31 дек. 2019 г.

Exit Event

Silicon Valley 6×7

Jian-Yang: Richard, congratulations. It's your very close friend Jian-Yang, and I would like you to give me free shares of Pied Piper.

Jian-Yang: Monica, two men are talking business. You can find your broom and fly away.

Richard: So, uh, this was a message I sent to Monica last week. ... Look at the dots. Count the dots... Look, look. "Every single detail is", dot-dot-dot, "perfect". Okay? There are three dots in that ellipsis, which is the correct number of dots. However, in the message that I sent her, there are... four dots, which is incorrect. Thus, not perfect. It was a joke.
Monica: Was it?
Richard: Yes. Was and is.

Jared: Wait, is it... three dots that's funny or is it four?

Gilfoyle: The others can't help us now. Jared, bolt the doors.
Dinesh: What's in the bag?
Gilfoyle: Clif bars and a gun.

Jared: Okay, is this a good thing or a bad thing? Someone tell me how to feel.
Gilfoyle: Abject terror for you. Build from there.

Gilfoyle: Once launched, our AI will keep learning to break more and more sophisticated parameters. Ultimately, this will mean the end of privacy. Electrical grids, financial institutions, the nuclear launch codes for every single nuclear weapon. All will be exposed. Pure violence will become the only basis of power.
Dinesh: Spare us the apocalyptic desert planet sci-fi bullshit, Frank Herbert.

Gilfoyle: Fix what, Richard? The network is doing exactly what we told it to do. The AI is optimizing the compression and the compression is optimizing the AI. Everything that makes it successful is exactly what makes it dangerous. It's a feature, not a bug.

Gilfoyle: We built a monster. We need to kill it.

Richard: And what about all the other stuff we're gonna do? I mean, give internet to underserved communities, students in the homework gap, refugees, genomic research. Pied Piper can help scientists cure cancer...

Richard: It's like the four-minute mile. Everybody thought it was impossible, until someone did it, and then everybody started doing it because they knew it could be done.

Jared: Right. Roger Bannister. Now, imagine he'd gone into cardiac arrest and evacuated on himself and died. And as he lay there with his prolapsed anus peeking beneath the running shorts on his newly dead body, the crowd jeered and grimaced. That is what has to happen to us... We have to shit ourselves to death.

Dinesh: Are you dumbfucks listening to yourselves? Because I am, and you are dumb. And fucks.

Dinesh: No, I cannot do it.
Of course you can. Your entire life has prepared you to publicly fail. You're just failing to see that right now.

Dinesh: No offense to me, but I am greedy and unreliable, bordering on piece of shit.

Dinesh: Revoke my permissions. Delete my PiperMail account. I will use Gmail like a fucking basic bitch.

Jared: That is the most courageous act of cowardice I've ever seen.

Dinesh: All this because of a fucking dot!

Gilfoyle: Dinesh's car is at the Wendy's drive-thru. Anybody hungry?

Jared: The balloons are falling. Is that a good sign or a bad sign?

Monica: We failed at failing?

Jared: Dear sweet mother of God. What have we done?

Richard: .... Sorry.
Ron Laflamme: Obviously, Mr. Hendricks doesn't mean that in any legally binding or actionable way. Get a life, guys.

Dinesh: So, I did the right thing, I helped save the world, my legs are still super sore, and my reward is that I'm poor.

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The End

410 Gone

Mr. Robot 4×10

Dominique: I don't have anyone.

Darlene: Or did you actually think that dresser over there was gonna do anything more than throw off your feng shui?

Dominique: What's your plan, anyway? Run? How long? How far? Where is this magical place when you're gonna feel safe enough to stop looking over your shoulder?

Dominique: I'm not alone. I have Alexa, remember?
Alexa: Sorry, I'm having trouble understanding right now.

Darlene: This is not a person! She is not real. She is not your friend. She is just a robot you use to buy paper towels.

Darlene: Are you sure you don't want to come with us?
Elliot: I can't. I'm not done.

Leon: It's like I always say: Gotta keep a open mind at every opportunity that comes your way. You've seen that one movie, "Three Days of the Condor," right?.. Dude, you've never seen "Three Days of the Condor," and you're a fucking FBI agent? You've gotta check that out.

Leon: Normally I don't go for that '70s paranoia shit, but I don't know, this one... this one really spoke to me. You know, maybe it was what my boy Joubert says: "I don't interest myself in the why. I think more often in terms of the when, sometimes where, but always how much." I fucking felt that. Got me opening up my eyes to diversifying my revenue streams and whatnot.

Leon: Yeah, believe it or not, Connecticut's swarming with Dark Army, given the concentration of RWAs... Rich, white assholes. Yep, that's who they like doing their business with. Usually, that's their number one client, in fact.

Leon: I gotta find a rest stop anyway. Gotta steal me a mirror real quick.... What, do you not know your Vonnegut?

Leon: Man, nobody fucking reads anymore...

Dominique: What do you think of Jackie?
Leon: Jackie's whoever you want her to be.
Dominique: Yeah, it's easy for you to say. You're not pretending to be someone you're not.
Leon: You think Leon's my real name?.....

Darlene: For once, I wanna drop the paranoia and just take all this in. Just for this moment.
Dominique: What is this moment, exactly?
Darlene: Watch this.....

Darlene: Shut the fuck up and just watch.

Dominique: Everyone got this much?

Dominique: This isn't what justice is supposed to look like. We have laws for a reason.
Darlene: And they were so powerful, they wrote the laws to benefit themselves. They got away with everything because they banked on us, all of us, to trust the system. That was our vulnerability, and they took advantage of it.

Darlene: This is it. Everything we've been through led up to this one moment... The greatest redistribution of wealth in history.

Darlene: We just Robin Hooded those evil motherfuckers.

Darlene: Let me think about it.
Leon: Cool... Till the next episode, then.

Irving: Well, word around camp is they don't care about you two no more.
Dominique: What do you mean?
Irving: They've picked up and skedaddled off to something more important.
Dominique: Where?
Irving: That I can't tell you.

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30 дек. 2019 г.

The End of the F***ing World 2×8

James: She's not my girlfriend... But she was my friend.

James: Dread can start as a small thing. It's so quiet, you can pretend not to hear it. But it gets loud. Really loud... And you can't ignore it any more.

Alyssa: It's easy to feel like you're not in control of your life. That's because you're not. You can't stop things happening. You just have to deal with them when they do.

Alyssa: It's like a haunted house. Only I'm the ghost.

James: Oh, no...
Alyssa: What?
James: I didn't know when, but my dad had got a bit wet...
Alyssa: Oh, he's like a paste... It's still him.

James: Maybe I just... just sort of pour him.

James: I love you too.
Alyssa: Yeah, don't go on about it.

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Jack Ryan 2×8

Mike November: You gotta love countries that still put shit down on paper.

President Nicolas Reyes: You are an American spy. So you will be very helpful.

Jim Greer: Oh. You are fucked in the head. You know that?
Jack Ryan: Yeah, it's good to see you, too.

Jim Greer: You should've left me behind.
Jack Ryan: Don't worry. There's still time for that.

President Nicolas Reyes: Go ahead. Assassinate the leader of a sovereign nation.

Viva Venezuela!

Jack Ryan: Move on? To what?

Jim Greer: When you work behind a desk, your friends don't get killed. They don't get captured. They don't go down in helicopters. But it's the work, it's the real work that still needs to get done. And if I can't do it, someone else has to.

Jack Ryan: You'll like Djibouti. It's known for its beaches.

Jack Ryan: ...you shouldn't have called Thorne.

Mitchel Chapin: You want to run for Congress? The man who killed Suleiman? The man who helped save democracy in Venezuela? I make that public and it's done. Think, Jack... What are you doing?
Jack Ryan: Respectfully declining.

