15 апр. 2022 г.

Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

May Parker: With all due respect, and I mean that very insincerely, ...
MJ: Expect disappointment and you will never get disappointed.

Dr. Strange: Look, Parker, the problem is not Mysterio. It's you trying to live two different lives. And the longer you do that, the more dangerous it becomes.

Peter Parker: Listen, let's just focus on the good news, okay?
Dr. Strange: No, let's just focus on the bad news. As of now, you have detected zero multiversal trespassers, so get on your phones, scour the Internet, and... Scooby-Doo this shit.

MJ: I know a couple of magic words myself, starting with the word "please."
Dr. Strange: Please Scooby-Doo this shit.

Ned Leeds: I mean, you can take the guy out of the chair, but you can't take the chair out of the guy.

Peter Parker: Why?
Dr. Strange: Well, some of these guys are gonna die. Parker, it's their fate.
Peter Parker: Come on, Strange, have a heart.
Dr. Strange: In the grand calculus of the multiverse, their sacrifice means infinitely more than their lives. I'm sorry, kid. If they die, they die.

Max Dillon: You trust him?
Sandman: I don't trust anyone.

Sandman: How'd you end up like that anyway?
Max Dillon: Oh... the place where I worked at, they were experimenting with electricity created by living organisms, and then, uh... I fell into a vat of electric eels.
Sandman: You're kidding. I fell into a supercollider.
Max Dillon: Damn. Gotta be careful where you fall.

Green Goblin: I've watched you from deep behind Norman's cowardly eyes. Struggling to have everything you want while the world tries to make you choose... Gods don't have to choose. We take.

Peter Parker: Hi. Um, my name is Peter Parker, and I... would like a coffee, please.

Eddie Brock: Okay, I think I got this. You're saying that this whole place here, it's just tons of... superpeople.
And he has been saying it for hours.
Eddie Brock: All right, tell me again. I'm sorry, I'm an idiot. There was a billionaire, he had a tin suit and he could fly, right?... Okay, and there was a really angry green man.
Bartender: Hulk.
Eddie Brock: Hulk...
Venom: And you thought Lethal Protector was a shit name.
Eddie Brock: Yeah, because it is. Now tell me again about your purple alien that loves stones. 'Cause I'll tell you what, man, aliens, they do not love stones.
Venom: Eddie, don't start.
Eddie Brock: No, they do not love stones. Know what aliens love? Eating brains! Because that's what they do. All right?

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