6 апр. 2022 г.


Boss 2×9

Mayor Tom Kane: Who the fuck do you think you are?
Governor McCall Cullen: The governor of the goddamn state, that's who.
Mayor Tom Kane: You have no idea...

Mayor Tom Kane: What qualifies someone, do you suppose, to run a city? .... Did you study law? Economics? Get elected? .... Do you really think I'd allow the likes of you to take this from me? A bean counter? A shyster? Someone who has more regard for the almighty dollar than the people of this city.

Alderman Ross: Why don't you just fucking roll over and die?
Mayor Tom Kane: Nice to see you, too, William.

Mona Fredricks: People forget a fundamental truth. Tom Kane always finds a way. The further you back him into a corner, the more painful the cuts when he fights his way out.

Meredith Kane: He's not on board.
Mayor Tom Kane: They say a mule will labor 10 years willingly and patiently for the privilege of kicking you just once.

Mayor Tom Kane: It's a sailor's term for being overtaken by misfortune. "Hard up in a clinch and no knife to cut the seizing."

Mayor Tom Kane: I'm not going anywhere.

Mayor Tom Kane: I wish City Hall was a taller building. Or closer to the water. Be nice to see the lake... Some believe you think more clearly near water. Have you heard that?

Ian Todd: Mr. Mayor, I cannot express to you strongly enough the urgency of the situation. I don't want to see you surrender. Tell me what to do and I'll do it.
Mayor Tom Kane: Good man. Another day...

Mona Fredricks: What about you? Who are you lying to? There was no political upside to the promises you made. So either you give a shit and you pussied out, or you're a motherfucking lunatic! Which is it, Tom?
Mayor Tom Kane: ... Your naivety was charming for a time, Miss Fredricks. Even enchanting. I wondered what it would feel like to bask in the admiration of someone so pure of intent. It was nice. But now I know... Don't bother to collect your things. I'll have someone send them along... And give my best to Bitsy.

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