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Мишель Уэльбек — Покорность (2/2)

&  Если человека не перебивать, он будет говорить бесконечно, всем всегда интересны собственные речи, но все же собеседника следует систематически подбадривать.

&  Я многозначительно промолчал: если молчишь многозначительно, глядя людям прямо в глаза и делая вид, будто благоговейно им внимаешь, они начинают говорить без умолку. Они любят, когда их слушают, это знают все следователи; все следователи, все писатели, все шпионы.

&  Выражение “после меня хоть потоп”, приписываемое то Людовику XV, то его любовнице маркизе де Помпадур, очень точно передавало мое настроение, но тут впервые у меня мелькнула тревожная мысль: потоп вполне мог случиться до моей кончины.

&  Мне уже никогда не достанет решимости позвонить ..., ощущение близости по телефону было слишком пронзительным, а пустота, следующая за ним, – слишком нестерпимой.

&  Что касается восстановления семейных ценностей, традиционной морали и тем самым, по существу, патриархата, то тут перед ним расстилаются необозримые просторы, где правоцентристам, как и Национальному фронту, нет места – слишком велик риск, что последние ветераны шестьдесят восьмого года обзовут их реакционерами, а то и фашистами. Эти дышащие на ладан мумии прогрессизма давно себя исчерпали в общественном плане, но, засев в медиатических крепостях, еще умудряются метать проклятия, обличая наши злосчастные времена итошнотворную атмосферу,которая сгущается в стране; один лишь Бен Аббес для них неуязвим. Закованные в кандалы идейного антирасизма, левые лишены возможности не только бороться с мусульманским кандидатом, но даже критиковать его.

&  Ностальгия ведь отнюдь не эстетическое чувство, она даже не связана со счастливыми воспоминаниями, мы испытываем ностальгию по какому-то месту просто потому, что там жили, хорошо ли, плохо ли – не важно, прошлое всегда прекрасно, будущее, кстати, тоже; причиняет боль только настоящее, и мы носим его в себе, словно некий гнойник страданий, ни на минуту не покидающий нас в промежутке между двумя бескрайними полосами чистого счастья.

  ... И я ни о чем не пожалею.”

29 дек. 2019 г.

Ad Astra (2019)

Thomas Pruitt: Out there... a voyage of exploration can be used for something as simple as escape.

Roy McBride: So many times in my life, I've screwed up. Although all efforts have been made... I've talked, when I should have listened. I've been harsh, when I should have been tender...

Roy McBride: We lost the Captain... I mean, we... We go to work, we do our jobs... and then it's over. We're here, and then we're gone.

Roy McBride: In the end, the son suffers the sins of the father.

H. Clifford McBride: Hmm... I have work to do. I have infinite work to do.

H. Clifford McBride: I can't fail. You can't let me fail, Roy.
Roy McBride: Dad... you haven't. Now, we know... we're all we've got.

Roy McBride: Why go on? Why keep trying?

Roy McBride: I'm steady, calm. I slept well. No bad dreams. I am active and engaged. I'm aware of my surroundings and those in my immediate sphere. I'm attentive. I'm focused on the essential... to the exclusion of all else. I'm unsure of the future... but I'm not concerned. I will rely on those closest to me. And I will share their burdens... as they share mine. I will live... and love. Submit.

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Σ pita4og: «меланхоличная драма о космосе, галактиках, новых материях и месте одного маленького человека в этом всем. История не столько о путешествии по постоянно расширяющейся Вселенной, сколько о попытке познания вселенной человеческого разума»

Dios y Federación

Jack Ryan 2×7

Dr. Porfirio González: ...We even have a sculptor.
Jim Greer: What did he do?
Dr. Porfirio González: He sculpted a statue of the first lady. She was naked... and... being fucked by the winged angel of justice.

Mike November: Don't die.
Jack Ryan: Can't promise anything.

Jack Ryan: Focus on the money.

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Мишель Уэльбек — Покорность

цитаты | Покорность | Мишель Уэльбек | Paris | France | muslim | Koran | University | professor | church | loneliness | leftist
  “В течение долгих лет моей невеселой юности Гюисманс оставался моим спутником и верным другом; я ни разу не усомнился в нем, ни разу не возникло у меня желания расстаться с ним или выбрать себе другую тему; так что в один прекрасный июньский день 2007 года, после всяческих проволочек, нарушив все мыслимые и немыслимые сроки, я защитил в университете Сорбонна – Париж-IV диссертацию “Жорис-Карл Гюисманс, или Выход из тупика”. ...

&  Живопись, в той же степени, что и литература, может дать повод для восхищения и предложить по-иному взглянуть на мир. Но только литературе подвластно пробудить в нас чувство близости с другим человеческим разумом в его полном объеме, с его слабостями и величием, ограниченностью, суетностью, навязчивыми идеями и верованиями; со всем, что тревожит, интересует, будоражит и отвращает его. Только литература позволяет самым непосредственным образом установить связь с разумом умершего, даже более исчерпывающую и глубокую, чем та, что может возникнуть в разговоре с другом; какой бы крепкой и проверенной временем ни была дружба, мы не позволяем себе раскрываться в разговоре так же безоглядно, как сидя перед чистым листом бумаги и обращаясь к неизвестному адресату.

&  Автор – это прежде всего человек, присутствующий в своих книгах, и в конечном счете не так уж и важно, хорошо или плохо он пишет, главное – чтобы писал и действительно присутствовал в своих книгах... Если книга нравится, это значит, по сути, что нам нравится ее автор, к нему хочется все время возвращаться и проводить с ним целые дни напролет.

&  Любовь мужчины – всего лишь благодарность за доставленное удовольствие.

&  И почему, собственно, жизнь, в принципе, должна иметь смысл? Все животные и подавляющее большинство людей прекрасно живут, не испытывая никакой нужды в смысле жизни. Живут, потому что живут, и точка, – так они мыслят; потом умирают – надо думать, потому, что умирают, вот и вся их философия.

&  Судя по тому, что происходило сейчас, левоцентристские журналисты в слепоте своей не уступали троянцам. Подобная слепота, впрочем, не несла в себе никакой исторической новизны: в тридцатые годы прошлого века то же самое происходило с интеллектуалами, политиками и журналистами, которые все как один были убеждены, что Гитлер “рано или поздно одумается”. Не исключено, что люди, живущие и процветающие при определенном строе, просто не в состоянии встать на точку зрения тех, кто никогда ничего хорошего от этого строя не ждал и готов уничтожить его, не испытывая особого трепета.

28 дек. 2019 г.

The End of the F***ing World 2×7

Sid: Stay safe.

Alyssa: What do you say to someone you abandoned in a car park? Do you want a scone?

Sid: He got shot in the head. And then put in a cupboard.
Alyssa: Right.
Sid: I keep saying cupboard. It's wardrobe... They put him in a wardrobe.

Sid: Stay safe.

Alyssa: Yeah, we killed him.
Bonnie: Then you have to get punished. People are supposed to get punished.

Alyssa: It's weird knowing you're going to die. You feel like you're old, and you know everything, so you don't give a shit anymore. We're not gonna say sorry.

Alyssa: The problem with a person having a lack of love is that they don't know what it looks like. So it's easy for them to get tricked, to see things that aren't there. But then I guess we all lie to ourselves all the time.

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Basic Cable

South Park 23×9

Eric Cartman: No, Scott, If you and Sophie have a baby, it'll have super diabetes. I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure that causes a crater on the Earth.

Jimmy Valmer: That girl is pretty fly. As soon as she said she watches "Mandalorian," it gave me a little boner.

