16 авг. 2015 г.


Mr. Robot 1×6

& Elliot: I feel the sensation. Fight or flight. It’s constant. I should just pick one. I, Elliot Alderson, am flight. I am fear. I am anxiety, terror, panic.

& Vera: The origin of your name. I looked it up for you, bruh... Elliot. «Brave and true.» Did you know the origin of «brave» evolved from "savage?.. You know, funny thing. My name means something similar. Brave traveler. Adventurer. Savage traveler becomes brave traveler. Are we savages, or are we brave? Don’t know, bro.

& Mr. Robot: This is a zero-sum game. Calculate all the outcomes. ..... Zero-sum, Elliot. You’re playing a game you already lost.

& Mr. Robot: The best thing you can do for Shayla... allow her to become a memory.
    Elliot: No.

& Mr. Robot: True courage is about being honest with yourself. Especially when it’s difficult.

& Vera: Remember. I’ma hug you.

& Elliot: WPA2 Wi-Fi? Shit. Borderline unhackable. Getting that handshake could take days.

& Elliot: That’s the only outcome where you got the possibility of living. It’s your best move.
    Isaac: What makes you think I still won’t kill you afterwards?
    Elliot: I don’t. I’m just playing my best move.

& Elliot: Did I make a mistake? No, I don’t make mistakes. One minute till Vera... For all his insane, inhumane ideas, he does understand the world. The wild savagery of the world.

On the IMDb

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