8 апр. 2022 г.

Sluga naroda #1.5

Servant of the People 1×5

Economy Minister: Nothing changes in this country. If I had it my way, I wouldn't wait for that clown-- Welcome, Vasyl Petrovych.

Che Gevara: Do you really think you can change them? You can change them only with an aspen stake... or with a silver bullet! They need to be shot or hung.

Vasiliy Petrovich Goloborodko, president of Ukraine: Dear... Dear Deputies! Dear... Putin has been deposed!... I was kidding. I couldn't stop you any other way. Sit down, dear publicly elected officials.

Vasiliy Petrovich Goloborodko, president of Ukraine: I've been wanting to meet all of you. I don't know how to start. So I'll start from the very beginning. From democracy... You're servants of the people. You all know what democracy is. Frankly, people define it to their liking. In actuality, the Greek word "democracy" translates as "rule of the people". Demos kratos. People. Power. Not "kratodemiya". You understand? Not "rule over the people"... but vice versa.
     We do have a democracy. Isn't that right? I mean, that's what you constantly repeat on television. The rule in our country truly does belong to the people. Consequently, the public hires you, and me in particular, for the job. Please explain, then, why I, as an average voter, with a history teacher's salary, can't afford a cramped, 50-year-old prefab flat... when you, my subordinates, live in luxury mansions? Don't you think that's weird? Or am I the only one who sees the anomaly?
     Are you doing okay? You're public servants, indeed! Where does it say that servants should live better than their masters? Or maybe you're simply confused and serve another master? Instead of serving the people, you're the lackeys of oligarchs.
     Don't you want to do something good for the country? Do you really believe that in the afterlife... they accept platinum credit cards?

On the IMDb

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