8 апр. 2022 г.


The Walking Dead 11×15

Lance: At the end of the day, we all want the same thing, right? Justice.

Aaron: To the Commonwealth?
Lance: Oh, no. There's monsters running loose. We need to smoke them out...

Kelly: We need inside access to dig it out.
Eugene: I might know someone...

Carol: I just have some things that I need to figure out first, to fix. Uh, it's better that you don't even know about it, okay? Just trust me.
Ezekiel: I trust you... more than anyone.

Ezekiel: You'd think this place would make life easier, huh? Feels like there's a lot more gray instead.

Maggie: It doesn't have to be this way.
Daryl: .... Yeah, it does.

Maggie: You expect me to trust him?
Daryl: I ain't asking you to trust him. I'm asking you to trust me.

Ezekiel: I was hoping this new job of yours had connections here...
Carol: Yeah, well, my old man used to say, "It's the hope that kills you."

Maggie: Plenty others have made the mistake of threatening my family. Most of them are dead now.

Ezekiel: Darkness is heavy. Some of us carry more than others because we're strong enough to hold the weight. But we make the light. Hey. You make the light, Carol. You know that, don't you?

Shira: There is no choice because... there is no back to normal. We know what we know. And because of that, things have to change. ...
Eugene: I can promise you this. Whatever we find, whatever comes our way, you will not face it alone. I'll be by your side, hell or high water.

Lance: My name is Lance Hornsby. And I'm here to offer you a job...

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