10 июл. 2023 г.

Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio (2022)

Geppetto: No, no, no, no, no, you have to wait and see, Carlo! All good things require patience.

Geppetto: Lies, my dear boy, are found out immediately because they are like long noses, visible to all but the teller of the lie. And the more you lie, the more it grows!

Cricket: I'll try my best, and that's the best anyone can do... That's rather clever, isn't it?

Candlewick: If he's a puppet, where are his strings?
Podesta: That's true. Who controls you, wooden boy?
Geppetto: Of course, I control him...
Pinocchio: Who controls you?

Pinocchio: You know, Papa, I like my old legs. And I like them on fire.

Cricket: Oh, the pain. Life is such hideous pain.

Cricket: One nightmare after another...

Geppetto: Pinocchio, you shouldn't lie to me. I am your papa!
Pinocchio: But I'm telling the truth!
Geppetto: Then why is your nose growing?
Pinocchio: It's not!
Geppetto: Lies, lies, and more lies!
Pinocchio: I am not lying!
Geppetto: Will you look at you?

Death: ...you are not, nor will you ever be, a real boy like Carlo. The one thing that makes human life precious and meaningful, you see, is how brief it is.
Pinocchio: Oh.
Death: Don't get me wrong, you will die many, many times. This being one of them. But they are not real deaths. Just waiting periods. ... You will stay here with me a little longer each time you cross until the end of time.

Death: Life can bring great suffering. And eternal life can bring eternal suffering.
Pinocchio: Aw, it's not so bad as all that. Yeah, I get a little beat up every time, but as soon as I get back, I'm going home to my papa.
Death: Ah, but, Pinocchio, what if you don't see your father again?
Pinocchio: Of course I will. Why wouldn't I?
Death: While you may have eternal life, your friends, your loved ones, they do not. Every moment shared with them may be the very last. You never know how long you have with someone until they're gone.

Pinocchio: You know, all fathers love their sons, but... sometimes fathers feel despair, like everyone else. And they say things they only think they mean in the moment. But with time, they learn they never really meant it at all. And they may even call you ugly things like a burden or a coward, but inside... they love you.

Cricket: What happens, happens. And then, we are gone.

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