Scott Malkinson Sr.: Oh! You want quantity over quality?! Streaming services are destroying our town! People don't watch and bond over the same shows anymore. Everyone watches something different. 'Cause you got assholes in Hollywood making little niche programs for everybody. That's what you want?!

Scott Malkinson: So... What's your favorite food that you can't eat? Mine's waffles.

Scott Malkinson Sr.: Look! 240 channels of anything we want to watch. No accounts. No **** passwords. Just pure, simple, basic cable.

Scott Malkinson Sr.: Not now, Scott. Your mom and I are enjoying watching whatever we want and not signing up for anything.

Scott Malkinson Sr.: Streaming services are destroying our culture, Scott! People got a thousand shows at their fingertips 24/7, so now Hollywood has to make shows within their shows to make more shows!

Eric Cartman: Do you know what love is, Scott?! I'll tell you one thing... it's not the happy ending that Disney movies promised us. There's just frustration and anger and pain. Relationships are diabetes times 10.

Eric Cartman: Fine. I'll tell you how to get Disney+. But when you feel like killing yourself in two years, don't do it in front of me.

Eric Cartman: Uh-oh. Looks like you got some pie on your face, Scott.

Sophie Gray: I'm not anyone's girlfriend. I just **** moved here, you guys. Can I have time to unpack the shit in my room?
Scott Malkinson: But Sophie, you're totally my type... type one diabetes.

Sophie Gray: I don't think you're any weirder or grosser than any of the other boys in this town.
Scott Malkinson: Wow. That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me.

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27 дек. 2019 г.

Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood (2019)

Rick Dalton: Well... actors are required to do a lot of dangerous stuff. Say Jake Cahill gets shot off his horse. Now, can I fall off a horse? Yes, I can, and, yes, I have...

Cliff Booth: Come on, now. You ever seen an Italian Western, huh?
Rick Dalton: They're awful. It's a fucking farce.
Cliff Booth: Yeah, how many you seen? One? Two?
Rick Dalton: I've seen enough, all right? Nobody likes Spaghetti Westerns.

Rick Dalton: What do I always say? Most important thing in this town is, when you're making money, you buy a house in town. You don't rent. Eddie O'Brien taught me that. Hollywood real estate means you live here. You're not just visiting, not just passing through. You fucking live here. Here I am flat on my ass, and who I got living next door to me? The director of Rosemary's fucking Baby, that's who. Polanski, the hottest director in town right now, probably the world. He's my next-door fucking neighbor. Heh-heh. I mean, shit. I mean, who knows what could happen? I could... I could be one pool party away from starring in a new Polanski movie.

Rick Dalton: You don't eat lunch?
Trudi Fraser: I've got a scene after lunch.
Rick Dalton: Yeah?
Trudi Fraser: Eating lunch before I do a scene makes me sluggish... I believe it's the job of an actor... And I say "actor," not "actress," because the word "actress" is nonsensical. It's the actor's job to avoid impediments to their performance. It's the actor's job to strive for 100 percent effectiveness. Naturally, we never succeed, but it's the pursuit... that's meaningful.

Rick Dalton: Who are you?
Trudi Fraser: You can call me Marabella.
Rick Dalton: No, no, come on, come on. What's your real name?
Trudi Fraser: When we're on set, I'd prefer to only be referred to by my character's name. It helps me invest in the reality of the story. I've tried it both ways, and I'm always just a tiny bit better when I don't break character. And if I can be a tiny bit better, I want to be.

Trudi Fraser: You're the bad guy. Caleb DeCoteau.
Rick Dalton: I thought it was pronounced Caleb "Dakota."
Trudi Fraser: I'm pretty sure it's "DeCoteau."
Rick Dalton: DeCoteau...

Trudi Fraser: What's happening to Easy Breezy now?
Rick Dalton: He's, um... He... He's not the best anymore. In fact, far from it. And... he's coming to terms with what it's like to be slightly more... use... Slightly more useless each day....
Trudi Fraser: It's okay, Caleb. It's okay. It sounds like a really sad book. Poor Easy Breezy. I'm practically crying and I haven't even read it.
Rick Dalton: About 15 years, you'll be living it.

Caleb DeCoteau: To my wife and all my sweethearts. May they never meet.

Trudi Fraser: That was the best acting I've ever seen in my whole life.

Pussycat: George isn't blind! You're the blind one!!

Rick Dalton: Well, here it goes now. With the, uh... With the new wife, I... I just... I can't afford you anymore, Cliff. You know? I can barely afford my own house anymore.

Narrator: The only thing the two men know of for sure: Tonight, Rick and Cliff will have a good old-fashioned drunk. Both men know, once the plane touches down in El Segundo, it'll be the end of an era for both of them. And when you come to the end of the line with a buddy who is more than a brother and a little less than a wife, getting blind drunk together is really the only way to say farewell.

Cliff Booth: Hey. You are real, right?

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Σ pita4og: «совершенно восхитительная для любого киномана лента. Потрясающая игра дуэта звезд - Леонардо ДиКаприо и Брэда Питта. Замечательный актерский второй план. Ностальгия по Голливуду 60-ых и ностальгия режиссера по своему же раннему творчеству. В рецензиях через одну обвиняют автора во вторичности, а кино считают слишком вялотекущем для обычного зрителя. Возможно, так и есть, но если вы фанат кино в целом и творчества Тарантино в частности, то эмоции от просмотра будут точно бить фонтаном!
у Тарантино все же есть талант снимать кино таким образом, что две параллельные истории с большими звездами в главных ролях не спорят друг с другом и не мешают Леонардо ДиКаприо и Брэду Питту показывать свои актерские таланты. Мне лично сложно сказать, кто из них понравился больше - оба прекрасны в каждой секунде экранного времени. ДиКаприо к своей безумной мимике добавляет несколько акцентов сразу. Питту удается играть в кадре одними глазами и улыбкой.

По поводу саундтрека к фильму по этой ссылке на music.yandex.ru. Если включить треки на самопроигрывание и не переключать, то создается иллюзия, что вы слушаете настоящее радио 60-ых с речевой и музыкальной рекламой и вставками про погоду:-)»

Σ odnovremenno: «Тарантино прекрасен.»

Fillion Bollar King

Imposters 2×1

Ezra Bloom: So, where are we going?
Jules Langmore: Well, I guess we should find someplace we can sell the ring, right?
— Shh!
Jules Langmore: That rhymes with "fillion bollar king."

Ezra Bloom: So... so what's there to do in Scottsdale while we wait?
Richard Evans: Same thing I did for 24 years... Hang out at my mom's house.

Ezra Bloom: I mean, take the three of us. We've known each other a few months, but also, like, forever. Our cells knew each other since the Big Bang.
Jules Langmore: I hate that show.
Ezra Bloom: It's like, we... we think we live our lives in this straight line, but in truth, time actually moves totally in both directions... Both directions, right?

Ezra Bloom: I'm such a loser...
Jules Langmore: Hey. You are not a loser. You... are like a dreamer just waiting for someone to dream about...
Ezra Bloom: Yeah.
Jules Langmore: Yeah... Which, I guess, is just another definition of a loser.

Bartender: Rough day?
Max: Rough year.

Fluke: You're not listening to me, man. Maybe Mrs. G will honor the deal. Maybe she'll kick you in the nuts.
Richard Evans: Do you know? 'Cause I sure as hell don't.
Fluke: The universe... it's a freaking mystery.
Richard Evans: Are you aware of something that I should be aware of?
Fluke: Protect your nuts. That's all.

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26 дек. 2019 г.

The End of the F***ing World 2×6

Alyssa: It's good... having spent that time with James. It's good to know that it doesn't work. I thought it wouldn't.

Alyssa: People say moments like this are like ripping off a plaster. The problem is that underneath the plaster, there's still quite a lot of shit.

