30 апр. 2022 г.

Everything is Bellmore

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel 4×3

Midge: We confused them.
Boise: Look, as long as some girl's out there shaking her chichis, those guys don't care how the fuck they're dressed.
Midge: I disagree. With Sapphira the Harem Girl, they're anticipating sultry, mysterious chichis, not the bippity-boppity chichis of the Roaring '20s girl.
Boise: Look, no one's confused 'cause no one's hardly listening to you.
Midge: I take offense at that.
Boise: You all do.

Midge: Maybe we should have a safety meeting. In the Catskills, I was frequently voted safety monitor for various activities: water sports, backpacking. We were hiking once, and the rabbi thought for sure he got bit by a snake. I sucked on that man till he almost passed out. On his ankle, that is. Turned out to just be a couple of mosquito bites, but people sure got a laugh out of it.

Midge: Does this necklace work?
Rose: If you have to ask...
Midge: Changing the necklace.

Midge: Guys, it's rock paper scissors. Each thing beats something else. It's a kid's game for God's sake.
Rose: But what if I chose heat? Heat would melt the scissors.
Abe: And burn the paper.
Rose: So heat would beat everything but rock.
Midge: Heat is not an option.
Abe: Water would rust the scissors and ruin the paper.
Rose: Are the scissors brass or steel?
Midge: How about we just flip a coin, hmm?

Rose: I promise you, Amelia, we will find you the perfect mate.
Amelia: You think so?
Rose: I do. I really do.
Amelia: Because every time I meet a man, I never know what to say.
Rose: It doesn't matter what you say. The man's not listening to you anyhow.

Susie: What's this?
Rose: I ordered it for you.
Susie: For me? The whole thing?
Rose: Yes.
Susie: And it's just whipped cream?
Rose: And a spoon.
Susie: And I can just eat it? It doesn't have to go on anything?
Rose: That's right.
Susie: Rose Weissman, I would follow you into hell.
Rose: That won't be necessary.

Susie: Uh, hi. Guess I'm Susie.

Rabbi Huebsche: What's more important, Abraham, your public or your people?
Pauly: Yeah! We escaped the jaws of Hitler for this?

Abe: There is something you all need to know going forward. You are the frog. I am the scorpion. I sting because it is my nature... Damn, I wish I had my cape!

Susie: To Jackie. A man who didn't suffer fools gladly and thought everyone was a fool. A man whose love of ocarinas summed up his total lack of musical taste. A man who borrowed ten bucks from me the day before he died, because somehow he knew. A man who knew how to drive me crazier than any person in this fucking world, except you. A man who was... my friend. To Jackie.
Midge: To Jackie.

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