30 июл. 2023 г.

Enola Holmes (2020)

Enola Holmes: Mother believed privacy was the highest virtue, and the one most frequently violated.

Mycroft Holmes: Oh, good God! Feminism. Perhaps she was mad, or senile.
Sherlock Holmes: Though madness, in our family? I would doubt it.

Sherlock Holmes: You're being emotional. It's understandable, but unnecessary.

Mycroft Holmes: Reform. God help us. If there's one thing this country doesn't need, it's more uneducated voters.

Edith: If you wanna stay in London, be tough. Be tough, live the life, but don't do it because you're looking for someone. Do it because you're looking for yourself.

Lestrade: His favorite tobacco?
Enola Holmes: Black shag. Favorite dessert?
Lestrade: Plum pie. His favorite composer?
Enola Holmes: Paganini. Favorite meal of the day?
Lestrade: Breakfast. Are all your questions about food? His favorite case?
Enola Holmes: The one before. Favorite board game?
Lestrade: How do you know Sherlock Holmes?
Enola Holmes: Chess. But only with a worthy opponent.

Edith: What a family! A lost child, a puffed-up misanthrope, a revolutionary, and yourself. No wife, no friends, just a strange occupation obsessed with footprints and coal dust. You see the world so closely, but do you see how it's changing?

The Dowager: ... you're probably one of those new thinkers. My son was a new thinker too. Never could focus on what was, it was always about what could be. I suspect my grandson is the same. England's true glory... is what is. Do you see?
Enola Holmes: I can see much beauty.
The Dowager: Very sensible answer.

Tewkesbury: I'm not a boy. I'm a man.
Enola Holmes: You're a man when I tell you you're a man.

Enola Holmes: I'll make us some tea.

Lestrade: He's worth more, but you give me greater pleasure.

Sherlock Holmes: The only advice I can give to you, one detective to another, sometimes you must dangle your feet in the water in order to attract the sharks.

Sherlock Holmes: The choice is always yours. Whatever society may claim, it can't control you. As Mother has proven.

Tewkesbury: Enola, we are both extremely lucky to have lived this long, and you want to drive us into a place where there is most certain danger?
Enola Holmes: Sometimes, Lord Tewkesbury, you have to dangle your legs in the water to attract the bloody sharks!
Tewkesbury: Why would we want to attract the bloody sharks?
Enola Holmes: Good point.

Sherlock Holmes: It's always there, the truth. You just need to look for it.

Mycroft Holmes: You are a strange fish, little brother.
Sherlock Holmes: And you're a cantankerous one, older brother.

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