2 февр. 2013 г.

My Name Is Khan

& Razia Khan: Remember one thing, son. There are only two kinds of people in this world. Good people who do good deeds. And bad people who do bad. That’s the only difference in human beings. There’s no other difference. Understood?

& Mandira: Are you scared? It’s okay. Look, there’s nothing wrong with being scared. Just don’t make your fear so large... that it stops you from achieving your goal.

& Mama Jenny: Oh, you hungry, child? You want a little dinner?
    Rizvan: No, I want lots of dinner.

+ quotes on the IMDb

Σ Brought by oskinpavel:
«Даже не вспомню, когда последний раз я плакал над фильмом, наверное со времен "Зеленой мили" не могу такого вспомнить.»
Hmmm. Watchable. It's just the 3rd hour's too Indian.

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