10 янв. 2021 г.

The Bridge #1.5

Bron/Broen 1×5

Hans: How are you?
Martin: Fine, as long as I swallow painkillers.

Saga: According to Daniel Ferbé, the TT says he's behind it. Due to budget cuts in psychiatry. ... This is the third problem.

Saga: I'll send someone to issue a citation.
Fur Shop Owner: Why?
Saga: The camera in the window is illegal.
Fur Shop Owner: No way! It was a joke, right?
Martin: She never makes jokes. I'll see what I can do.

Martin: Are there any rules you don't follow?
Saga: Why?
Martin: I'm just wondering.
Saga: Rules are there to be followed. You mean the camera? That's illegal.
Martin: He's helping us.
Saga: Maybe.
Martin: He wants to help us. He was helpful.
Saga: And then you'd condone anything?
Martin: I don't mean that. If anyone wants to help us, you'd prosecute him for something else.
Saga: Why not?
Martin: You just don't. These are unwritten rules.
Saga: I don't know such rules.

Martin: I'm coming home. Saga sends her greetings.
Saga: Why did you say that? I didn't send greetings to her.
Martin: But I had to do it.
Saga: Is that an unwritten rule?

Еke: The addresses of psychiatric patients... What is wrong with you? What about ethics?! Is that legal?
Daniel: I asked to add word 'probably.'
Еke: He just wants people to be afraid.
Daniel: He just wants to identify what the problems are.
Еke: Not every psychiatric patient is a potential killer... The parents of the boy who killed the postman... have been trying for weeks to get their son committed. We need to write about that. Daniel: You don't decide what we write.
Еke: No, the TT does. You are a dork he's making use of.
Daniel: That's better than being an ordinary fool.

Anjas mamma: She can still come home?
Martin: Yes, I promise...
Saga: You can't promise! We'll do our best, but we can't promise anything. ....
Martin: You know sometimes what you say?
Saga: What?
Martin: Do you know what you say when open your mouth?!
Saga: We can't promise she'll come back. She may be dead.
Martin: Eight hours ago she was alive.
Saga: Therefore, she can now be dead. 30 percent of all people who disappear, don't come back.
Martin: I know. And I think they know that too. But sometimes you have to tell people what they want to hear... even if it isn't true.

Saga: Martin, wait. So people sometimes want to be lied to?
Martin: Yes sometimes people want to be told a lie.
Saga: What do we say if she is dead? You promised.
Martin: Now you're getting on my nerves.
Saga: Oh yeah?

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