27 дек. 2019 г.

Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood (2019)

Rick Dalton: Well... actors are required to do a lot of dangerous stuff. Say Jake Cahill gets shot off his horse. Now, can I fall off a horse? Yes, I can, and, yes, I have...

Cliff Booth: Come on, now. You ever seen an Italian Western, huh?
Rick Dalton: They're awful. It's a fucking farce.
Cliff Booth: Yeah, how many you seen? One? Two?
Rick Dalton: I've seen enough, all right? Nobody likes Spaghetti Westerns.

Rick Dalton: What do I always say? Most important thing in this town is, when you're making money, you buy a house in town. You don't rent. Eddie O'Brien taught me that. Hollywood real estate means you live here. You're not just visiting, not just passing through. You fucking live here. Here I am flat on my ass, and who I got living next door to me? The director of Rosemary's fucking Baby, that's who. Polanski, the hottest director in town right now, probably the world. He's my next-door fucking neighbor. Heh-heh. I mean, shit. I mean, who knows what could happen? I could... I could be one pool party away from starring in a new Polanski movie.

Rick Dalton: You don't eat lunch?
Trudi Fraser: I've got a scene after lunch.
Rick Dalton: Yeah?
Trudi Fraser: Eating lunch before I do a scene makes me sluggish... I believe it's the job of an actor... And I say "actor," not "actress," because the word "actress" is nonsensical. It's the actor's job to avoid impediments to their performance. It's the actor's job to strive for 100 percent effectiveness. Naturally, we never succeed, but it's the pursuit... that's meaningful.

Rick Dalton: Who are you?
Trudi Fraser: You can call me Marabella.
Rick Dalton: No, no, come on, come on. What's your real name?
Trudi Fraser: When we're on set, I'd prefer to only be referred to by my character's name. It helps me invest in the reality of the story. I've tried it both ways, and I'm always just a tiny bit better when I don't break character. And if I can be a tiny bit better, I want to be.

Trudi Fraser: You're the bad guy. Caleb DeCoteau.
Rick Dalton: I thought it was pronounced Caleb "Dakota."
Trudi Fraser: I'm pretty sure it's "DeCoteau."
Rick Dalton: DeCoteau...

Trudi Fraser: What's happening to Easy Breezy now?
Rick Dalton: He's, um... He... He's not the best anymore. In fact, far from it. And... he's coming to terms with what it's like to be slightly more... use... Slightly more useless each day....
Trudi Fraser: It's okay, Caleb. It's okay. It sounds like a really sad book. Poor Easy Breezy. I'm practically crying and I haven't even read it.
Rick Dalton: About 15 years, you'll be living it.

Caleb DeCoteau: To my wife and all my sweethearts. May they never meet.

Trudi Fraser: That was the best acting I've ever seen in my whole life.

Pussycat: George isn't blind! You're the blind one!!

Rick Dalton: Well, here it goes now. With the, uh... With the new wife, I... I just... I can't afford you anymore, Cliff. You know? I can barely afford my own house anymore.

Narrator: The only thing the two men know of for sure: Tonight, Rick and Cliff will have a good old-fashioned drunk. Both men know, once the plane touches down in El Segundo, it'll be the end of an era for both of them. And when you come to the end of the line with a buddy who is more than a brother and a little less than a wife, getting blind drunk together is really the only way to say farewell.

Cliff Booth: Hey. You are real, right?

++ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!

Σ pita4og: «совершенно восхитительная для любого киномана лента. Потрясающая игра дуэта звезд - Леонардо ДиКаприо и Брэда Питта. Замечательный актерский второй план. Ностальгия по Голливуду 60-ых и ностальгия режиссера по своему же раннему творчеству. В рецензиях через одну обвиняют автора во вторичности, а кино считают слишком вялотекущем для обычного зрителя. Возможно, так и есть, но если вы фанат кино в целом и творчества Тарантино в частности, то эмоции от просмотра будут точно бить фонтаном!
у Тарантино все же есть талант снимать кино таким образом, что две параллельные истории с большими звездами в главных ролях не спорят друг с другом и не мешают Леонардо ДиКаприо и Брэду Питту показывать свои актерские таланты. Мне лично сложно сказать, кто из них понравился больше - оба прекрасны в каждой секунде экранного времени. ДиКаприо к своей безумной мимике добавляет несколько акцентов сразу. Питту удается играть в кадре одними глазами и улыбкой.

По поводу саундтрека к фильму по этой ссылке на music.yandex.ru. Если включить треки на самопроигрывание и не переключать, то создается иллюзия, что вы слушаете настоящее радио 60-ых с речевой и музыкальной рекламой и вставками про погоду:-)»

Σ odnovremenno: «Тарантино прекрасен.»

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