26 мар. 2015 г.

Praise Money! Hallowed Be Thy Name

House of Lies 4×10

& Marty: Welcome to the golden age of Kaan and Associates. A true Renaissance where I am da Vinci, uh, Copernicus... and Machia-fuckin’-velli all rolled up into one.

& Marty: Oh, shit, you see me limping? Yeah, that’s ’cause my balls are so big. Whoever said it was lonely at the top— thank you, sweetheart— never sat here.

& Clyde: Quick question, if you don’t mind... The fact that Luke Sullivan is an outspoken, Bible-thumping denier of gay rights, a woman’s right to choose?
    Marty: It’s unfortunate, but it doesn’t mean his money is any less green.

& Doug: I hear the real estate prices in Randland are at an all-time low.
    Doug: Randland.... The, uh, the mythical land in the Wheel of Time series, written by... Oh, why do I bother?

& Denna: You know what’s really disappointing here?
    Marty: What?
    Denna: I thought we were having fun. You got to play king of the mountain, it didn’t cost me anything, so I was happy to let you do it. But somewhere along the way, you convinced yourself that you had real power. And now you’re a problem I have to solve.

On the IMDb


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