3 февр. 2022 г.

Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021)

Venom: Man should never consent to crawl when he has the impulse to fly.

Eddie Brock: I don't like you.
Venom: Let me eat him!
Eddie Brock: You do not deserve nice things.

Cletus Kasady: Go on. People love... serial killers. All my secrets laid bare, Eddie. So much carnage...

Eddie Brock: Man, that was abusive. That was abuse. And that's a $2,000 TV. You have got to get control of your aggression.

Venom: I cannot live on chicken and chocolate alone. I need brains.
Eddie Brock: Chickens have brains.
Venom: I most passionately disagree. Look. Look at those poor idiots. Small brains.
Eddie Brock: Come on, man, it's not their fault that you, uh... you live on the old phenylethyla... laphenylethylan.
Venom: Phenylethylalanine.
Eddie Brock: Yeah, I just... I just said that.

Venom: I've told you a thousand times, because it is only found...
Eddie Brock: Yeah?
Venom: In brains and in chocolate.
Eddie Brock: And in chocolate.

Eddie Brock: All right, well, how about this? You live in my body, you live by my rules.

Eddie Brock: ...if one more head goes missing, we will get hauled off into Area 51. They will kill us both. So somebody has to be responsible.
Venom: Responsibility... it's for the mediocre.

Venom: I'm done with this grossness. Look at all the amazing things that we can do. We are wasting our talent.

Venom: Crapola! Another one bites the dust.

Venom: Look at all these weirdos... My kind of people.

Venom: Eddie was wrong. He kept me hidden because he was ashamed. But look at me now. You love me, and I'm free!

Venom: Stop this cruel treatment of aliens. It is wrong. All of us should be able to live together upon this ball of rock. Free to be who we be!

Detective Mulligan: You know what secrets want, Eddie? They want out. That's why they're so hard to keep.

Venom: Time to die.
Eddie Brock: That's the spirit.
Venom: I mean us. We are going to die.

Cletus Kasady: You know how I spent my endless days? I spent them thinking about how you only told one side of the story. You didn't write about the part where Cletus was abused by Mommy, Daddy and Granny! You didn't tell the world how he was a scared little boy that no one cared about and no one came to save! You never asked yourself why! That's bad journalism!

Carnage: Let there be carnage!

Cletus Kasady: I'm not a crazy man, but I am a vengeful one.

Venom: He did not taste good.

Eddie Brock: Well, my dear Sancho, facts are the enemy of truth.
Venom: What does that even mean?
Eddie Brock: It means... It means that we... are... frien...
Venom: Fugitives!
Eddie Brock: Um, yeah. Yeah.
Venom: On the run.
Eddie Brock: That, too.

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