11 июл. 2023 г.

More with Less

The Wire 5×1

Det. Christeson: This shit actually works?
Sgt. Jay Landsman: Hell, yeah. Americans are stupid people. We believe what we're told.

Det. William 'Bunk' Moreland: The bigger the lie, the more they believe.

Sgt. Ellis Carver: We're all professionals. And we're about to police the roughest district in one of the roughest cities in the world. Show some pride.

Maj. Dennis Mello: Gave them the professionalism bit?
Sgt. Ellis Carver: In the real world, they pay professionals. That's why we call them pros.

Managing Editor Thomas Klebanow: Just because Chicago tightens its belt, it's no reason for us to fall down. Their cutbacks there shouldn't affect our ability to put out an excellent product. Simply have to do more with less.

Col. Cedric Daniels: So one thieving politician trumps 22 dead bodies. Good to know.

Col. Cedric Daniels: When the money starts to flow, I'll get you all back on this somehow. Sorry.
Det. James 'Jimmy' McNulty: .... Wonder what it feels like to work in a real fucking police department!

Scott Templeton: Who's doing the react piece?
City Editor Augustus 'Gus' Haynes: Jeff Will, why?
Scott Templeton: I'm just, uh... I need a story. I'm up.
City Editor Augustus 'Gus' Haynes: Yeah. Stay hungry like that. Good things come when they come.

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