Alyssa: Sometimes it's easier if you just leave the plaster on.

Alyssa: Hey, Iggy.
Iggy: Fuck off and die.

Alyssa: It's quite hard to put things right when everyone hates you, and you can't find your husband.

Alyssa: Sometimes, doing the right thing feels like committing a crime.

Alyssa: Sometimes I get so tired that I can't feel my edges anymore. It's like melting. But not in a good way.

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Persona Non Grata

Jack Ryan 2×6

Matice: Out-fucking-standing. That's not bad for a dirty boat guy.

President Nicolas Reyes: Do you know anything about polo?
Jim Greer: I know Ralph Lauren makes a great shirt.

President Nicolas Reyes: It is the greatest of all games, but not for the timid or the poor. In competitive play, players can switch horses every three, four minutes. 50 horses can be used just in one match.

Jim Greer: Mike, if I may... I've worked with Ryan. Is he an ass? Yes. But does that make him wrong? No, it doesn't.

Lisa Calabrese: He just said that we tampered with the election. He declared us persona non grata and ordered us to evacuate the embassy immediately.

Jack Ryan: This is your plan to blend in? Play cops?

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Дина Рубина — Синдром Петрушки

цитаты | Синдром Петрушки | Дина Рубина | кукольник | Львов | Прага | Самара | Иерусалим | биполярное расстройство
 “«…И будь ты проклят со всем своим балаганом! ...
&  ...оставались два поникших в тишине старика: ожидание конца в безнадежном отсутствии создателя.

&  Есть надо сытно, повторял; голодный артист – явление поэтычноэ, но огорчительное и бесполезное.

&  – Нет, не ясно! Никогда не говори, что тебе ясно! Только дураки – главные инструкторы во всяком деле...

&  – Только плохие актеры трепыхают куклой. Не мельтеши, вырабатывай стиль. Зритель следит за движениями, как кот за воробьем в луже. Его внимание – твоя власть. Держи его в руке, как гроздь сладкого винограда, и ме-е-едленно выжимай по капле... Скупее... скупее... Остановись! Чу-у-уть-чуть пусть поведет головой туда-сюда... Вспомни Машку, как она двигается: у нее только лопатки под шкуркой так мя-аконько ходят. Кошачьих, кошачьих почаще вспоминай: ни одного лишнего движения! Паузы! Перенимай у них паузы.

&  Знаешь, что такое – гротеск, сыну? Это когда все слишком забавно, когда все так смешно и нелепо, что это уже издевательство».

&  Страна в то время уже начинала раскачиваться на похмельных лапах, и чувствовалось, что, рухнув, придавит, к чертовой матери, кучу народа. Все мы жадно читали публикации в толстых журналах, заглатывая статьи на экономические, исторические и прочие политико-преобразовательные темы. Все жили в том мутноватом, тяжелом для пищеварения бульоне, который в разные времена и в разных странах носит имя «Накануне».

&  По-настоящему земляками можно считать лишь людей, выросших в городе в одни и те же годы, – ведь суть и облик места столь же изменчивы, как и суть и облик времени...

&  – Мир полон мерзости. Это Библия. Вот что никогда не устаревает.

&  О девушке он тосковал, это правда, но ведь, в конце концов, собственная задница куда более близкий родственник, чем самая распрекрасная женщина.

&  Степень отчаяния – вот что в конечном итоге решает дело, скажу я вам. Степень отчаяния! Не решимость против решимости, а отчаяние против отчаяния.

&  А ведь во взглядах многолетних супругов всегда содержится нечто большее, чем любовь или бытовая привязанность: в них содержатся годы, тысячи проспанных вместе ночей.

&  – Не сочиняй заранее всех бед...

  ... Я должен здесь оставаться – покуда есть ты, моя любовь…”

25 дек. 2019 г.


Silicon Valley 6×6

Dinesh: If this comes out, I'll cover your ass if you cover mine.
Gilfoyle: If what comes out?

Richard: Dodgy gadin, my merry knights of Piper! Sir Owen, doing valiant battle with the authentication service...

Richard: Oh, and prithee, Becky, my queen, how goeth cashless payments?

Richard: Ho, ho! Good Friar Gabriel. How dost thou fair with the ticketing module?

Gilfoyle: Based on the amount of work left to do and the number of hours left before the festival, I decided to task Son of Anton to use machine learning to debug some of our code.

Richard: Okay, well, your AI just failed, epically.
Gilfoyle: That's unclear. It's possible that Son of Anton decided that the most efficient way to get rid of all the bugs was to get rid of all the software, which is technically and statistically correct. But... artificial neural nets are sort of a black box, so we'll never know for sure.

Richard: From now on, Son of Anton is banned. Just write code like a normal human fucking being, please.

Danny: Is there something you wanna tell us?
Richard: I respect you all?...

Monica: You're using underage girls as slave labor for a fake Amazon review farm?!

Jared: Let's boot those meddling bums off of the network! Enough of this crap!!
Richard: Yeah. Well, uh, that's impossible 'cause the whole point of a decentralized network is to prevent a single host from controlling access. So dictators can't ban dissidents. Right now, there's no way to kill them or stop them throttling the network.
Gilfoyle: This is why things are easier in China...

Jian-Yang: Monica, for the last five years, you have been horrible. You never smile. You never kiss me. I'll never give you anything you want. I hate you.

Jian-Yang: You and I, we could've run this town, but you blew it, mister.

Laurie: Your compression is inadequate in the face of bottlenecks that emerge between node-cluster edges. Pied Piper does not scale. ...
Richard: That can't be right.
Laurie: And yet it is. I wish we had plagiarized more functional code...

Jared: Well, she's just a hater, and, no disrespect, but she can eat shit.

Dinesh: You'll think of something, right? Richard?...

Richard: Six. Fucking!! Years!!! Six years... we've wasted!

Richard: I'm fine. I just gotta go to the bathroom.

Gilfoyle: So, you fucked around with Son of Anton's brain, and then gave him access to our entire network infrastructure, while it's still running?
Richard: Yes!
Dinesh: Richard, that's like asking a robot to change your tire while you're driving on the freeway!

Gilfoyle: And what the fuck is Son of Anton version 2.0?

Dinesh: This is not my fault. I barely touched Gilfoyle's AI.

Richard: What did we do?
Gilfoyle: We?

Jared: Wait, is that right? It's at... 145%?
Dinesh: Now 160%. Okay, how is this possible?

Richard: My middle-out, Gilfoyle's AI, whatever the fuck Dinesh did to Gilfoyle's AI...
Dinesh: I basically rewrote the entire thing.
Richard: You guys, it worked. It-It-It happened.

Jared: You... are like the three musketeers of coding, except you are all d'Artagnan.

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A Party Invitation, Football Grapes and an Earth Chicken

Young Sheldon 3×9

Adult Sheldon: Before that disembodied voice on AOL started saying, "You've got mail," we relied on my mom.
Mary: Shelly, you've got mail!

Mary: Well, I'm not trying to be mean here either, but you are behaving very unneighborly.
Brenda: That was mean?
Mary: You're darn tootin'.
Brenda: Tootin'?
Mary: Tootin'!

Sheldon: You should probably settle on a specific date because when I want to go to RadioShack and my dad says, "Maybe another time," we never end up going.

Pastor Jeff: What do you got? I was gonna do Noah's ark, but Sheldon's gonna eat me alive, like those two lions would've done to those two giraffes.

Georgie: It just don't make no sense. If I'm gonna pay for it with my own money, why can't I get a TV for my bedroom?

Mary: Everyone's going and everyone's gonna have fun!

Dr. Sturgis: Uh, brought some snacks for the game... Hope you like grapes.
Georgie: Oh, there's nothing my dad loves more than football and grapes.

