26 апр. 2022 г.

Day of the Wedding

This Is Us 6×13

Madison: Get out. You can't see Kate.
Beth: Come on, Big Phil. No looky.
Philip: Ladies, this is my second trip down the aisle. And you know what I learned the first time? That silly superstitions have zero bearing on the outcome of marriages. So I'm gonna looky. Okay? I'm gonna looky real good.

Madison: Kevin is having a secret wedding weekend romance, and these are the clues.
Beth: It's like a true crime whodunit.
Madison: But with sex.

Jack: Oh. Wow.
Rebecca: Good wow or bad wow?
Jack: It's different. It's different. I'm, uh... I'm-I'm... I'm getting my head around it.

Philip: I have no idea if Rebecca can do this. I mean, th-this unfettered hope that all will go well does not come naturally to an Englishman. I mean, I-I'm gonna try my best to keep optimistic that it'll all be okay, because it will... crush your sister if it doesn't.

Jack: All right, now listen up. There is no making fun of your mother. If you don't have something nice to say about her new haircut, you don't say anything at all.

Kate: A Super Bowl ring only worthy of those willing to battle in the snow and in the mud... I'll explain what a Super Bowl is later.

Randall: I've been thinking a lot today, um... about time. And how, when you're young... A year is like a fifth of your existence. And so maybe when you're younger, time seems to move a little bit slower. Summer vacation is a lifetime. But the older we get, the faster time just seems to come at us. All of us.
     You know, the years just keep flying by, faster and faster. It can give a guy whiplash, just thinking about it. And so while I would love nothing more than to... stay in this moment as long as humanly possible, to celebrate our favorite newlyweds... sadly, I have yet to build a remote that pauses life. Damn.
     That doesn't mean there aren't still summer vacations to be enjoyed. Still good conversations to be had. And still love to be shared. It just all happens much faster. But, um... in moments like this, when you're around all your favorite people... celebrating a really special day... time does slow down ever so much.
     So I'm grateful to Kate and Philip for that. And I'm filled with comfort, as I look around this room, knowing that all of you will be on this speeding train with me, slowing down for the occasional special stop. All the way till the very end.
     So, um... cheers.

Randall: What are you supposed to do with that?
Beth: Only thing you can do, baby. You dance.

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