1 апр. 2022 г.

The One Where Monica Sings

Friends 9×13

Phoebe: Sounds like you need to think about what you want and talk to Gavin.
Monica: And you definitely should talk to Ross.
Rachel: Or... I could call in sick and not deal with it at all.
Phoebe: Wow! Five months maternity leave, you're back for four days... kiss a co-worker and call in sick. They are lucky to have you.

Chandler: Maybe you're going about this the wrong way. I mean, think about it: Single white male, divorced three times, two illegitimate children. The personal ad writes itself.

Ross: Hey, check out those two blonds over there. Hey, come with me.
Chandler: Are you trying to get everybody divorced?
Ross: You don't have to do anything. It'll just be easier if it's two of us. Like college, remember? First, you break the ice with some kind of a joke... so they know you're the funny one. I swoop in with interesting conversation... so they'll see that I'm the brilliant, brooding sexy one.
Chandler: .... I thought I got to make the jokes.

Gavin: It's probably not my place, but can I give you a piece of advice?
Rachel: Yes.
Gavin: You should talk to Ross about all this.
Rachel: People keep saying that...

Monica: Did you see me up there?
Phoebe: Every little bit of you.
Monica: I can't believe I sang in front of people and they liked me. Did you hear that guy shouting, "Look at those tips"? I mean, did I really help you get a lot of tips?
Mike: Sure.

Chandler: Are those my wife's nipples?
Phoebe: Isn't that funny? I didn't see that before. I wouldn't have let her go up again.

Rachel: Ross, what's going on here? Are we just bringing strange women back to the apartment now?
Ross: I don't know. Are we just kissing guys on balconies?
Rachel: How do you know about that?
Ross: Through the magic of sight.

Ross: Okay, Michelle, it's time to go.
Michelle: Well, call me.
Ross: Okay.
Michelle: Wait, you don't have my phone number.
Ross: You know what? If it's meant to be, I'll guess it. Bye-bye.

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