5 июл. 2023 г.

Typos and Torsos

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel 5×3

Midge: They act like they've never seen a Jewish mother before.
Ethan: Well, it's Israel, Mama. Helicopters suddenly appearing in the sky make people very nervous.
Midge: Who's gonna invade a lettuce farm... Health-conscious anti-Semites who want a salad?

Midge: Ethan, walk Mommy to her helicopter?

Joel: It's weak to go to a therapist.
Midge: Yes, your opinion has been stated, loud and clear.
Joel: And don't you dare talk about any of this in your act!

Midge: Anything wrong, Papa?
Abe: I spelled Carol Channing's name wrong.
Midge: Oh. How did you spell it?
Abe: Wrong! Does it matter? I did it and the paper had to issue a correction. A correction for everyone to read.
Midge: Does anyone really read corrections?
Abe: Of course they do! I start every paper reading the corrections. That's how you know who the idiots are.

Rose: Susie, you're the angriest person I know.
Susie: All right.
Rose: And you associate with angry people. There's always a frightening, terrible energy coming from you.
Susie: Where you going with this, Rose?
Rose: Well, I was wondering if you could help me get a gun.

Archie: Remember when we opened the club, how we discussed exactly what we wanted it to be?
Joel: Yes.
Archie: Good music, hip clientele?
Joel: Yes, I remember.
Archie: Especially the hip clientele. We felt very strongly that a certain element would, say, dampen the festive atmosphere of the place?
Joel: Shit, the Mormons came back?
Archie: Oh, I wish...
Shirley: Some people say you don't salt your veal till the very end, but what are they waiting for? The roof could cave in. Outer-space men could land in your backyard, zap you right in the tuchus, then you're dead with unsalted veal.

Abe: There are wars, floods, sometimes tigers escape from the zoo. Lightning can strike you, even on a sunny day. You could eat bad clams and be evacuating from every orifice in your body for a week.
Ethan: But I hate clams.
Abe: Hating clams won't keep you safe, Ethan. Y-You could fall down a well that you never knew was there. Go flying through a windshield when your daddy stops too fast. You could accidentally spell Carol Channing's name wrong and instantly become a man who must be apologized for... in print.

Abe: It's time you learn to live with fear. To accept it's there, and there is not enough tape in the world to keep you safe. And though your mommy and your daddy and possibly even your therapist mean well by making you think that sleeping on the floor is a mark of being a big brave boy, your grandpa is here to tell you death comes for all of us, even the brave. Now, would you like me to read you a bedtime story?

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