11 июл. 2023 г.


The Office 6×10

Dwight Schrute: You know what? You can all have jobs at Schrute Farms as human scarecrows. It doesn't pay much and you can't unionize.

Andy Bernard: I like Erin. There, I said it. I was kind of hoping she would ask me out, but things have not panned out on that front, so, it's time for the Nard-Dog to take matters into his own paws.

Phyllis Lapin: Michael, what happened?
Michael Scott: Is there news? There has been a murder!

Creed Bratton: Sorry, I'm late, boss. What's going on?
Michael Scott: Sir, there has been a murder, and you are a suspect.
Creed Bratton: Okay. Hang on just a second. Let me settle in, and I'll be right back...

Pam Beesly: I think Michael may have snapped.
Jim Halpert: Or maybe he's just stuck in character.
Pam Beesly: Well, which is worse?
Jim Halpert: Snapped or stuck? Both. They're both worse.

Pam Beesly: What's the news?
Jim Halpert: Nothing yet.
Kevin Malone: Well, I guess that's not...
Jim Halpert: Well, there is some bad news... There has been another murder!

Jim Halpert: Today was a good day to have two managers, because if you're a family stuck on a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean, one parent might want to just keep rowing. But if the other parent wants to play a game, it's not because they're crazy. It's because they're doing it for the kids. And I get that now.

Michael Scott: There has been a lot of murder and a lot of intrigue. My little heart can barely take it no more. Today is the hardest I have worked in a long, long time...

Jim Halpert: Andy revealed himself to be a double agent, at which point, Dwight felt comfortable revealing that he also was a double agent, and then, Michael announced to everybody that, get this, he was a double agent. Oh, and it is 6:00.

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