28 мар. 2015 г.


The Borgias 3×6

& Rodrigo Borgia: Next year, the year of our Lord,1500, will be a year of Jubilee. Jubilate — jubilation. And we would have it with the greatest, the most glorious the Holiest year of jubilee in the history of our Holy Mother Church.

& Rodrigo Borgia: Let us meet with the Jews.

& Cesare: You’re all second sons Bastard sons. Fathers who deny you, your rightful estates. I offer you a chance. To carv out your own faith. To damn your fathers to the past. Or to hell. Ride with me, my bastard army. To the only future allow to us.

& Mattai: We poor Jews have little in the way of coin. But we are rich in history. And we would like to show our gratitude to Your Holiness, in which ever way God allow us.
    Rodrigo Borgia: If...
    Mattai: We can gain entry into Rome.

& Cardinal Sforza: I detect a note of irritation, Cardinal. If I may be so precipite even jealousy.
    Cardinal Costanzo: No Cardinal. Nearly of caution. Jews have sold Christians, dart relics for centuries. Why, Pope Innocent was offered the Ark of the Covenant by an itinerant rabbi from Salamanca? We are children, to that guile, Cardinal. Innocence, like our Savior himself.

& Rodrigo Borgia: You say it trembles.
    Mattai: So legend has it, Your Holiness.
    Rodrigo Borgia: Or does it just «seem» to tremble?

& Rodrigo Borgia: I think we will have to make do with «seems». Our Holy Mother Church is driven by belief, and we choose to believe that this is the spear of Longinus. So that you and your tribe, may make your lives here in Rome. Now, what are the gifts do you have to bring us?

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