29 сент. 2016 г.

Where to Invade Next

& Michael Moore: ...the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Each branch was represented— the Army, the Air Force, the Navy, and the Marines. «Michael,» they said to me, «We don’t know what the fuck we’re doing.»

& Michael Moore: They hadn’t won a war outright since the big one, WWII. They went over each of the wars that they had lost. One... after... the other. They regretted having wasted trillions of dollars and helping to create new groups like ISIS. They admitted that what they got from these wars was just... more war.

& Michael Moore: Have you ever noticed that Italians always look like they just had sex?

& Michael Moore: That’s the way the Italians see it. What good’s a vacation if you can’t afford to go on it?

& Michael Moore: It’s lunchtime, I-talian style. Grown men eating vegetables and smiling?

& Michael Moore: You know it’s bad when the French pity you.

& Michael Moore: Here’s how much the average working American pays in income and social security taxes. {...} And those taxes get us the basic services— police, fire, roads, water, war, and bank bailouts.
    And here’s what the average French worker pays in taxes. {...} A little more than we do. And for paying just a little bit more, they, too, get the basic services, but they also get all this extra stuff. {...}
    We can get some of that stuff, too, but we have to pay extra. And when we pay extra, we don’t call it a tax. We call it tuition and day care fees and the nursing home bill and copays and deductibles and on and on and on. We don’t call them taxes, but they are, and we pay a whole lot more than the French.
    One more thing— every French paycheck has a detailed list of where their taxes are going, line by line. {...} This is what our paycheck looks like. {...} Other than Social Security and Medicare, it doesn’t say a damn thing. Maybe if we saw where our income taxes were going, we wouldn’t let Congress spend nearly 60% of it on this.

& Michael Moore: The first step to recovery, the first step to being a better person or a better country is to be able to just stand up and honestly say who and what you are.
    «I am an American. I live in a great country, that was born in genocide and built on the backs of slaves.»

& Michael Moore: If there’s one thing we should steal from the Germans, it’s the idea that if you acknowledge your dark side and make amends for it, you can free yourself to be a better people and to do well by others.
    If they can do it, surely we can.

& Michael Moore: That’s not a bad idea. Go to prison first, then become a politician.

& I read an interesting article about the average time an American spends watching the Kardashian show. Why do you spend your time for this? You invented the most powerful weapon in the world— it’s Internet, guys. Use it the right way.

& Hafdís: I wouldn’t want to live in the States, even though you paid me. Because there’s— the society and the way that you treat people, the way that you treat your neighbors. I would never want to be your neighbor. Never, ever.
    Because you don’t treat your fellow Americans the way you should. How can you, in a way, come home and feel well if you know there are so many people that can’t eat, they’re sick, they can’t go to the doctor’s, they can’t get any education? How can you come home and feel okay with that?

+ quotes on the IMDb

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