7 апр. 2022 г.

True Enough

Boss 2×10

Ian Todd: By the way, I know we haven't discussed this, but I was assuming that with Mona's departure, I...
Mayor Tom Kane: Never assume anything.

Sam Miller: I get it, you're pals.
Mayor Tom Kane: Freedom of the press.
Sam Miller: I believe it was Liebling who said, "it can only be guaranteed by those who actually own one." And he meant that, owners of the press had the right to publish without government interference--
Mayor Tom Kane: Stop.

Sam Miller: Fuck! It's a good thing no one reads the paper anymore. Fuck!

Sam Miller: Fuck. Pull the online. Call the trucks back.
Jackie: Well, then have them pull the copy from the stands!
Sam Miller: Fuck! It's a good thing no one reads the paper anymore. Fuck! FUCK!!!

Mayor Tom Kane: Your proximity to me doesn't make you entitled to anything of mine. Anything. You want to move up, you earn it. Don't expect me to give it to you. And if I do, you damn well better appreciate it.

Mayor Tom Kane: Do you realize what you gave him?... Access. Influence. Power!

Mayor Tom Kane: Mortality is inevitable, but yours will forever be tied to mine. Remember that.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

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