6 апр. 2022 г.

Sluga naroda #1.3

Servant of the People 1×3

Vasiliy Petrovich Goloborodko, president of Ukraine: Isn't this Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address of 1863?
Yuriy Ivanovich Chuiko: That's actually great. Wonderful! Nobody here will notice, and Lincoln's homeland will praise it. You'll have to ask them for money.
Vasiliy Petrovich Goloborodko, president of Ukraine: Then how about I use my own words?
Yuriy Ivanovich Chuiko: My dearest Vasyl Petrovych, hear me out. Trust in my lifelong experience. Any ad-libbing leads to Bushisms like, "They misunderestimated me." Therefore, let's keep to the text, please.

Yuriy Ivanovich Chuiko: Let's start.
Vasiliy Petrovich Goloborodko, president of Ukraine: What should I do?
Yuriy Ivanovich Chuiko: Not much. Smile, nod, and shake hands. Most importantly, say little to avoid apologizing a lot later.

Yuriy Ivanovich Chuiko: Shake the hand softly. She should dominate. The shake decides how much aid Germany's central bank will give us.

Yuriy Ivanovich Chuiko: Vasyl Petrovych, pardon me, but it didn't dawn on me to ask. Perhaps, you'd like... a first lady?

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