Sheldon: Hmm. Gallus gallus domesticus, otherwise known as "Earth chicken." Live long and prosper... you filthy bird.

Dr. Sturgis: George, would you prefer me to wait for a commercial break before I bring up my emotional state?

Sheldon: Do not be alarmed, our mission is one of peace.

Billy: Gallus gallus domesticus pooped on my uniform! The mission is compromised!

Sheldon: I hope it's not another invitation.
Mary: It's probably a thank you note.
Sheldon: So now I have to write a you're welcome note? You people are killing me.

On the IMDb

24 дек. 2019 г.

The Lost City of Z (2016)

Percy Fawcett: To Death; The best source to Life!

Sir George Goldie: Terrible disease, murderous savages. The journey may well mean your life. But you could reclaim your family name...

Percy Fawcett: Time is of the essence now. War's at stake.
Henry Costin: So you, and I, and a couple of mules are gonna stop a war?
Percy Fawcett: Well then you and I... are going to have to depend on each other. Neither of us will survive this alone.

Henry Costin: We might be a little bit too English for this jungle. Strangers in a strange land...

Percy Fawcett: The river will be our home for the next two years. We shall not fail. Mankind awaits our discoveries.

Percy Fawcett: I see my son's face in my dreams now. What kind of fool am I, to leave my family for this place?

Percy Fawcett: The exit from hell is always difficult, Mr. Costin. But we will get back. The world will know what we've found here.

James Murray: I was, um... Well, I'm a biologist, but I'm also somewhat of an explorer. I was second in command under Shackleton in the Antarctica. Did you know that?

Sir John Scott Keltie: I would suggest keeping such findings to yourself. It is one thing to defend the primitive jungle men. It is quite another to elevate their capacity beyond reason. I mean, no one here would dispute that you believed what you saw, but... such a trip is very hard on the mind. Very hard, indeed.

Percy Fawcett: It states explicitly the discovery of a lost city. Uncovered in Trinity College, Dublin, this week by my lovely wife. Written by a Portuguese soldier in 1753, and I quote, "We came upon the ruins of an ancient city bedecked with gold. Roads... Temples... Ancient symbols..."
William Barkley: What? El Dorado?
Percy Fawcett: No, gentlemen! I call it "Zed." The ultimate piece of the human puzzle! It is there and we must find it!

James Murray: You don't give a wit about me. Or about any of the party. You don't even care about going home. You only care... about your lost... city.

Percy Fawcett: When I was younger, I ventured all for king and country, for place and rank. I believed that to be the makings of a man. But my travels have taught me, such ambitions are mere phantoms. I know in our hearts, we fight for our loves ones, as we should. But they are not here. So instead let us fight for each other. Good luck. And may God be with all of you.

Jack Fawcett: You still believe in Z, do you not?... That we underestimated the Indian. That is why we should go back. You and I, together. We could find the city once and for all.

Percy Fawcett: Be brave. Nothing will happen to us that is not our destiny.

Jack Fawcett: We're going to die. We're going to die here today.
Percy Fawcett: So much of life is a mystery, my boy. We know so little of this world. But you and I have made a journey that other men cannot even imagine. And this has given understanding to our hearts.

Nina Fawcett: "My Percy..... Always teach him to dream, to seek the unknown, to look for what is beautiful is its own reward. And I beg you to remember those words so easy to forget; A man's reach... should exceed his grasp, or what's a Heaven for? My dearest love, forever."

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Σ nostradamvs: «Более или менее неплохой биографический фильм о Перси Фосетте – британском офицере, помешанном на поисках затерянных городов в южноамериканских джунглях, и совершившем с 1906 по 1925 год семь экспедиций в те края. У фильма два минуса. Во-первых, манера съёмок не создаёт ощущения, что его экспедиции длятся годами – кажется, что они плывут пару недель и, кроме того, очень плохо подготовлены (на деле всё не так). Во-вторых, режиссёр не осилил вовремя закончить: фильм стоило завершить, когда Фосетт уходит в последнюю экспедицию: этот 20-минутный выдуманный аппендикс про индейцев совершенно не нужен.»

Σ colonelcassad: «...по сути краткое жизнеописание полковника Фосетта, который с точки зрения авторов фильма стремился к славе и известности, а также к тому, чтобы доказать, что индейцы не отличаются от других людей. Авторы судя по всему так до конца и не определились - был ли Фосетт абсолютным эгоцентристом, который принес и себя и свою семью в жертву своим личным амбициям или же им двигала возвышенная тяга к первооткрывательству порожденному природным любопытством человека. ...

Интересные статьи про экспедицию Фосетта.

Потерянный город Z. Дэвид Гранн
Пропавшая экспедиция Перси Фоссета»

Caveat Emptor

Castle Rock 2×9

Abdi: Why are they trying to kill us?
Pop: Let's live long enough to talk it out.

Abdi: That's a lot of bombs...
Pop: I figured somebody would be coming for me someday‐‐ either the police or something else.

Pop: How'd you get out?
Annie: I killed some people.
Pop: How did you get all the way over here?
Annie: I killed some more people.

Pop: Let's use the Army manual...

Ace: Delusions... normal for a man in your advanced age.

Annie: What I can't get my kadooza around is why they're keeping you alive. Maybe they're still living in a world where reasonable people can come to an arrangement. I would love that...

Pop: I thought we'd be killing each other by now, like civilized human beings.

Pop: No, I don't do deals with walking fucking corpses.

Pop: In my house, you pay your debts.

Ace: It's extraordinary. No children of your own, but ruined four kids anyway. To start with nothing and somehow end up with less than nothing... That takes a real businessman.

Nadia: You don't get to make your peace.

Ace: No. You're not a good man. You're a dying one... And I am a deathless one. You have nothing. I have forever. Don't tell me you're not interested in a trade.

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23 дек. 2019 г.

The End of the F***ing World 2×5

Alyssa: Sometimes I hate waking up... You can pretend that things aren't your fault... that you're not a bad person... but deep down, you always know that you are.

James: Why would she have sex with him?
Alyssa: Her boyfriend died. She's got low self-esteem. People do all kinds of shit when they feel bad about themselves.

Alyssa: No one's judging you. You just slept with him. I don't care. You had your reasons. We've all done stuff we regret.

Alyssa: She's weird. She does weird things. It's not that interesting.

James: Why can't you ask nicely?

James: I never knew if Alyssa was aware of it, but she could make a room feel colder than it actually was...

James: This is called a Lazy Susan. I often found that tension could be diffused with facts. So you can pass the food round more easily. They're actually...
Alyssa: Fuck's sake, James.
James: Not always, though.

Alyssa: Can you stop saying the word "murdered" please?

James: This is my dad...

James: You can't... You can't kiss someone and then be mean. It's confusing.

Kevan: My name is Kevan. With an "A".

Bonnie: Has anyone ever killed someone you loved?... Do you ever wake up in the night feeling like your skin's been screaming 'cause it misses someone so much?

Alyssa: I'm not the answer, James.

Alyssa: What about Bonnie?
James: Fuck Bonnie.

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Blue Gold

Jack Ryan 2×5

Jim Greer: I sign all 12 alimony checks at once. I postdate them. It's like ripping off a Band-Aid.

Mike November: What the fuck's tantalum?
Jim Greer: Oh, it's critical in all kinds of manufacturing. You know, circuit boards, GPS systems, jet engines... A fucking laundry list.

Jim Greer: They call that stuff "Blue Gold"...

Mike November: You said it's valuable. How much are we talking?
Jim Greer: Trillions.

Harry: The one thing he always said was never care about anyone.

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22 дек. 2019 г.

409 Conflict

Mr. Robot 4×9

Young Elliot: Mom. Maybe we should just tell him now... About everything. Then Elliot will be okay.

