30 апр. 2022 г.


Fear the Walking Dead 7×11

Daniel: I'm not scared of these people. What's scary is what I'm gonna have to do to them.

Daniel: And now... let's get the hell off this boat.

Daniel: I'm looking for her to tell her who I am and apologize for my lies.
Luciana: I know. That's what you wanted, what you still want. So much that your mind is telling you that you can. But you can't.

Daniel: A mind... it's a very fragile thing. Very easy to break. Very hard to put back together.

Daniel: You're better off not knowing about your brother. The truth about people is always disappointing. Trust me.

Wes: You know, Derek and I... we had this thing we used to say to each other... people are people.
Luciana: What does that mean?
Wes: It means people suck.

Daniel: You found the weapons...
Morgan: Yes, we did.
Daniel: Well, now, all we need to do is start planning how to overthrow Victor Strand.

On the IMDb

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