24 апр. 2022 г.

Rumble on the Wonder Wheel

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel 4×1

Midge: Revenge... You know how there are times in your life when things seem to be going great? And then suddenly, out of nowhere, you round the corner, and bam, someone steps in and fucks it the fuck up? And you never saw it coming because you were too busy being happy. And I know, that's life. Shit happens. You should be a bigger man and just let it go. Well, I'm a woman, so fuck that. I want my fucking pound of flesh. I want my revenge.

Midge: I'm talking real revenge, not the "Hey, I got you a lifetime subscription to The Watchtower" kind of revenge, but Shakespearean, blood-soaked, painful, soul-crushing revenge. I will dig out my high school clarinet and play klezmer music next door to you 24 hours a day. I will sneak into your basement, and I will fry fish. I will befriend your only daughter, and I will introduce her to a poet, and I will sit at their wedding and I will laugh. I'm talking Medea-level revenge.

Susie: ... and then you would've bombed in Prague.
Midge: What? Why?
Susie: Those people don't laugh.
Midge: I could've made Prague people laugh.
Susie: You've never been to Prague. What the fuck would you talk about?
Midge: I'd find something. "Hello, Prague. Remember Jews?"

Mei: They just assumed your club would fail.
Joel: Why?
Mei: 'Cause you're a Jewish ex-plastics salesman who suddenly opened a club in Chinatown with an English to Chinese dictionary from the 1800s.

Abe: You know, when I was a boy, I had a sock. That was my toy. Stuck my hand in it and said, "Where did my fingers go?" That was the game. The end... And nobody cares.

Tess: Susie, I'm not really good at reading certain situations, but this seems a little...
Susie: Fucked-up.

Mr. Bartosiewicz: I didn't mean to scare you.
Susie: Oh, we're not scared. We love secret rooms with no handles on the door.

Midge: You know what's great about me?
Susie: Your humility?
Midge: No. It's when I'm me. So, why would I wait until I finally have enough power to say to them, "I want to be me"? What if they never let me be me?
Susie: They will.
Midge: I want to be me every time I walk out on that stage.

Midge: I will only do gigs where I can say what I want.
Susie: Midge...
Midge: That's what Lenny would do.
Susie: That's different. He's Lenny Bruce.
Midge: Well, then make me Lenny Bruce. Make me a headliner.
Susie: How am I supposed to do that if I can't even book you?
Midge: I don't know. You're my manager. Manage me.

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