Mr. Robot: I know. You weren't expecting me. But I'm here for Elliot, same as you.

Mr. Robot: Life throws you an error code like that, you don't have the luxury of a fucking pop-up explanation. So what are you supposed to do? Move on without answers, or stay down and drive yourself crazy with questions?

Mr. Robot: Yeah, I'm worried. For what, though, I'm not sure. But whatever it is... It's coming.

Mr. Price: I'm an old man, Zhang. I gave up on foreplay long ago. Let's just skip ahead to the part where you try to fuck me.

Mr. Robot: If Elliot were here, what would he do? He'd look for abnormalities, incompatibilities, anything that isn't adding up, any conflicts.

Mr. Price: Whoa... It's bad management when your best employees either walk off the job, or blow their brains out.

Whiterose: You believe what most people believe? Only what is right in front of you? I expected more from you...

Whiterose: Elliot, are you there?

Anonymous: Deus Group, you have been owned. fsociety and the world will cheer as we watch your black hearts stop beating. This is not a warning. This is the beginning of the end. We are fsociety.

Mr. Price: All this over a little pipsqueak in a hoodie...

Mr. Price: ...that's why it works, right? The one thing every person has: regret. You weaponize that, and then you use that weapon against them to destroy them.

Elliot: It happened. It actually happened.

Mr. Price: I warned you. I told you long ago. I'm a mercenary. I'd rather see you lose than win myself.

Mr. Price: Think of it this way, Zhang... You didn't lose the game. You just ran out of time.

Mr. Robot: And like that... Rome falls.

Mr. Robot: No more top 1% of the top 1%. No more controlling every piece of our lives. No more playing God without permission.

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The Essence of a Penguin

Atypical 3×6

Sam: No rules?!

Gretchen: Hey, did you know that when Christopher Columbus discovered the penguins, he wanted to call them turd birds? That's a true story.
Zahid: For real? Turd birds?
Sam: No, not for real, none of that is real.

Zahid: Funny thing. Um, we were about to order, and Gretchen convinced me to give up gluten. So no corn dog for me, but it's cool. It's cool, I mean, corn dogs are just salty meat rockets wrapped in a blanket of... fluffy sugar cake. I mean, what's good about that?

Evan: So is this, like, a normal day for you guys? Just sitting around waiting for a call to come in?
Doug: Well, we don't just sit around and do nothing.
Evan: If that's what you're saying.
Doug: Oh, no, that's not what I was say... 'Cause staying vigilant even when you're waiting is the hardest part of the job.
Evan: Right.
Doug: But there can be a lot of sitting around.

Zahid: You know, Gretchen likes what she likes and hates what she hates, but sometimes I'm just like, "Hey, girl, you're not always right about everything."

Professor Shinerock: Oh, Sam, no, no, no. No. What has the world done to you? This is what your penguin does. It's not who she is.
Sam: What does that mean? What is essence?
Professor Shinerock: I think sometimes the essence of a thing can be as much about what that thing is not... as it is what it is.

Sam: See? Even Google doesn't know what the essence of a penguin is. Google!

Sam: It's a big deal when a penguin has an irregularity in their routine because penguins are so consistent. I love that about them.

Sam: The essence of anything is the thing that stays true about them in any situation. And the essence of a penguin is similar to the essence of me, Sam Gardner. We're both consistent... But a penguin's essence is so much more than that. Penguins need each other. They look out for the good of the colony. And once a penguin decides to do something... there's no changing her mind. Because the essence of a penguin comes down to this: penguins live in abnormally harsh conditions and they never leave. They're one of the few species that stays, struggles and perseveres. So to me, that's the essence of a penguin. It stays. Which I can appreciate because sometimes college feels like that, too. So I guess in a way you could say I'm like a penguin and Denton is my Antarctica.
Professor Shinerock: Sam, permission to hug you.
Sam: Permission granted.

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21 дек. 2019 г.

Dressed to Kill

Jack Ryan 2×4

Mike November: You know, you keep going at it alone, that's how you're going to end up... Alone.

Mike November: Mm. The mind of Jack Ryan...
Jim Greer: A nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there.

Gloria Bonalde: Sergio was a man of great honesty...
Jim Greer: That's a dangerous trait for a politician.

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Only Tweed

Atypical 3×5

Zahid: Everyone, this... is Gretchen. We met at a dumpster. She's my soul mate and my sole mate. Same shoe size. These are hers.

Casey: Oh. The robot is Paige.
Paige: Hi... so... meet... you.
Gretchen: I think your girlfriend is buffering.
Sam: Our Wi-Fi doesn't reach the front door. We don't typically stream guests in this area.

Gretchen: They call it learning, I call it brainwashing.

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20 дек. 2019 г.

The End of the F***ing World 2×4

Alyssa: How long were you waiting?
Bonnie: Not long.

Alyssa: Well, it's the middle of nowhere. You're on your own. So you're either in danger, or you're mental.

Alyssa: What the fuck is wrong with your car, James? It's literally the bane of our life.
James: It was nice she said "our life".

James: Everything was refusing to go to plan. But then... we had no plan. That was the problem.

Alyssa: I can't believe this is my wedding night...

Motel Owner: Are you feeling like a bit of a spare part?
Bonnie: What?
Motel Owner: Well, three's a crowd. Four's a riot.... Well, I can sit down if you want.

Motel Owner: You don't have to touch it... You can just watch.

James: It's going to be okay, Alyssa...
Alyssa: Maybe James is right... and it is gonna be okay. Maybe it will all work out. Or maybe, as usual... everything is completely fucked.

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Atypical 3×4

Paige: ... We all need as many friends as we can get.
Sam: Not me. I already have my real friends, like Zahid.
Paige: Zahid's only one friend.
Sam: So, I'm only one Sam.

Sam: Tortoises are solitary animals. They don't need companionship like other animals. They're happy alone. In fact, in captivity, no more than five tortoises can be kept in the same enclosure. Otherwise, they get aggressive, and it becomes total tortoise mayhem.

Zahid: Look at this face, look at it. Is it not lovable? Do you not wanna spend time with his face?
Sam: Only when it's attached to your body.

Zahid: Anyway, Sammy, here is the secret about parties: each one has the power to change your whole life.

Zahid: Well, think of it like an expedition. Like your boyfriend, Shacklebutt.
Sam: Shackleton.
Zahid: Yeah, that's the stuff.

Zahid: Gretchen, I'd like to go absolutely anywhere with you right now to discuss absolutely anything.

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19 дек. 2019 г.

Cocaine Pills and Pony Meat

Atypical 3×3

Sam: As any seasoned explorer will tell you, timing is everything. On Ernest Shackleton's Nimrod Expedition, he was so worried about his team falling behind that he fed them cocaine pills every hour. I don't take cocaine pills, but... I do have an extra bowl of sugar cereal in the morning if I know it's gonna be a big day.

Sam: College makes no sense. My schedule changes every day. There are no bells between classes, and thanks to Archibald Denton's poor planning, the campus is not on a grid. I don't know how people do it.
Zahid: You wanna hear my schedule? 10:50, kiss my ass, 12:10, still in bed, 3:45, getting high, and by 6:00, I'm scoring chicks. Except on Tuesdays and Thursdays when I'm in class all day, because brother takes that shit seriously.

Sam: How do you do that?
Zahid: It's a gift I picked up watching Indian soap operas growing up. I used to think that people always burst into song after doing the deed. It's why I do it.

Sam: Even with all that cocaine, it wasn't enough to get Shackleton's men through an expedition. He also kept them on a strict schedule. When it was time to collect ice specimens, you collected ice specimens. When it was time to kill a seal, you killed a seal. Poor seal. And when it was time to go to sleep... you went to sleep. Or at least you tried.

