13 апр. 2022 г.

The One with the Memorial Service

Friends 9×17

Rachel: Joey, you're sure? I mean, I know how much you love him.
Joey: Rachel, let's be clear on this, okay? I do not love Huggsy. I like him a normal amount.
Rachel: All right. Well, Emma loves him.
Joey: Yeah. Well, why wouldn't she? He's a wonderful person.

Ross: I have sex with dinosaurs?!?!
Chandler: I believe I read that somewhere.
Ross: Not only is it not funny, it's physically impossible. Okay? Depending on the species, I'd have to have a 6-foot-long... It's not funny!
Chandler: I respectfully disagree.

Monica: Wait a second. Why would Ross tell everyone in your class... that you are "as gay as the day is long"?
Chandler: Because I told everyone he slept with dinosaurs.
Monica: Well, that's clearly a joke. This could easily be true.

Chandler: Would you get that, please? People have been calling to congratulate me all day.

Ross: I'm dead?!?!
Chandler: And so young.

Ross: Nobody cares that I'm dead?
Chandler: Oh, come on, you know that's not true.
Ross: What are you talking about? You get 60 responses... just for coming out of the closet. I didn't get one response, and I'm dead!
Chandler: Well, the gay community is a lot more vocal than the dead community.

Ross: Okay. Okay. I'm gonna go hide. This is so exciting. My first mourner!

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