16 июл. 2015 г.

Righteous Brothers

Arrested Development 2×18

& Lindsay: Maybe this is a sign that our relationship isn’t working, and we should split again.
    Tobias: Wait a second. I thought we were split up, and this would bring us back together.
    Lindsay: Well, maybe the fact that we don’t know if we’re together or not... is a sign that we should split again.
    Tobias: Or stay split up. Okay, forget about Vegas. We’ll stay here and get back together. Or stay together and either rekindle or fan this fire.

& Michael: Okay, let’s just all put our tops down. Just put ’em on down.

& Buster: Where’s Mother? You lied to me. You said my father was my father, but my uncle is my father. My father is my uncle!

& Buster: OK. I’m going to take a looong shower. I don’t even want to smell like Mother anymore.

& Gob: Well, let me tell you what’s gonna happen. First, I’m gonna beat the crap out of you, then I’m gonna call an ambulance. Then knowing you, I’m gonna have to wait for some kind of an apology.

& Narrator: On the next season of Arrested Development...

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