Elsa: I like your salmon.
Sam: It's a cod fish. You can tell by the two anal fins.
Elsa: Right. I forgot to check the anal fins.

Elsa: Whenever you had a big transition, you'd have trouble sleeping. I'm like this, too. It's why I'm up now.
Sam: You don't have any transitions.
Elsa: Well... for me, your transition is a transition.

Sam: Despite Shackleton's best efforts, by the time he and his men made it back to the Nimrod, they were over 30 days behind schedule. Some had snow blindness. Most had dysentery from eating bad pony meat. You can do all the right things and sometimes you still fall prey to the brutal atmospheric conditions.

Lacrosse Sam: I think you'll be fine. Just don't fall asleep. You may have a concussion and then you'll die.
Sam: I may never sleep again.

Doug: Sam, you are... resilient. You're like a... I don't know, what's resilient?
Sam: A cockroach?
Doug: I was trying to think of something less gross, but sure.

Sam: You know, cockroaches are actually very impressive. They can live for a week without their heads...

Sam: The truth is that no expedition goes exactly as scheduled... Sometimes you get lost. Sometimes you eat bad pony meat... Even the coolest explorers in history had problems. Confronted by obstacles they never saw coming. Forced to eat all kinds of weird stuff... And yet they put aside their fear of the unknown. Whether that meant their ultimate failure... or hopefully eventual success.

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Jack Ryan 2×3

Coyote: What's your .... call sign? Mine's Coyote. And that, uh, piece of shit over there, that's Disco.
Marcus: Black Mamba.
Coyote: Like Uma Thurman in, uh, Kill Bill?
Marcus: No, like Kobe.
Coyote: Yeah, that sucks. Not gonna work. You're a boat guy, right?
Marcus: Yeah, SWCC.
Coyote: All right. So, you, uh, you're a driver?... Uber. That's your name.

Marcus: ...So, I can be Black Mamba now?
Coyote: We'll upgrade you to Uber Select.

Jack Ryan: These damn mosquitoes. They're not even touching you.
Jim Greer: I'm a Louisiana boy.
Jack Ryan: In Turkey, you said you were from Cincinnati.
Jim Greer: ... I'm from Belle Chasse, just outside of New Orleans. Got the bayou in my veins.
Jack Ryan: Well, that doesn't really matter 'cause mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide, not place of origin.
Jim Greer: Well, contrary to popular opinion, mosquitoes have tremendous visual acuity. They love color. ... They don't fuck with me because they know the truth.
Jack Ryan: What is the truth?
Jim Greer: I bite back.

And you, Mr. Doctor of Economics, who never sent me a fucking stock tip.
Jack Ryan: The secret is to get yourself a really good S&P 500 index fund.

Jim Greer: ... Then we go home. No one will ever know that we were even here.

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18 дек. 2019 г.

The End of the F***ing World 2×3

Alyssa: Why is it that the more you have to say, the harder it is to speak?

Alyssa: ..... You should take a shower.

Alyssa: My heart's beating in my face.

James: I definitely preferred being shot.

Alyssa: Sometimes you can choose to not be a dick.

James: How was the wedding?
Alyssa: Yeah, it was fine.
James: That's good.

Alyssa: Being shit runs in my family. It's in my blood. Which means I can't help it.

Alyssa: I know it was your home or whatever, but you don't need to cry. It's just been towed.

Alyssa: How did he die, your dad?
James: Heart attack. Bad diet, no exercise.
Alyssa: Shit. It's probably how I'll go.

James: On paper, things looked quite bleak for me. I was a homeless orphan on the run with a married woman. But no matter how bad life got... there was always something good. You had to focus on the good.

Alyssa: We should stop.
James: What?
Alyssa: The hitchhiker. She's a woman. She's on her own. What if some weirdo picks her up?

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Turd Burglars

South Park 23×8

It's one for the ladies!

Kyle Broflovski: Ike, if mom lives... we can't let anyone ever know about this.

Sheila Broflovski: Fecal transplant!

Narrator: If you're watching this video, then your mom probably had a fecal transplant. And the one question on your mind is most likely, "How do I keep my friends from ripping on me?"

Narrator: Small organisms are everywhere. Now, scratch your balls... Go on... If you don't have balls, scratch whatever else might be down there... Now smell your fingers... That smell is millions of living organisms that you've just scraped from your crotch and are now going up inside your nostrils... your microbiome.
Kyle Broflovski: Ewwwww!

Narrator: .... In fact, of all the cells in your body only half are human cells. The other half are all microscopic organisms!
Kyle Broflovski: Aaaaaaah!

Eric Cartman: You are not stealing my mom's shit!
Kyle Broflovski: Kyle, this is the world we are living in, okay? People are finding new and exciting ways to get healthy, and who are we to stand in their way?

Kyle Broflovski: But where does it stop?! Then are people just gonna start wanting skinny people's microbiomes to be skinny or an athletes' microbiome to feel athletic and young again?

Kyle Broflovski: Microbiome... Inside me... They are inside me. Are they a part of me? When I eat, they eat. When I die, they consume me and continue to live. Am I just an Airbnb in Santa Clarita? They're not a part of me. They are me.

Eric Cartman: Well, if Mr. Brady could just, you know, have Kenny stay over at his house for a night. Kind of like a Michael Jackson kind of thing...

Tom Brady: If you people want a healthy microbiome, then proper diet and healthy choices, alright? That's it. You are all being ridiculous.

Tom Brady: You'd all do the same thing if people were always trying to steal your shit.

Kyle Broflovski: I didn't know. My microbiome did. All along, they were trying to tell me something. I've really learned that I'm not just me. I'm also all the creatures inside of me. From now on, I'm gonna trust my gut a little more.

Doctor: Well, I think we've all learned something. "One for the Ladies" is one too many for the ladies.

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17 дек. 2019 г.

It Chapter Two (2019)

Bill Denbrough: Memory, it's a funny thing. People want to believe they are what they choose to remember. The good stuff. The moments. The places. The people we all hold on to. But sometimes... sometimes we are what we wish we could forget.

Bill Denbrough: Thing is, sometimes what we wish was forgotten, what we tried to leave in the past, won't stay there... Sometimes, it comes back for you.

Bill Denbrough: Everybody wants a happy ending. Everybody wants closure. But that's not the way life works out.

Mike Hanlon: You need to come home...

Richie Tozier: You two look amazing. What the fuck happened to me?

Richie Tozier: That fortune cookie's looking at me! Shit!

Mrs. Kersh: Well, you feel like you could just about die. But you know what they say about Derry. "No one who dies here ever really dies."

Shopkeeper: Can I help you?
Bill Denbrough: Hi. Yeah, I want to see about the... B-b-b-
Shopkeeper: Baseball card?
Bill Denbrough: B-b-b-
Shopkeeper: The bowling ball?
Bill Denbrough: No, the... B-b-b-
Shopkeeper: Banjo?
Bill Denbrough: B-b-b-
Shopkeeper: Beaver?
Bill Denbrough: Fucking bike!
Shopkeeper: You wanna use that kind of language, take it out in the street.

Bill Denbrough: That bike used to be mine.
Shopkeeper: Well, it's mine now. But you're the big author. You want it, you can afford it.
Bill Denbrough: All right. How much?
Shopkeeper: $300... You can afford it. I'll get it.
Bill Denbrough: I guess that's kind of a deal.

Bill Denbrough: You... You want me to sign it for you?
Shopkeeper: Nah. I didn't like the ending.

Eddie Kaspbrak: So, does somebody want to say something?
Bill Denbrough: Richie said it b-b-best when we were here last.
Richie Tozier: I did?... "I don't want to die"?
Bill Denbrough: Not that.
Richie Tozier: "You're lucky we're not measuring dicks"?
Bill Denbrough: No.
Richie Tozier: "Let's kill this fucking clown"?.. Let's kill this fucking clown!

