22 июл. 2015 г.

House of Cards 3×4

Chapter 30

& Dunbar: I am not here to defend any one person, but rather the office of the presidency itself. We must hold everyone in government accountable to the law. But we must not manufacture our interpretation of the law to erode constitutional authority. We can prosecute presidents, but not the presidency.

& Claire: Traditionally, the United States has not supported military action in the Middle East. But a neutral UN peacekeeping force in the Jordan Valley is an essential first step to sustainable, long-term peace. The United States will vote «yes.»

& Moryakov: Israel will never maintain its commitment.
    Claire: Israel wants what the rest of the world wants, sustainable security.
    Moryakov: Trust me on this, I’ve dealt with Jerusalem for many years at the UN. The moment it gets difficult, they’ll turn their back on you.

& Underwood: You’re too good to be Solicitor General. Let’s make sure you have a job for life.

& Underwood: Here’s the reality: I must make decisions every day that I hope are just. I don’t know right from wrong all the time. I wish I did. But what I can’t be is indecisive.
    Mahmoud: It says in the Qur’an: «The taking of one innocent life is like the taking of all mankind.»
    Underwood: It also says... that «the saving of one life is like the saving of all mankind.»

& Underwood: Must I destroy this man?

& Underwood: ...it does mean I have to get in front of the press with absolutely nothing of substance to say.
    Claire: You spent 20 years in Congress. You’re good at that.

& Dunbar: Embracing a new era of transparency, honesty and justice, this country deserves a president who has dedicated herself to those ideals in this court and many others, who has spent her entire life defending the law, and who now wants to dedicate herself to enforcing it.

& Dunbar: Is this how you live with yourself? By rationalizing the obscene into the palatable?

& Dunbar: How did you know I was meeting with Giallo tonight?
    Doug: You rub shoulders with the leadership. I rub shoulders with the people who work for them.

& Claire: She was going to run the moment Birch whispered in her ear. Once people imagine themselves in the Oval, there’s no turning back. You know that as well as anybody.

& Bishop Eddis: There’s our justice, the kind men create. We base it on things like the Ten Commandments.
    Underwood: But those can be read a million different ways. «Thou shalt not kill» seems pretty clear.
    Bishop Eddis: Who’s to say? If we didn’t kill, others would kill instead of us. There’s a lot of killing in the Bible. King David was a warrior.
Underwood: How do you reconcile that with the laws that God gave Moses?
    Bishop Eddis: Even those laws require interpretation. There are two laws we have to remember above all else. He tells us to love God and to love each other.
    Underwood: You can’t love the people you kill.
    Bishop Eddis: You sure as hell can. And you have to love the people who are trying to kill you.

& Underwood: I understand the Old Testament God, whose power is absolute, who rules through fear, but... Him...
    Bishop Eddis: There’s no such thing as absolute power for us, except on the receiving end. Using fear will get you nowhere. It’s not your job to determine what’s just. It’s not your place to choose the version of God you like best. It’s not your duty to serve this country alone, and it better not be your goal to simply serve yourself. You serve the Lord. And through Him, you serve others. Two rules: Love God. Love each other. Period. You weren’t chosen, Mr. President. Only He was.

& Underwood: Love? That’s what You’re selling? Well, I don’t buy it.

& Underwood: Well, I’ve got God’s ear now.

+ Quotes from the IMDb

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