22 апр. 2022 г.


This Is Us 6×12

Toby: I want you to know... that I see it now. I'm sorry it took me so long. If only I'd had a crystal ball, if I could've seen the way that this all ended up.
Kate: Yeah. Life would be much simpler if we could live it backwards, huh?

Kate: How do I know when it's time to end a marriage?

Toby: Look, most importantly, is that you don't yell around the kids. You don't yell around them and you don't yell at them.
Philip: Yeah, don't worry. British people don't yell. Even when we're furious, we just wrinkle our noses disapprovingly.

Kate: I was married to a wonderful man. And we loved each other a lot. And it wasn't enough. We were both so scared of pushing each other away that we just swallowed our feelings, time after time. And I can never be in a relationship like that again.

Toby: Don't do this, please. I am terrified. I don't... I don't want to be alone. Okay? I-I don't want to have to start over. I don't want to have to live half of my life without my kids. We can, we can, we can get better. I know that we can. This cannot be the way that our story ends. Please, please, please, this-this-this cannot... this-this can't, this cannot be the way that it ends. Okay?

Kate: This is not how our story ends. Just because our marriage is over, doesn't mean our story's over.

Kate: We were meant to find each other in that weight loss group. We were meant to be together. And now... we're meant to be apart. And I know that one day you will see it.

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