30 дек. 2019 г.


Jack Ryan 2×8

Mike November: You gotta love countries that still put shit down on paper.

President Nicolas Reyes: You are an American spy. So you will be very helpful.

Jim Greer: Oh. You are fucked in the head. You know that?
Jack Ryan: Yeah, it's good to see you, too.

Jim Greer: You should've left me behind.
Jack Ryan: Don't worry. There's still time for that.

President Nicolas Reyes: Go ahead. Assassinate the leader of a sovereign nation.

Viva Venezuela!

Jack Ryan: Move on? To what?

Jim Greer: When you work behind a desk, your friends don't get killed. They don't get captured. They don't go down in helicopters. But it's the work, it's the real work that still needs to get done. And if I can't do it, someone else has to.

Jack Ryan: You'll like Djibouti. It's known for its beaches.

Jack Ryan: ...you shouldn't have called Thorne.

Mitchel Chapin: You want to run for Congress? The man who killed Suleiman? The man who helped save democracy in Venezuela? I make that public and it's done. Think, Jack... What are you doing?
Jack Ryan: Respectfully declining.

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