted. The world is not.

Sator: You did get my pulse above 130, no one's done that before. Not even my wife.

Neil: You might be the first case of hypothermia from a gasoline explosion in history.
Protagonist: At this point, nothing surprises.

Kat: Who are you?
Neil: Let's start with the simple stuff. Every law of physics...

Protagonist: I've been thinking... We're their ancestors. If they destroy us, won't that destroy them?
Neil: This brings us to the grandfather paradox.
Protagonist: The what?
Neil: If you went back in time and killed your own grandfather, how could you have been born to commit the act?
Protagonist: What's the answer?
Neil: There's no answer. It's a paradox. But in the future, those in power clearly believe that you can kick grandpa down the stairs, gouge his eyes out, slit his throat, without consequence.
Protagonist: Could they be right?
Neil: Doesn't matter. They believe it.

Priya: What did I do?
Protagonist: It's what you're going to do. In two days, you're gonna have me dangle plutonium-241 in front of the world's most dangerous arms dealer.

Protagonist: You used me.
Priya: As you used Katherine. Standard operating procedure.

Priya: You've done your part.
Protagonist: My part? I'm the protagonist of this operation.
Priya: You... are a protagonist. Did you think you were the only one capable of saving the world?

Protagonist: There may be a time and place you feel threatened. Hit "talk," state your location, hang up.
Kat: Who gets the message?
Protagonist: Posterity.

— They'll have inverse ordnance?
Ives: Inverse, conventional, forward antagonists, inverted antagonists, they have it all.

— How do we defuse the bomb up there?
Ives: We don't. The explosion takes place as planned. Now, our job is to fail to defuse that bomb while the splinter unit achieves its task undetected.
— Which is?
Ives: Need-to-know, and you don't. Any other stupid questions?

Ives: Look, don't get on the chopper if you can't stop thinking in linear terms.

Kat: What is it?
Sator: The way the world ends. Not with a bang, but a whimper.
Kat: I don't understand.
Sator: When I take this, it's all over.
Kat: Then don't take it yet.
Sator: Why not?
Kat: Because we have the sunset coming. And a little vodka left.

Protagonist: Each generation looks out for its own survival.

Sator: My greatest sin was to bring a son into a world I knew was ending. You think God will forgive me?

Protagonist: No one who's seen this leaves the field...
Ives: All right. We hide it. We end our lives. That's the only way to be sure. As to when... maybe that's every man's decision to make for himself.

Protagonist: Neil, wait!
Neil: Just saved the world. Can't leave anything to chance.
Protagonist: But can we change things if we do it differently?
Neil: "What's happened's happened." Which is an expression of faith in the mechanics of the world. It's not an excuse to do nothing.
Protagonist: Fate?
Neil: Call it what you want.
Protagonist: What do you call it?
Neil: Reality.

Neil: You have a future in the past.

Neil: For me, I think this is the end of a beautiful friendship.
Protagonist: But for me, it's just the beginning.

Neil: World will never know what could've happened. And even if they did, they wouldn't care. No one cares about the bomb that didn't go off. Only the one that did.

Protagonist: I realized I wasn't working for you. We've both been working for me. I'm the protagonist.

Protagonist: Mission accomplished.

++ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Σ colonelcassad: «Фильм скорее разочаровал, оказавшись чрезмерно претенциозным нагромождением концепций и идей, которые не производят впечатление целостного полотна, как это скажем получилось у Нолана в фильме "Начало". А ведь ожидания были в духе - сюжет в духе "Начало" и картинка в духе "Дюнкерка" с закосом под псевдореализм, помноженный на фантастические допущения.
     Выглядит же "Довод" так, что Нолану как будто пришла в голову интересная идея с инверсией времени, которую можно обыграть в экшн-сценах (что и было проделано), а уже потом под это придумывался сюжет, который набит разнообразной клюквой ......
     В итоге, посмотреть разок можно, даже в кинотеатре (тем более с фантастикой сейчас уже традиционного туго), но второй раз вы врядли захотите его пересматривать. Это крепенький фантастический боевик, визуальная и сюжетная претенциозность которого не соотвествует качеству персонажей и сценария.      На главный фильм 2020, как превозносили "Довод" до премьеры, он точно не тянет.
     Ждем "Дюну". Может быть Атрейдесы с Харконненами не подкачают.

Σ pita4og: «.... Если интересно мое мнение о "Доводе", то я в восторге. Больше всего от того, что Нолан не идет на поводу у студий и старается снимать массово-авторское кино. Может оно слишком арт, может недостаточно драма, но это визуальное искусство особого порядка. Как в живописи, не обязательно понимать что-то или иметь логическое объяснение изображения, иногда достаточно наслаждаться эмоциями от созерцания. ....»

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