10 апр. 2022 г.

Belfast (2021)

Buddy: Daddy, are you not gonna be a vigilante on our barricade?
Pa: No more talk about bloody barricades. That nonsense will stop soon enough.

Moira: They can just come up to you when you're not expecting it and ask you, "Are you Protestant or Catholic?" But it's a trick question, you see, because they don't tell you what they are. And what do you say then to not get a dig in the gob?
Buddy: "I'm a Catholic"?
Moira: Wrong. That's exactly what they think you will say. They think you're trying to bluff them. But you've to double bluff them.
Buddy: How?
Moira: You say, "I'm a Protestant."
Buddy: But I am a Protestant.
Moira: That's the point!

Billy: Look, things get out of hand pretty quick round these parts. Cash or commitment.

Moira: What have you got?.. You're joking me!
Buddy: It's all I could see.
Moira: Turkish Delight? Who the hell eats Turkish Delight? Do you eat Turkish Delight?
Buddy: No. I don't like it.
Moira: Nobody likes it.

Pa: Be good, Son. And if you can't be good?
Buddy: Be careful.
Pa: Be careful.

Ma: How could I leave Belfast?
Violet: I wouldn't worry about it. The Irish were born for leaving. Otherwise the rest of the world would have no pubs. It just needs half of us to stay, so that the other half can get sentimental about the ones that went. All the Irish need to survive is a phone, a Guinness and the sheet music to "Danny Boy."

Ma: You and me, we've known each other since we were toddlers. We've known this street and every street round it all our lives... and every man, woman and child that lives in every bloody house, whether we like it or not. I like it. And you say you have a wee garden for them boys? But here they can play wherever the hell they like, because everybody knows them, everybody likes them, and everybody looks after them.
     If we go over the water, them people's not gonna understand a word we say. And half of them, they'll take the hand out of us for sounding different. And the other half, they'll hate us, 'cause men here are killing their young sons on our streets. They'll think we don't give a shite. And you think they're gonna welcome us with open arms? What, and say, "Come on in. Well done for stealing the house off of us"?

Buddy: His work's giving my da a house in England now if he wants one. It's got a garden and everything, and two toilets, and they're both inside the house.
Pop: There's nothing wrong with an outside toilet, except on an aeroplane.

Buddy: My ma says if we went across the water, they wouldn't understand the way we talk.
Pop: That shouldn't be a problem, Son. I've been married to your granny for 50 years, I've never understood a word she's said. And if they can't understand you, then they're not listening, and that's their problem.

Buddy: What was the name of the place, Granny?
Granny: Shangri-La. That's what they called it.
Buddy: Did you ever go there?
Granny: There were no roads to Shangri-La from our part of Belfast.
Buddy: So will you go one day?

Pop: Get yourselves to the moon. London's only one small step for a man. Belfast will still be here when you get back.

Minister: "For now we see through a glass, darkly. For now I know in part, but then I shall know as also I am known. For when I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but then I became a man and I put away childish things." So do not say in grief that you are sorry he is gone, but rather say in thankfulness you are grateful he was here.

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