3 дек. 2019 г.

Hooli Smokes!

Silicon Valley 6×3

Dinesh: A billion dollars?

Richard: You can't put a price on ethics.
Gilfoyle: But it seems you just did. One billion dollars...

Dinesh: Richard, do you remember when you turned down $10 million from Gavin Belson? Did that start some sick addiction to turning down money? Are you just chasing that dragon, you sick junkie fuck?!

Dinesh: At an interest rate of 3.65 percent, leaving a billion dollars in the bank would get you $36.5 million a year. That's a hundred grand a day. That's...
Monica: Sixty-nine dollars a minute.
Dinesh: Sixty-nine dollars a minute!
Gilfoyle: Think about all the gold chain you could've bought with that money...

Dinesh: How long can we survive?
Gilfoyle: Well, the Siege of Candia lasted 21 years...
Dinesh: Oh. Well, that's something.
Gilfoyle: It ended in 1669, when the Ottoman soldiers were infected with plague after being attacked with the liquid from the spleens and buboes of the dead.
Dinesh: What's a bubo?
Gilfoyle: Plague-infested lymph nodes.
Dinesh: So, they would, like, scoop them out and throw them at people?

Gilfoyle: Richard, did you just try to punch the wall and miss?

Gavin: Want a drink?
Richard: Don't you think it's a little early...
Gavin: It's kombucha with ginseng and lemongrass, Richard. I'm not a fucking hobo.

Dinesh: All I wanted to do was be a golden millionaire. Is that too much to ask?

Dinesh: Everyone in the Valley is swimming in money. Why not me?
Gilfoyle: I believe your people have a concept for it... Karma.
Dinesh: Firstly, I am Muslim from Pakistan, you fucking racist. Secondly, karma does not exist. Otherwise, it would mean that bad things happen to me because I'm a bad person.
Gilfoyle: Check... and check.

Gilfoyle: In my youth, I would've argued that life is just a series of random events, devoid of any meaning. But as a data scientist, I have to recognize that sometimes, patterns emerge. Undeniable patterns. Get right with the universe.

Wajeed: Yes, 60 million dollars! I'm a golden millionaire! Times two!

Gilfoyle: Karma's a...
Dinesh: You're a bitch.

Ron Laflamme: There's no shame in it. Musk built PayPal and sold. Hoffman built LinkedIn and sold. You seen those guys lately?

Ron Laflamme: Richie, can I be honest with you for once?
Richard: For once? You're my attorney.

Dinesh: Well, we can take the money and still be good people, right? Plus, Richard is the CEO, so I have to follow his orders. I mean, no one's ever been a bad person 'cause they followed orders, right?

Gavin: Thank you, triathletes, for being here today to support a wonderful cause, HooliCares. Hooli cares. Do you?

Monica: You're really gonna let a woman tell you what to do?...

Gavin: Look, forget all the bullshit about making the world a better place. The most valuable companies in this valley were built and run by-by savages, who cheat to win. Zuckerberg, and Jobs, and me, Gavin Belson.

Gavin: The Valley is small and the road is long. Just keep looking over your shoulder...

Monica: Well, you'll think of something. Just be yours... Keep it short. Keep it short.

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