2 апр. 2022 г.

The Conversation

Boss 2×7

Mayor Tom Kane: Press will get bored and move on. The riots were unfortunate, but the story will conclude, as they all do. In the meantime...

Meredith Kane: It's done, Babe.
Gerald 'Babe' McGantry: You fucking cunt. You're nothing. You're a goddamn dress form with a slit!
Meredith Kane: I am the constant. You were always a variable.

Sam Miller: You know, as much as I hate the bastard, Kane never fails to impress. He just dealt a race card from the bottom of the deck, sits back, relaxes, and lets the righteous indignation machine do the work for him. You know?

Mayor Tom Kane: I hired you for all the wrong reasons. You knew that, yet here you are. You knew how long the odds were, and yet you played. I envy you. After 20 years behind this desk, I've lost sight of why I started. And now here you are, a constant reminder.
Mona Fredricks: I'm no idealist.
Mayor Tom Kane: No, you're a realist who holds out hope. I don't know what lies ahead, but I promise you won't be blindsided...

Meredith Kane: Are you in love with her?
Mayor Tom Kane: ... Just obsessed?

Mayor Tom Kane: Confidence. It cuts both ways.

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