Richie Tozier: Listen to me. You had a moment. Fine. But who killed a psychotic clown before he was 14?
Eddie Kaspbrak: Me.
Richie Tozier: Who stabbed Bowers with a knife he pulled out of his own face?
Eddie Kaspbrak: Also me.
Richie Tozier: Who married a woman 10 times his own body mass?
Eddie Kaspbrak: Me.
Richie Tozier: Yeah. You're braver than you think.

Pennywise: For 27 years, I've dreamt of you. I craved you. Oh, I've missed you! Waiting for this very moment... Time to float!

Stanley Uris: The thing about being a Loser is you don't have anything to lose.

Stanley Uris: And don't ever forget... We're Losers, and we always will be.

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Σ pita4og: «в целом больше понравилось, чем нет. Недостатков вагон, даже по сравнению со старым ТВ-сериалом. Линии персонажей как обрублены. Беверли какая-то вообще невнятная как фигура из картона. Зато в противовес этому здесь отличный похудевший Бен и их история любви. Джей Райан умничка. Не увидела в Маккевое полноценного Билли, но на это многие мои знакомые жаловались. Зато совершенно бомбичная пара у Билла Хейдера и Джеймса Рэнсона. Хейдер вообще отжигал шикарно. Ну и Билл Скарсгард молодец, потому что сам персонаж у него в исполнении тяжелый. Камео Стивена Кинга тоже очень смешное.

Очень не понравился финал. Тут даже дело не в иронии по отношению к самому роману. Просто меня почти 5 часов пичкали нравоучениями о том, как нужно воспитывать детей, чтобы вот без комплексов росли, позитивны и остальное. А они клоуна в финале тупо забуллили. Ай-ай-ай как-то не очень хорошо...Ну в общем сойдет и местами было даже страшно.


Castle Rock 2×8

Annie: I saw this a week ago, and it was kind of a flop house.
Ace: We figure if we can fix a place like this, we can fix anything. Anyone.

Ace: Everyone needs help sometimes. No shame in it.

Chris: They're coming for you, Nadia. They're coming for everyone.

Chrysida: You know there's only one way out of this dirty world...

Chrysida: Kill her, Annie. Make her clean.

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16 дек. 2019 г.

408 Request Timeout

Mr. Robot 4×8

Darlene: Eat shit. Then die.

Dominique: Why? Because I'm not a murderer?
Janice: You work for the federal government of the United States of America. What are you, trying to be funny?

Elliot: What do people do? People like me, when then they find out about something like this... What can they do?
Krista: They just try to keep going.

Elliot: I wanna go back to forgetting...

Janice: Most of our moles have some growing pains at first, and Dominique is honest, loyal, and she loves her family, all of which are qualities that make her easy to control.

Janice: You know, maybe you're right. Like my mother used to say: you can't juice the orange when there's only the rind left.

Janice: You know, in poker, they would call this an all-in move.

On the IMDb

The One with the Fake Monica

Friends 1×21

Rachel: What do you think?
Monica: Lots of things.

The Teacher: That's all right. You can come up to the front and dance with me.
Monica: Why don't I just take off my clothes and have a nightmare?

Ross: I just gotta get him into a zoo. How do you get a monkey into a zoo?
Phoebe: I know that one!.. No, that's popes into a Volkswagen.

Rachel: Go, Monana!

Rachel: Well, you ladies are not the only ones living the dream. I get to go pour coffee for people I don't know.

Joey: You know there already is a Joseph Stalin?
Chandler: You're kidding!
Joey: Apparently, he was this Russian dictator who slaughtered all these people! You'd think you would've known that!
Chandler: You'd think I would've...

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15 дек. 2019 г.

Extortion (2017)

Kevin Riley: ...Secondly, doctors are pretty tough, you'd be surprised.

Lucas: Andy, your father can fix a human heart but he can't fix the lawnmower.

Kevin: Hundreds of years ago... pirates used to hide treasure on deserted islands.
Andy: Why?
Kevin: Mm... so no one else could figure out where they hid it.
Andy: Why didn't they keep their treasure at home with their families?
Kevin: Pirates don't have homes, you know, or families.
Andy: If they didn't have homes or family... why did they need treasure?

Miguel Kaba: How much is your family's life worth?... I want one million dollars.

US Coast Guard Captain: We have an initial search area. It's about 2,000 square miles... roughly the same size as the state of Delaware. And inside that search area there are hundreds of islands and keys. We can do this, it's just gonna take some time...

Kevin Riley: Don't helicopters have lights?
US Coast Guard Captain: Yeah, but it's virtually impossible to spot two unconscious people... on an unknown island in the dark, even with night vision.

Detective Constable Haagen: But this is the Caribbean. I'm sure you know that there's a lot of shady stuff going on in these banks. Have you had any arguments with your wife lately?...

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Silicon Valley 6×5

Russ: It's gonna be like Burning Man, except I'll make a fuckton of money.
Gilfoyle: So, _Earning_ Man?

Russ: There's no internet in the middle of the desert, Richard. Maybe that's why no one lives out there. I don't know, I'm not an archaeologist.

Richard: It's weird. I actually don't know what to do when things are going well. It is not natural.

Gavin: A code of conduct, authored by me, that pledges them to a universal ethos, which I created, that I call, "tech ethics," or, "tethics" for short.

Gilfoyle: Absolutely not.
Monica: We haven't told you what we want yet.
Gilfoyle: Irrelevant.

Tracy: I'd like to tell you how you're doing—
Gilfoyle: I know how I'm doing. I'm fucking killing it. I'm building great shit out there.

Tracy: It's your interpersonal rating I'd like to drill down on. It's at 1.5. Your coworkers find you unapproachable, rude, and capable of great hurt with an unsettling stare.
Gilfoyle: Okay.

Gilfoyle: Tracy. I appreciate you wanting to participate in the world of numbers. I find it endearing. But yours are horseshit. They measure nothing.

Gilfoyle: Two days. All 10's.

Richard: Okay, cool. So, Facebook is calling us untethical.
Becky:Yeah, because they signed the pledge.
Danny: So did Google and Amazon and Twitter.

Michael: Look, have you read his pledge?
Richard: No, of course not. It's trash.
Michael: The first line says, "We, the undersigned, promise to make best efforts to," blah, blah, blah. Best efforts, Richard. It's totally toothless.
Richard: Yes. Exactly, Michael. That's entirely my point. It's all empty bullshit. It means nothing.
Michael: Then who the fuck cares, Richard? Do not fuck this all up over a pointless moral stand! Sign the fucking pledge!

Holden: You're just trying to creep me out so that I'll quit.
Jared: What? I mean, why wouldn't somebody be nice to you? Are you a piece of shit?

Gavin: How could I allow you to add your name to my tethics pledge? That would be... untethical.

Gavin: Wear pants you can kneel in.

Gilfoyle: Monica... gaining someone's confidence is easy. Appear open and interested by mimicking their body language and repeating what they say back to them.
Monica: So, you just repeat what they say?
Gilfoyle: I just repeat what they say.

Gilfoyle: I was social engineering them. Once trust is established, the social engineer simply offers up information, and the subject will reciprocate: pets names, kids names, birthdays. Then, that information is entered into a word list generator. Pop it with their hash into John The Ripper, and within minutes, you have their passwords.
Monica: So, you're just gonna change all your scores to 10's?
Gilfoyle: Yep.

Gavin: Should've taken the $10 million, Richard. Enjoy the injunction, thumbass.

Russ: So, bitches, what do you think?
Dinesh: It's beautiful...
Russ: Tres Commas! Boom!

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